CARESIM Yes No to PSSRU from PSSRU GAD mortality projections; various assumptions FRS respondents aged 65+ money values uprated to base year ‘Age’ the sample (no refreshment) death widowhood evolution of income & wealth output year > base year? Yes tax, benefit, care charging rates No simulate income tax liability, benefit entitlement, care charges for each of 7 care situations for pre and post reform charging system % who self-fund mean %age user contribution for non self-funders mean contribution of disability benefits, self-funders & non self-funders ALL BY TYPE CARE to PSSRU Attach weights by age, gender, marital status, tenure & care type, from PSSRU model Distributional analyses (mean cont’ns from state, user, gains from reforms) by income, housing tenure.. from PSSRU
CARESIM: scope for links with other WPs & models improved/alternative mortality by socioeconomic status correlating mortality of partners availability of carers (and hence eligibility for Carers’ Allowance) refreshing the sample – using/learning from PPI model