Section 3: Pollution. Total time 4 minutes. Purpose: To link between the pollution and fisheries sections, and to introduce the Good Fish Guide. Timing: 20 seconds What you can say: MCS also publish the online Good Fish Guide and Pocket Good Fish Guide, outlining “Fish to Eat” and “Fish to avoid” so that you can be sure the seafood you eat is sustainable. Grab a PGFG here today! Or download the iPhone or android app from the MCS website
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 1 out of 11. Purpose: Section divider Timing: 20 seconds What you can say: Working towards sustainable fisheries is a massive global problem. It is very political and is a very emotive topic. Lots of money is at stake, as are peoples livlihoods. Governments are constantly faced with choices - choices that balance the short-term needs of the people, and the long-term greater good of our planet and humanity.
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 2 out of 11. Purpose: To introduce the problems within the Fisheries industry Timing: 10 seconds What you can say: We’re fishing beyond what the environment can provide which is incurring serious consequences – we are catching smaller and smaller fish. There are historical accounts of vast oyster beds the size of Wales, occurring off the East Anglia coast in the 1880’s, and individual Bluefin tuna the size of 5 men caught off Whitby in the 1930’s. We don’t see this anymore.
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 3 out of 11. Purpose: To introduce the problems within the Fisheries industry Timing: 20 seconds What you can say: We are altering oceanic food webs. We are fishing out long-lived, slow growing, late maturing species - typically the larger fish at the top of the food web. Unsustainable fishing of these fish can quickly decimate populations, leaving smaller, faster growing fish in their place. We are fishing down the food chain.
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 4 out of 11. Purpose: To introduce the problems within the Fisheries industry Timing: 10 seconds What you can say: In the last 50 years, the abundance of these large predator fish, such as cod, swordfish and tuna, has dropped by 90%
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 5 out of 11. Purpose: To introduce what MCS is doing to work towards sustainable fisheries Timing: 10 seconds What you can say: The main objective of the MCS Aquaculture and Fisheries team is to ensure sustainable seafood is the only choice for consumers. One of the key goals is to remove the most at risk fish species from sale by 2015.
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 6 out of 11. Purpose: To introduce what MCS is doing to work towards sustainable fisheries Timing:15 seconds What you can say: The MCS Aquaculture and Fisheries Team are: …providing advice to industry on sustainable fishing and aquaculture …lobbying for better policy and management of EU fisheries industries …helping consumers make the most sustainable choice
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 7 out of 11. Purpose: To introduce what your audience can do as consumers Timing: 10 seconds. What you can say: Over 70% of the seafood consumed in the UK comes from only five types of fish – salmon, tuna, cod, haddock and prawns.
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 8 out of 11. Purpose: To introduce what your audience can do as consumers Timing: a few seconds What you can say: Can you tell a cod from a haddock?
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 9 out of 11. Purpose: To introduce what your audience can do as consumers Timing: a few seconds What you can say: How about now? Fishonline on the MCS website suggests good alternatives to our favourites.
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 10 out of 11. Purpose: To introduce what your audience can do as consumers Timing: 30 seconds What you can say: Try alternatives. These tasty dishes and many more, are created by celebrity chefs who support MCS. “Fish of the Month” on the MCS website has some great recipe ideas! You can also download a copy of the seasonal fish guide to help you avoid buying small, undersized fish that have not reproduced. Additional info: Before you give your talk, find out the current “Fish of the Month” here:
Section 4: Fisheries. Total time 3.5 minutes. Slide 11 out of 11. Purpose: To introduce what your audience can do as consumers Timing: 15 seconds What you can say: Look out for these labels when buying seafood to ensure that it is as sustainable as possible: MSC (not to be confused with MCS!) ASC Naturland Freedom Food Soil Association