By Jake Schmitt, Seth Raleigh, Neil McLain Protecting IP By Jake Schmitt, Seth Raleigh, Neil McLain
Intellectual Property “Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.” Source: World Intellectual Property Organization
Intellectual Property Law Four Categories: Trade Secrets Trademarks Copyrights Patents
Digital Rights Management (DRM) DRM technologies attempt to control the use of digital media by preventing access, copying, or conversion by the end user. Examples: Audio and video tape recording, cd ripping, file sharing.
DRM Cons Problems during usage, slows down or crashes User experience is affected Reinstallation required in some cases Security concerns Many devices don't support it
DRM Pros Demand for legal online content Content providers can protect content and control its access and authorization Online original digital distribution Consumers get good quality content The rights of content owners are protected
Types of DRM Fairplay (Apple) Rootkit XCP (Sony) Digital Watermarking Windows MediaDRM
Sony rootkit Sony included Extended Copy Protection (XCP) and MediaMax CD-3 to restrict consumer use of music In reality: Monitored customer Interfered with the normal way Microsoft Windows operating system played cds Opening security holes
Why Should You Care Protected software and products violations Be Prepared… Anyone and everyone is responsible for knowing and following the laws Patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets are meant to protect
Additional Readings More on DRM,2933,96797,00.html 12 year old girl sued,2933,96797,00.html RIAA file sharing lawsuits
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