The End of the Civil War
8-4.5 Compare the military strategies of the North and the South during the Civil War and the fulfillment of these strategies in South Carolina and in the South as a whole, including the attack on Fort Sumter, the Union blockade of Charleston and other ports, the early capture of Port Royal, and the development of the Hunley submarine; the exploits of Robert Smalls, and General Sherman’s march through the state.
SLM – End of the War EQ: How does the Union change its plan to win the war? How and when does the war end? Vocabulary: Ulysses S. Grant Total War Sherman
Ulysses S. Grant was the General in command of Union Troops Spring 1864
Ulysses takes command
North – New War Strategy TOTAL WAR Constantly attack All property taken to be destroyed or used for the army Objective?? Destroy Confederate ability to fight and win the war
Sherman On Sept. 3, Atlanta falls to the Union and is burned. Sherman begins his march to the sea (from Atlanta to savannah) After reaching Savannah, Sherman turns his attention to SC Goal: to bring war home to civilians and convince the South to surrender Direct impact on civilians in SC… Destroyed homes, plantations, railroads, and towns along the way
Total destruction by Sherman – buildings and railroad. Millwood Plantation was once a grand southern plantation, with 13,000 acres of land and a beautiful mansion belonging to General Wade Hampton III, a Confederate general. During Sherman's occupation of Columbia, South Carolina in 1865 during the Civil War, the home was burned to the ground. Total destruction by Sherman – buildings and railroad.
January 8, 1865 Columbia – Attacked by Sherman State house, still under construction is shelled. • Capital City of Columbia is burned (controversy over who started the fire) “In our march through SC every man seemed to think he had a free hand to any kind of property he could put the torch to,” one of Sherman’s soldiers wrote. “SC paid the dearest penalty of any state in the Confederacy, considering the short time the Union Army was in the state.” Union officer with Sherman Sherman wanted to convince SC to surrender since it was the first state to secede from the union.
After the Civil War the Columbia State House was left in ruins After the Civil War the Columbia State House was left in ruins. This is a photo of the South Portico of the Capitol during reconstruction. Circa 1865-1866 This photograph was taken from the ruins of the old State House facing North up Main Street. Pieces of the limestone from the State House are visible in the foreground. General Sherman's soldiers all but razed Main Street.
After long years of bitter fighting, the South surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia in April 9, 1865
Over 600,000 lives were lost during the Civil War No other war before or after the Civil War claimed as many American lives. More Americans die in this war than in all combined wars up to the Vietnam War (Revolutionary War + War of 1812 + Mexican/Spanish War + WWI + WWII + Korea)
A few days later, Abraham Lincoln was shot in Ford’s Theater Although the war was over, the president who had fought to preserve the Union did not live to see it restored A few days later, Abraham Lincoln was shot in Ford’s Theater
Military Strategies in the Civil War Take a poster paper for your partner group. Divide into 4 parts Label: Northern Strategy, Southern Strategy, Robert Smalls, Sherman Identify in bullets everything you know about each section