Civil War Unit Test Review
Comparing Advantages and Disadvantages: “Union or Confederacy”?
Union Larger Population _______
Union Possessed more ships/ regular navy
Confederacy Defending homeland ______
Confederacy Better military leadership _____
Confederacy Difficulty delivering food, weapons and supplies to troops
Union Had more than 70% of nation’s rail lines ____
Confederacy Smaller population / one-third were enslaved
Union Established banking system _____
Union Forced to invade and hold a vast enemy territory
Union Control of the Seas ______
Union More industry & abundant resources
South Carolina The first state to secede from the Union:
Jefferson Davis The first President of the Confederate States of America was:
States’ Rights Southerners justified secession with the theory of
Firing by the Confederacy upon Ft. Sumter (Union) What event marked the beginning of the Civil War?
Maryland Washington, D.C. Perhaps the most important border state was? Perhaps the most important border state was? Why?
West Virginia In order to rejoin the Union in 1861, 48 counties organized themselves as a separate state called:
as an independent nation. For the South, the primary aim of the war was to win recognition:
its belief in states’ rights What was one of the main advantages of the South?
Whose political campaign platform is it???????
Lincoln Prohibit expansion of slavery, preserve the Union
Douglas Supports popular sovereignty for slavery
Breckenridge 100% for slavery expansion throughout the U.S.
Bell Preserve the Union, Follow the Constitution 100%
Election of A. Lincoln Which event led directly to the secession of the Southern states from the Union in 1860 and 1861
Slavery can remain where it already exists – NO expansion What was Lincoln’s stance on slavery in his 1st inauguration speech?
Robert E. Lee Who was the Confederate General in charge throughout the war?
Grant Who was the Union General in charge by the end of the war?
Manassas (Bull Run) The first major battle of the Civil War was at:
Bull Run The victorious Confederate army was only 20 miles from Washington, D.C. after the second battle at:
Antietam. The single bloodiest day of the entire Civil War took place at
preserve the Union. From the start of the war, the North’s main goal was to:
They had the Confederate Battle Plans What advantage did the Union Army have before the Battle of Antietam?
To “suffocate” or cut off the South (blockade the coast, capture the Mississippi) What was the goal of the Anaconda Plan during the Civil War
Prevent them from getting supplies from other countries/ prevent trade to crush the economy and control of the Mississippi River would divide the South Why did the North want to blockade Southern ports and control the Mississippi River?
Emancipation Proclamation What law did Abraham Lincoln formally sign on January 1, 1863, which “freed” enslaved African Americans in the Confederacy?
Britain and France After Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which countries decided to withhold recognition of the Confederacy? **this means they also would not become an ally of the Confederacy
They would not support a war to KEEP slavery Why did they withhold recognition of the Confederacy?
All slaves living in rebelling (Confederate) states were freed What did the Emancipation Proclamation say?
Gettysburg President Abraham Lincoln’s address at what battlefield helped war-weary Americans focus on their shared ideals?
Vicksburg Grant’s capture of __________ was important because it gave the Union control of the Mississippi River
William T. Sherman’s capture of Atlanta What helped Lincoln win the 1864 election?
Total war Sherman’s march to Savannah was called
Appomattox Court House General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant in a small Virginia village called:
Disease/Infection What was the biggest cause of death during the Civil War?
Reconstruction The period of rebuilding the south after the Civil War was called:
The 13th Amendment Abolished Slavery in the United States / The EP only “freed” slaves in secessionist states (not those living in the border states) . How is the 13th Amendment different than the Emancipation Proclamation?
United States Citizen The Fourteenth Amendment defined who could be considered a ________________________.
Native Americans Which group living in the United States did the Amendment exclude? ______________________
Suffrage (the right to vote) The Fifteenth Amendment granted African American men which right? _______________________
Lincoln 16th President of the U.S. who issued the Emancipation Proclamation, and wrote the Gettysburg Address
Davis President of the Confederate states of America
Grant Was general of the Union army that defeated Lee
Lee Was the leader of the Army of Northern Virginia, opposed secession, and urged southerners to accept defeat at the end of the war
South Carolina What was the first state to secede from the Union after Lincoln’s election.
Ft. Sumter After secession was announced, the southern states wanted all northern armies out of their states. The Confederate Army began firing on ____ beginning the Civil War.
Manassas The first major battle of the Civil War was ___also known as Bull Run.
Vicksburg The Battle of __ divided the South after the North gained control of the Mississippi River.
Gettysburg The Battle of ___ was considered the turning point of the war.
Emancipation Proclamation Afraid that the war was going in favor of the Confederacy, President Lincoln signed the ___ making the “freeing of slaves” the new focus of the Civil War.
John Wilkes Booth / Ford’s Theater in D.C. Who shot Lincoln and where did it happen?
1861-1865 During what years was the Civil War fought?
All of the following were true about the election of 1860 except (A) It was primarily a sectional election (B) No candidate received a majority of the popular vote (C) Lincoln threatened to invade the South after he won (D) The Democratic Party split after failing to nominate a single candidate
What did Lincoln do in his first inaugural address? (A) Threatened to invade the South if the state legislature refused to retract their vote to secede (B) Threatened to emancipate all the slaves in the South if more states seceded (C) Professed his friendship for the South and said he would ignore South Carolina's illegal secession (D) Said he would forgive the South if it emancipated all its slaves
That each territory should determine whether it became a free or slave state What did champions of popular sovereignty believe with regards to slavery?
secessionist states (Confederacy) The Emancipation Proclamation freed only slaves in the _______ states. ***It did not free slaves in the _________ states. Border states
Confederate Strengths Fighting mostly a defensive war and fighting for states’ rights are which?
total warfare William Tecumseh Sherman's March to the Sea was a classic example of:
Toward the end of the war, many poorer whites in the South felt (A) That they were willing to die for the honor of the South (B) Angry that they were fighting a rich man's war (C) That they were close to victory (D) That Robert E. Lee had failed them
All of the following were Confederate strengths going into the Civil War except (A) Superior military commanders (B) fighting a defensive war (C) An extensive manufacturing base (D) Belief in their cause
A larger population and army, An industrial economy, longer rail system, recognized government, Union strengths going into the war included?
To restore the Union Lincoln's primary objective during the war was to uphold federal authority over the states and to ?
Emancipation Proclamation Afraid that the war was going in favor of the Confederacy, Lincoln signed the ?????? Which made the freeing of slaves the new goal of the war.
Union Who won the war?
Abraham Lincoln Who won the presidential election of 1864?
620,000 How many men died in the Civil War:
Yankees Union soldiers were called?
Rebels Confederate soldiers were called?
Abolish slavery What did the 13th Amendment do?
Established Equal Rights for all citizens no matter their race or color What did the 14th Amendment do?
Established voting rights for African Americans What did the 15th Amendment do?