Ocean Resources Chapter 5, Section 5 p. 204-210
Do the following things come from the ocean?
crab YES! This crab was probably caught off the coast of Alaska.
Drinking water
fresh water YES! The ocean water has to go through a process called desalination.
carrageenan or red algae
carrageenan YES! Carrageenan is found in the ocean and is an ingredient in many products.
ice cream
Ice cream YES!
diamonds YES! Diamonds are mined from the sand on the ocean floor in some areas of the world.
shoes NO! Most shoes use unnatural products that do not come from the ocean. However, the ocean may be used to ship shoes from one place to another.
chocolate milk
Chocolate milk YES! Chocolate milk contains carrageenan.
gold YES! Gold is mined from the sand on the ocean floor in some areas of the world.
paint YES! Algae is used in paints.
oil YES! Oil rigs drill into the ocean floor to get oil.
algae or sea weed
algae or sea weed YES! Algae is found in the ocean and is used in many products. It is very popular in Asian countries.
tuna YES! Most tuna is caught in the Pacific Ocean.
make up
make up YES! Some make up contains algae and some lip sticks contain fish scales.
T-shirts NO! Most cotton t-shirts use unnatural products that do not come from the ocean. However, the ocean may be used to ship t-shirts from one place to another.
cheese NO! Cheese uses mostly dairy products, which are not found in the ocean.
shrimp YES! Most shrimp is caught in coastal waters.
cod YES! Cod use to be a popular fish to catch off the New England Coast.
chicken NO! Chicken is not found in the ocean.
shampoo YES! Many shampoos contain algae.
Living Resources A resource is anything that is useful to humans. Living resources are things that are alive. Examples: Fish such as cod, anchovies, pollock, mackerel, herring Algae Sea weed
Aquaculture Aquaculture is the farming of animals that live in the water. Examples: Oyster Shrimp Abalone Farmers control the water temperature, sunlight, and amount of salt in the water This allows farmers that are not near the ocean to raise water creatures for food.
Nonliving Resources Nonliving resources include things that are not alive. Examples: Water Oil Natural gas Minerals
Ocean Pollution Ocean pollution can occur through natural processes or because of humans. Pollution may occur naturally through heavy rainfall.
Ocean Pollution Caused by Humans Sewage, chemicals, and trash end up in the water. Oil spills or leaks Oil can be cleaned by bacteria that live in the water, though humans also help to clean up spills
What can you do to protect the ocean? Most of the ocean is not owned by any nation. So do you need to make sure it stays clean? What can you do to keep it clean?