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Presentation transcript:


Question # 1 What was the Charter of 1732?

Answer to Question # 1 It was a legal document establishing Georgia as a colony and it also set the rules and regulations governing the colony.

Question # 2 According to the charter, which FOUR groups of people were not allowed to settle in Georgia?

Answer to Question # 2 The four groups NOT allowed to settle in Georgia were blacks, liquor dealers, Catholics and lawyers.

Question # 3 According to the charter, which crop were colonists required to plant? Did this crop grow well in the Georgia soil? Why or Why not?

Answer to Question # 3 The Mulberry Tree was required to be planted by the Georgia colonists to try and get silk from the silk worms who eat the leaves of this tree. The crop failed because it did not grow well in the soil and climate of Georgia.

Question # 4: Part A Who were the Trustees?

Answer to Question # 4 Part A A group of 21 individuals who governed the Georgia colony for the first twenty years.

Question # 4: Part B What were the three things they were NOT allowed to do in the colony?

Answer to Question # 4 Part B The Trustees could not own land, make a profit or hold government offices in the colony.

Question # 5 Who was James Oglethorpe and what was his impact on the Georgia colony?

Answer to Question # 5 James Oglethorpe is often referred to as the “founder” of the Georgia colony. He was the only Trustee to actually come to Georgia and help the colony become established.

Question # 6 Part A Describe in detail one of the three major reasons for settlement in Georgia: Defense

Answer to Question # 6 Part A The colony was established to provide a military buffer zone between the profitable British colony of South Carolina and the Spanish in Florida.

Question # 6 Part B Describe in detail one of the three major reasons for settlement in Georgia: Philanthropy

Answer to Question # 6 Part B The colony was established to provide a safe haven for the people in debtor’s prison back in England. The Trustees were humanitarians and wanted to help out the “worthy” poor, though no debtor ever came to Georgia colony.

Question # 6 Part C Describe in detail one of the three major reasons for settlement in Georgia: Economics (Mercantilism)

Answer to Question # 6 Part C The colony was established to provide valuable cash crops to England. Though rice and indigo were major crops grown, they were not as successful as the other southern colonies since large scale plantations and slavery were banned in Georgia.

Question # 7 Describe the significance of the Battle of Bloody Marsh:

Answer to Question # 7 The Battle of Bloody Marsh was a major victory for the British over the Spanish outside of Fort Frederica. The Spanish never threatened the British colonies again after this battle.

Question # 8 What were some of the major cash crops grown in Georgia during the colonial period?

Answer to Question # 8 W R I S T i i n i o n c d l b e e i k a g c o c Rice and Indigo were the most successful cash crops grown in Georgia during the colonial period.

Question # 9 What were the THREE major restrictions that the Malcontents were upset with the Trustees about?

Answer to Question # 9 The Malcontents were upset about inheritance laws (only males could inherit land), the ban of slavery and the ban of rum and other hard liquors by the Trustees.

Question # 10 What were the major reasons why James Oglethorpe decided to build the city of Savannah on Yamacraw Bluff?

Answer to Question # 10 The city of Savannah was built on Yamacraw Bluff because Tomochichi gave Oglethorpe the land (British were better allies than the Spanish), the area had good natural resources (fresh water springs) and the Savannah River allowed for shipping goods easily back to England.

Question # 11 What was Mary Musgrove’s major impact on the Georgia colony?

Answer to Question # 11 Mary Musgrove (part English and Creek Indian) served as Oglethorpe’s main interpreter while he was in Georgia.

Question # 12 Describe how Tomochichi influenced the settlement and development of Georgia:

Answer to Question # 12 Tomochichi and the Yamacraw Indians peacefully granted the land to Oglethorpe to establish the city of Savannah. He realized the British would serve as better allies to hold off the Spanish.

Question # 13 Describe who the Salzburgers were and were they settled within the Georgia colony:

Answer to Question # 13 The Salzburgers were a peaceful group of German speaking Protestants that were forced from their homeland of Austria due to their religious beliefs. They settled in the town of Ebenezer and New Ebenezer.

Question # 14 Why were the Highland Scots recruited by the Trustees to come to Georgia and where did they settle?

Answer to Question # 14 The Highland Scots were recruited to serve as warriors and settled in the frontier town of Darien to protect the colony from the Spanish.

Question # 15 What important role did the Portuguese Jews serve in the colony?

Answer to Question # 15 The Portuguese Jews brought a much needed doctor and helped to produce wine.

Question # 16 Describe what the colony looked like at the end of the Trustee Period:

Answer to Question # 16 The colony was really unsuccessful under the Trustees and many people were leaving the colony in great numbers to neighboring South Carolina. Eventually alcohol and slavery were allowed the last year of the Trustee Period to try and keep people from leaving.

Question # 17 Part A What is a royal colony?

Answer to Question # 17 Part A A royal colony is under the direct control of the king.

Question # 17 Part B When did Georgia become a royal colony?

Answer to Question # 17 Part B Georgia became a royal colony in 1752.

Question # 18 Describe the major changes that went into effect once Georgia became a royal colony:

Answer to Question # 18 Colonists could own slaves, sell land and women could inherit it and they could purchase of rum. Government Changes: Allowed citizens to vote on certain issues Created a bi-cameral legislature (2-house law making body) Divided GA into 8 parishes (local govt.) – called counties today Established the basic framework for colonial self-government

Constructed Response Question Be sure to review the practice Constructed Response we completed in class on the settlement of Savannah. Though the constructed response will be on different material, you will be expected to use documents to construct a paragraph as we did with the practice activity.