Registration Information for Junior and Senior Year Mrs. Fieldhouse and Mrs. Schuhmann January 18, 2018
Registration Process Online registration will open in PowerSchool on February 15th. Print Registration Form and bring to classes on Monday, February 19th and Tuesday, February 20th for teacher signatures. Take form home to your parents to sign and choose a tuition selection plan. Turn in finalized Registration form with signatures and $200 registration fee to school by Friday, February 23rd .
PowerSchool sign in MUST be PARENT’S account
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior CATHOLIC BELIEFS /SCRIPTURE THE PASCHAL MYSTERY/THE LIVING CHURCH CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING/CATHOLIC MORAL TEACHING SACRAMENTAL LIVING/ Theology Elective ENGLISH I ENGLISH II ENGLISH III Level:_________ Course Number: _________ ENGLISH IV Math GEOGRAPHY/FINE ART/ ALGEBRA LAB or AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY US HISTORY WORLD HISTORY Elective BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY Science (Physics recommended) HEALTH / PE Elective / HUMANITIES OR 2ND MATH Level(s):_________ Course Number(s): _________ World Language PUBLIC SPEAKING/ GOVERNMENT You can take these two classes either 11th or 12th grade or one each year.
Requirements Make sure you have already taken these requirements Students may choose to take some of your remaining requirements Government – ½ credit Public Speaking - ½ credit Make sure you have already taken these requirements Geography – ½ credit AP Human Geography also counts for this Humanities – ½ credit Fine Arts – ½ credit AP Art History, AP Music Theory or 3 YEAR LONG Credits in the same Fine Art will count for these
Electives Students will have a choice of TWO electives. Remember things like Spanish III or Yearbook count as electives She will register for a level that is comparable to the levels you are currently taking. Choose CAREFULLY Seek out the counsel of their dean, their guidance counselor and teachers.
Why is this so important? We build our master schedule on your daughter’s choices. This means the electives we offer as well as the number of sections that we run. This is your daughter’s chance to explore content that she is interested in. This isn’t the time to be relational .
Why is this so important? We would urge you not to sign your daughter’s course selection form until you have had a conversation about why she is choosing her courses—including her alternates! Set a date now.
What do Colleges Want to See? Our graduation requirements are quite rigorous, so by following these, you should be fine for most schools. Your transcript was sent home this summer If you are looking at more selective schools, they prefer to see electives in Math, Science, English, Social Studies, and Foreign Language Colleges also like to see a student pursue her interests.
Dual Credit Courses We have partnered with Western Kentucky University and JCTC to offer some courses. Requirements change year to year. Your teachers will know the details. EXAMPLE: ACT of 20 for Dual Credit English ACT MATH SUB SCORE of 23 for Dual Credit PreCal Can ENROLL in course but not sign up for dual credit
Course Description Catalog Available online 2016 - 2017 Course Catalog You will use your course description catalog to choose your electives. Be sure to check out all the electives and read all prerequisites and signatures necessary.
Courses Robotics, AP Computer Science, 3D printing Novels, Creative Writing, Journalism Psychology, Sociology and Probability ACT prep All varieties of Fine Arts: Consider I and II Marine Biology, Astronomy, Forensic Science Personal Finance, Accounting, Intro to Business
Faculty members here tonight Business – Sandy Maxted Math – Scott Spinetto Communications – Paula Spugnardi English – Jessica Williams Fine Art - Jackie Metry Health & PE – Stasia Polston Science – Debbie Judd Social Studies – Megan Rose Theology – Angela Lincoln World Languages – James Sutherland