The Taiga Ecosystem Mr. Calderon Biology
What is the Taiga ecosystem? Taiga is Russian for forest…specifically for evergreen forests (e.g., Pine trees, Spruce, etc.) Also called the Coniferous, or Boreal Forests. “Boreal” was the Greek goddess of the North Wind! Taiga is located in the high northern latitudes. Winters are harsh (-65 to 30° F) and food is limited. Many animals deal with these winters by either migrating south, hibernating, or having certain traits that help them survive the winter. Summers are warm (70°F), rainy, and humid in the Taiga. Spring and Fall seasons are so short, you hardly know they exist. It is either hot and humid or very cold in the taiga.
Example Trophic Pyramid of Taiga Siberian Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) Wolverine (Gulo gulo) Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Caribou moss (Cladonia rangifernia)
Primary Energy Source Decomposers The Sun! Soil Bacteria Roundworms (Nematodes) Sow Bug (Armidillidium vulgare) Honey Fungus (Armillariella mellea) The Sun!
A closer look at two Taiga species! Siberian Tiger Wolverine Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Felidae Genus: Panthera Species: P. tigris Subspecies: P. tigris altaica Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Mustelidae Genus: Gulo Species: G. gulo
Advantageous traits: Siberian Tiger Wolverine Wide paws for running through snow* Striped for blending in vegetation when sneaking up on prey during summer Solitary lifestyle in food limited environment means less food to find.* Dense fur for cold temperatures* Keen sense of smell for finding carrion (decaying flesh)* Cache/store extra food in snow for when food may not be available later. * Applies to both species
Interesting Facts: Siberian Tiger Wolverine Considered to have a top 15 strongest bite in animal kingdom. Adult male Siberian tigers can weigh up to 700 lb. while females weigh up to 400 lb. Siberian tigers are considered endangered by IUCN’s Red List. Causes of their dwindling population is loss of habitat due to deforestation, and poaching for their fur and for body parts that are used for traditional Chinese medicines. Their territories can range from 40 miles (65 km) to more than 372 miles (600 km). The wolverine's scientific name comes from the Latin word gulo, which means "glutton." M56 is a wolverine that was fitted with a tracking device near Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. During just two months, the wolverine walked more than 500 miles.
Works Cited Blue Planet Biomes – Taiga: Welcome to the Taiga : http://welcometo- Wikipedia – Taiga: Biomes First – Taiga: LiveScience – Facts About Wolverines: Animal Fact Guide – Siberian Tiger: Handwerk 2012 (National Geographic) – Bite Force: crocodiles-bite-force-erickson-science-plos-one-strongest/