American Foreign Policy, 1898-1914
U.S. Landholdings The Philippines Hawaii Guam, Samoa, and Midway Puerto Rico Cuba The US Virgin Islands Philippines- Emilio Aguinaldo led Filipino rebels, 200,000 Filipino’s died, war finally ended in 1902, then in 1916 the US created the Jones Act which gave Filipinos the right to elect both houses of their legislature and promised eventual independence Hawaii- mid 1800s Hawaii welcomed American settler who built sugar and pineapple plantations, by late 1880s rich planters controlled society and forced the King to sign a constitution that gave only property owners the right to vote. In 1893 a new monarch Queen Liliuokalani tried to take back political power, and announced she would issue a new constitution, in response the wealthy landowners with the help of the US marines seized power, formed a government and asked to be annexed by the US, President Cleveland refuse uhappy with how it all went down, but will petition again in 1898 and will be accepted. GSM- provided refueling stations and harbor for US ships sailing to asia Puerto Rico- taken after Spanish American war, today is a territory of the US and is allowed free immigration Cuba- Teller amendment, could not officialy take it, but our diplomatic and economic influence was so strong it was a “protectorate” of the US, three years after the Spanish American war us troops remained in cuba, Platt amendment replaced teller in 1901 saying US would withdrawel their troops, but cuba would place naval bases at the disposal of the US and not borrow amounts from foreign governments that they could not repayand gave americans the right to intervene in Cuban affairs when it felt it needed to. Americans established a school system, organized finances and helped eliminate yellow fever in cuba, as well as investing in their sugar and tobacco plantations US virgin islands- bought from Denmark in 1917
East Asia Breakdown of “spheres of influence in China”- Open Door Policy Boxer Rebellion The “Opening” of Japan Russo-Japanese War Spheres of influence- US Secretary of State John Hay sent notes to the European nations with influence in 1899 asking to open trade, they did not give definitive answers but he declared his open door policy now in effect boxer rebellion- Chinese nationalists who opposed foreign influence killed Christians, and foreigners in china, multiple European powers and the US helped put down the rebellion, Hay opposed any deal after that would break up china into smaller parts for the US economic benefit, but ended up helping the cinese country stay intact By 1890 japan fearing the fate of china decided to westernize and become industrialized and imperialist, defeated China in the Sino- Japanese war 1894-95 which gave japan korea and Taiwan, Russo-Japanese War- 1904-05 japan won, first Asian power to defeat a European power, Roosevelt asked to negotiate the treaty, treaty of Portsmouth signed in 1905 which he won the Nobel Peace Prize for, but both Russian officials and Japanese Officials felt slighted. Japanese even more when Roosevelt organized the gentelemns agreement reducing immigration from japan to the US
Latin America Panama Canal Monroe Doctrine to the Roosevelt Corollary Panama Canal- why do we need it? Easy transport of goods and in times of war, Panama was a part of Columbia and Columbia refused Roosevelt the land to build the canal, they wanted the money from the canal themselves, so Roosevelt mad a deal wwith the Panamanians a minority group in Columbia to create a rebellion with US help, in return for the land of the Panama Canal, 10 years to complete and 400 million dollars, and thousands of lives, Monroe Doctrine- no European powers were o longer allowed to establish new colonies in the western hemisphere, then in 1904 extended when Domincan Republic owed debts to European countries and the US refused to allow them to use force to collect, the US would collect the debts for them. This became known as the Roosevelt Corollary.
Imperialist Presidents Teddy Roosevelt Big Stock Diplomacy William Howard Taft Dollar Diplomacy Woodrow Wilson Moral Diplomacy speak softly – big stick diplomacy- would send troops around the world just to show how stong we are- especially in Latin America Dollar diplomacy- encouraged American bankers to invest in latin American countries and when they could not pay the US would send in troops to ensure payment Wilson- feb 1913 general Huerta overthrew the newly democratically elected mexicna government, Wilson refused to recognize it saying the US only recognized democratically elected governments, 1914 US sent troops to Vera Cruz to stop germans from landing arms there to help huertas government. Later in 1914 huerta resigned. Wilson immediately recognized the new government which angered Pancho Villa a rebel Mexican leader who was worried about the peasents. Villa’s rebels murdered American workers in mexico and then crossed the border and attacked a US town. Wilson sent troops to the Mexico Border where they remained for a year looking for Villa, never found him and were then recalled due to the rising conflict in Europe
Focus on Florida Ybor City Tampa as a base for Spanish-American war Typhoid fever Competition for the Sugar in the new territories Ybor city- tariff on cigars but not tobacco, so brought in the tobacco and made cigars here in the 1880s