Welcome to Tucson High Magnet School Ms. McDonald Algebra I AP Statistics Statistics & Probability
Contact Information Elizabeth McDonald Room T244 Synergy Website: http://mcdonaldmath.pbworks.com Email: Elizabeth.McDonald@tusd1.org Best way to contact me
About me! This is my ninth year at THMS Algebra and Statistics are my favorite subjects (so I’m pretty glad I get to teach them) Things I enjoy
Philosophy I really believe that all my students can be successful in math. Math IS important. EFFORT IS KEY!!!
Algebra Class This is an Algebra 1 class. Algebra is one of the MOST IMPORTANT CLASSES you will take in math. It is the first step in your high school math career Regardless of your past math experiences, I know that with the efforts of your parents, me and you, you will succeed in my class
Materials for Class What is provided: Book– Eureka Math/Engage NY resources online Study Guides You need: Mechanical Pencils 3-ring binder Paper A Graph Paper Composition Notebook 1 or 2 Highlighters Scientific or 4 function calculator
Basic Outline of Grades 80%- Tests/Quizzes/Assessments 15% of that is the Final 20%- Classwork/Participation/Homework
Classwork/Participation It is essential that every student does the classwork. This is our time to figure out the math. Very collaborative environment
Homework Homework is practice and a grade. Homework is essential! Given almost every night
Tests/Quizzes 4 major tests in the semester They are worth usually100 points Quizzes will occur throughout the year at varying times They can be worth as little as just a check mark or as much as 50 points Tests and Quizzes will be 80% of your grade Retakes One test per semester
Final Exam We will take a common final This means that every other Algebra student is taking the same type of test. This will include multiple choice and free response questions
Conference Periods For 9th graders- if teachers ask you to come, you are expected to be with them during conference time. This is a perfect time for: Using the library Making up work Tutoring Finishing homework
Conference Periods These times are for you to get additional help. Remember that Algebra is required to graduate. Use this time to your advantage!
Essentials Be a Good Person Be a Good Student Be a Good Badger
Classroom Policies I do not tolerate cell phones or ipods/mp3 players. Text/listen to music during passing and lunch. Be in class on time : I will be following the TUSD rules on tardies. Be in class ready to learn
Ultimate Goal The goal of each student in my class is to pass and come out of my class understanding Algebra. The ultimate goal of every student is to graduate!!! For Algebra students- you must pass this class in order to graduate. You must pass up to Intermediate Algebra in order to graduate. You must have 4 years of math credit.