Birds of the Watsonville Wetlands Wetland Stewards Program Fitz Wetlands Educational Resource Center Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley
Birds of Prey Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Red-shouldered hawk White-tailed kite Photo by Paul Zaretsky Photo by Don Roberson
Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Red-tailed hawk Osprey Birds of Prey (continued) Photo by Paul Zaretsky
Birds of Prey (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Northern harrier Golden eagle Photo by Paul Zaretsky Photo by Don Roberson
Birds of Prey (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Great horned owlAmerican Kestrel Photo by Patricia McQuade
Birds of Prey (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Burrowing owl Barn owl Photo by John Sorensen Photo by Patricia McQuade
Waders Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley American Bittern Great Egret Photo by Patricia McQuade Photo by Bill Hill
Waders (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Great blue heron Black-necked stilt Photo by Paul Zaretsky Photo by Patricia McQuade
Shorebirds Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Long-billed curlewSnowy plover Photo by Elkhorn Slough Foundation Photo by Paul Zaretsky
Shorebirds (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Kildeer Black oystercatcher Photo by John Sorensen Photo by Patricia McQuade
Shorebirds (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley American avocet Willet Photo by Paul Zaretsky Photo by Patricia McQuade
Shorebirds (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley White pelicanDouble-crested cormorant Photo by Patricia McQuade
Water birds Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley American cootMallard Photo by Patricia McQuade
Water birds Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Pied-billed grebeCanadian goose Photo by Patricia McQuade
Songbirds Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley American robin Red-winged blackbird Photo by Elkhorn Slough Foundation Photo by Patricia McQuade
Songbirds (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Bewicks wrenHermit thrush Photo by Don Roberson
Songbirds (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Common yellowthroatWestern meadowlark Photo by Patricia McQuade Photo by Robert F. Tintle
Songbirds (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley White-crowned sparrowGolden-crowned sparrow Photo by Robert F. Tintle Photo by Don Roberson
Songbirds (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley California towhee Northern mockingbird Photo by Patricia McQuade
Songbirds (continued) Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Song sparrow Chestnut-backed chickadee Photo by Patricia McQuade
Other birds Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Belted kingfisher Annas hummingbird Photo by Patricia McQuade
Other birds Inspiring research and conservation of the wetlands and watershed of the Pajaro Valley Mourning dove California quail Photo by Patricia McQuade