Holy Week: (The final week of Jesus’ life) Key Terms: Top Tip: Using key terms in work shows more understanding and shows higher level learning Messiah : A leader who will bring peace to the Earth. Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Prophet :A messenger of God. Incarnation : The way God became human through Jesus Miracles : Something that breaks the law of science and the only explanation is God. Prophesies: Predictions and messages given by the Prophets Holy Week : The week leading up to Jesus’ death Easter Sunday : The day celebrating Jesus’ resurrection Resurrection : Being brought back from the dead. Crucifixion: Dying on the cross Parables : Short and easy stories with a moral that Jesus taught to people Christmas : Festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Salvation: Being saved from sin The Life of Jesus Jesus was born in Bethlehem. This celebration is remembered at Christmas. When he was a baby he escaped King Herod by moving to Egypt. When King Herod died he came back to Nazareth and lived for about twenty five years. He then started travelling and teaching the Christian message. He performed many miracles and taught many parables. After having a meal with his disciples he was arrested because the Jewish priests were worried that it would lead to a violent uproar. Jesus was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate and crucified (nailed to a cross) on Good Friday. He was put in a tomb and three days later he resurrected from the dead. 40 days after his resurrection he ascended into heaven and Christians await for the second coming of Jesus on Judgement Day. The person of Jesus The life, death and resurrection of Jesus is the most important belief in Christianity. The life of Jesus gives Christians the chance to see what God is like because Jesus is God in human form. His crucifixion shows the love of God because He died for peoples sins. The resurrection proves to people that there is an afterlife and shows them that they must live good lives in order to be rewarded in the afterlife. Miracles of Jesus Healing Miracles Nature Miracles Healing the blind Curing people of leprosy Raising people from the dead Making the lame walk Walking on water Calming the storm Turning water into wine Feeding the 5000 Holy Week: (The final week of Jesus’ life) Palm Sunday – The crowd in Jerusalem greet Jesus with great joy. Waving palms and addressing him as the Son of God. Maundy Thursday – He hold the Last Supper with his disciples. He breaks bread, drinks wine and tells the disciples to “do this in memory of me”. He then prays in the Garden of Gethsemane and is arrested and put on trial. Good Friday – Jesus is condemned to death on the cross. He is crucified and taken off his cross and laid in a tomb. Holy Saturday – Jesus is laid in his tomb Easter Sunday: The day that follows Holy Week. Jesus resurrects and meets his disciples. He gives them the power of the Holy Spirit so that they can forgive people of their sins. It proves that Jesus is the Son of God.
Jesus’ first miracle- Turning water into wine: Jesus went to a wedding with family and friends. They had ran out of wine and Jesus asked people to bring jugs of water. Someone took a cup of the water and drank it. He was astonished to find that it was wine. Jesus had turned the water into wine. Walking on Water The disciples were fishing and they turned to see a man walking towards them on the water. They were shocked and finally realised that it was Jesus. Jesus asked Peter to meet him. Peter got out of the boat, trusted Jesus and started walk on water towards him. Peter suddenly realised what he was doing. He took his eyes off Jesus and looked down at his feet. He began to sink in the water. Jesus took hold of his hand and said “You of little faith”…”why did you doubt?” The person of Jesus Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter from the dead Jairus’ daughter falls very ill. She requests to see Jesus before she dies. Her father goes looking for Jesus and asks him to go to her. Later a companion of Jairus tells him that his daughter has died. Jesus tells Jairus not to worry and have faith. Jesus goes to the little girls and says “Little girl, get up”. She then comes back to life. Jesus was showing people that when they have faith, they are healed. Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10: 29-37 A Jewish man was walking down to Jericho, he was beaten and left for dead by robbers. A priest walked by, took one look at him and crossed over the road. He did not want to get involved with the casualty. A teacher walked by, saw the man and crossed the road, deciding that he did not want to get involved either. Then a Samaritan (someone who was treated badly by the Jews) saw the man, stopped and took care of him. He took the man to an inn and used his own money to cover his costs. The moral of the story? Be the Good Samaritan. Love your neighbours but more importantly, love your enemies as well. If people loved one another, society would flourish and be peaceful. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats: Jesus said that when people die they will be judged. He will separate good from the bad. The good will be rewarded in heaven, the bad will be punished in hell.