Why? What?
Why? In last 6 years we sold double the amount of WT-3 and OT-3 machines over the previous 2 models versions (6 years before) However… the amount of customers who are preferring a used Haeger or manual Haeger over a technology solution is still too big. The reasons for this have been outlined in 2007 and we have been working since then to come with this new product which is ‘filling the gap’.
What. Is the Gap and How is it being closed What? Is the Gap and How is it being closed? Improvement areas -4e Product Line. A. Reliability of the Automatic Fastener Feeding B. Ease of Use / Ease of Set Up – skill level operators insertion machines/department C. Quick Set Up – ‘takes too long for automatic tooling to set up’ D. Accessibility for Pre-Bend Parts – ‘on my HP6 I can do a lot more’
MAS 350 Settings automatic – quick/easy/no variations and thus consistency Max length from 30 to 40. Max size from M6/ 1/4-20 to M10/ 3/8 (no more 2 bowl types MAS 9 and MAS 14 – all in one) Tooling mounted on outside – easier access / quicker 1 piece of tooling - quick change. (from minutes to seconds) A. Reliability B. Ease of Use / Ease of Set Up C. Quick Set Up
Integrated Tool Storage B. Ease of Set Up C. Quick Set Up
Pre-aligned and Quick Disconnect Tool Holdings B. Ease of Set Up C. Quick Set Up
D. Accessibility for Pre-Bend Parts
Other: Ergonomics / Operator Performance Measurement
Other: - Insertion Speed (Fastener Feed & Ram) + 25% - Looks - Energy Saving
To remember: Any of these Advantages our competitors do NOT OFFER + Any of the full process control advantages our competitors do NOT OFFER Full fastener presence detection Fastener Length detection without set up <very limited competition (with Pem or used Haeger’s) after you have the customer understand the benefit of these features> <difference to press brake or laser nowadays where competition is much closer another this is easy to sell !!>