SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS Title of Subject: Off Road Haul Truck Last Reviewed Date : January 2013 SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS The following safe work instructions is NOT INTENDED to replace hands on training requirements of the code of federal regulations. The intent is to provide an overview of known potential safety hazards associated with equipment operation. Hands on training with an experienced operator on each specific model must be conducted. The trainee can not proceed onto production until they are determined ready to proceed by the supervisor of the training. Before any operation or maintenance procedure is performed with or on this equipment, it is important that personnel have a complete understanding of the location and functions of all controls and indicators, as well as, the location and use of all emergency shutdown controls and procedures. Steps for Initial SWI Training: Prepare – Review the SWI. Present – Quick Card at the machine with experienced operator. Tryout – Person runs the machine with supervision. Follow up – Competency points are verified by supervisor and 5000-23 is signed by the trainee/trainer to complete the training. Steps for Retraining: Review SWI or Quick Card Verify Competency Points Complete Annual Training Requalification Form Competency Points: Pre-operational Checks © Operate Truck © Loading © Hauling and Dumping ©
SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS Title: Off Road Haul Truck SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS KEY POINTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Pre-ops: Perform a walk around inspection. Examine vehicle Engine compartment Inspect battery compartment and air filters. Visually examine the covers, guards, bolts, pins and hoses. Inside the Cab, examine gauges, fuel level, lights, switches, Seat, seat belt, Windows and mirrors, ROPS and overall cab interior Ensure that all lights, horn and backup alarms are functioning properly. Inspect fire suppression and extinguisher. Check steering and brakes. Note: Make sure the Articulate Truck is parked on level ground in a safe location and secured against movement (PARKING BRAKE SET AND/OR WHEELS CHOCKED) when necessary. Watch for other mobile equipment or vehicles moving through the area Stay aware of slip/trip hazards Maintain 3 point contact when ascending and descending stairs. Replace discharged fire extinguisher and expired tags. All levers and pedals must be maintained free of material. All covers and guards must be in place. Replace any damaged or defective hoses. Note: Do not operate any Articulated Truck if any components are defective, until it is repaired. Note: In cold weather, if starting fluid is used, remember starting fluid is highly flammable, do not breathe the fumes, do not store in the cab, and no smoking. Manufacturer’s recommendations for storage and use should be followed Examination of Work Area: Examine work area for hazards (i.e. any buried lines, electrical circuits, overhead obstructions, drop-offs, holes, slopes, ditches, bumps, weak spots on ramps and unstable surfaces such as loose dirt, other employees working in close proximity and etc.) Communicate your intentions to all who are working in your area. Examine terrain for hazardous conditions. Look for hazards or potential hazards such as holes, drop offs, rough spots, hidden obstacles, weak spots on road shoulder, deep mud, standing water, frozen ground water, snow, co-workers, loose or missing guards, leaks, excessive tire wear and other severe weather conditions, etc. Treat all overhead power and communication cables as energized and stay at least 10 feet away unless it has been de-energized.
SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS Title: Off Road Haul Truck SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS KEY POINTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operate Articulate Truck. 1. Tram to loading area. Match speed with road conditions. Do not exceed posted speed limit. Always drive at a safe speed, suited to road and weather conditions. To be sure you can control direction of travel and speed, shift the transmission through all gear ranges, and test the speed control as a pre-operation check. Operate controls, and check service and park brake. Obey posted signs along haul road. Maintain required right-hand or left-hand traffic as indicated by signs. Check out controls in a safe area while moving slowly. Steer machine both right and left to be sure the steering is operating properly. Test service and parking brakes to make sure you will be able to stop and stay stopped. Be alert to other vehicles and personnel on foot. Use CB radio for communication. Do not operate the machine where there is a danger of overturning. Do not leave machine unattended while it is running. Observe overhead power wires, close clearances, obstructions, etc. before operating the machine. Maintain good communications between the operator and other operating vehicles and equipment.. Loading: Pull into loading area with caution. While truck ahead is being loaded, wait at a safe distance and prepare for positioning under loader or bin. When safe to drive under bucket either pulling in or backing in, follow the signals of the loader operator or spotter. Never allow cab to pass under a raised bucket. Never leave cab of truck while being loaded. Do not exceed the rated load capacity of the machine. Hauling and dumping Be cautious, especially during the first trip. Check the brakes and road condition.. Travel at a safe rate of speed for the conditions. When dumping, be cautious of spoil banks, high walls, and overhead power lines. When dumping, limit backing to the shortest distance. Do not pull from dump site until the bed is down or if equipped the ejector is fully retracted. Report any unsafe haul road, pit, or dump area conditions or missing signs to the foreman.
SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS Title: Off Road Haul Truck SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS KEY POINTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Parking & Shutting Down: Ensure equipment is parked in a safe location and on firm level ground, when possible. Park in designated parking area. Retract and lower the attachments until contacting ground. If parking on a slope cannot be avoided; position truck at right angle to incline and apply brakes and block wheels.. Stop the engine. Do not block walkways or park too close to objects or other equipment. Turn battery disconnect switch to “OFF” position. Use scotches/wheel chocks if needed Note: Never, for any reason, leave the truck unattended while the engine is running and the transmission is in gear. Dismount: If equipped position removable ladder to side where mounting is to be done. Use extreme caution when you dismount the machine to guard against falling. Have a firm hold with both hands when stepping down the steps. Before dismounting, all raised equipment must be lowered and parking brake set. Utilize three points of contact when entering or exiting the equipment. Extra Precaution should be taken in inclement weather for slippery surfaces. Do not jump off machine. Use the grab irons, handrails, and steps provided.