Input Accounts Payable Transactions in GFEBS Slide #1 SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours / Methods 13 hrs / 50 min Large group Instruction / 30 min Practical Exercise (Hands On) / 0 min Test / 0 min Test Review 14 hrs / 20 min Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Today we are Reviewing Spending Chain Method of Instruction. Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:24 Time of Instruction 14 hrs 20 mins Media: Large Group Instruction Motivator In previous lessons you learn how to manually process various types of accounts payable documents, now you are going learn the automated process. General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) is a financial system that replaces CAPS and STANFINS. GFEBS is the Army’s financial and asset management system. GFEBS is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that will provide accurate and real-time data to better enable the Army’s leadership to make decisions in support of the War-fighter. Student Materials: DFAS-IN Regulation 37-1, Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation DFAS-IN Manual 37-100, The Army Management Structure DODFMR 7000.14-R, Vol 10, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation 1
Terminal Leaning Objective Action: Input Accounts Payable Transactions in GFEBS FM Leaders in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, personal experience, handouts, discussion and access to GFEBS. Standard: With minimum 80% accuracy input the following Accounts Payable Transactions in GFEBS: Standard Procurement System Purchase Requisition Miscellaneous Pay Subject to the Prompt Payment Act Miscellaneous Pay Subject Not to the Prompt Payment Outbound Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requisition Slide #2 Action: Input Accounts Payable Transactions in GFEBS Condition: FM Leaders in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, personal experience, handouts, discussion and access to GFEBS. Standard: With minimum 80% accuracy input the following Accounts Payable Transactions in GFEBS: Standard Procurement System Purchase Requisition Miscellaneous Pay Subject to the Prompt Payment Act Miscellaneous Pay Subject Not to the Prompt Payment Outbound Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requisition 2
Procurement with Contracting Slide #3 Welcome to the ‘first branch’ of the Spending Chain, Procurement with Contracting. At this time we will go over some history of this system, how it works for you, the customer, and where it will take you; Blank out the screen. Go to the dry erase board or use PPT SAP- Systems Applications and Products (SAP), is a Commercial and Off the Shelf (COTS) system. It has been customized to fit the customer’s needs (Car Analogy). Note: Take a break after Car Analogy! Start’s at the unit level with a request for a good and/or service. There are various types of procurement documents: DA 3953, SF 33s, DD 1155s , SF 44s…..etc. Let’s talk through the Purchase Request & Commitment DA 3953 (PR&C) process in GFEBS. A DA 3953 being input as a commitment in GFEBS at the RM shop through T-code ME51N. Goes through the Levels of Certification (L1- Gen Supervisor, L2- IT, L3- PBO, L4- Fund Certifier) depending on item being procured. This notice will route to the specific office in question through the “Universal Worklist (UWL)” mail system Once approved, the commitment ‘hits’ the Standard Procurement System (SPS) interface, awarded by contract office, then records back in GFEBS as an Obligation, ME21N. To view the contract, ME23N. When in an area where the Bandwidth is sufficient, and the Vendor has an account within the Vendor Master Data program, both the Goods Receipt (GR) and the Invoice (IR) are automatically created and posted in the Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) interface. In the event that WAWF is non-existent, a manual input is required for the Goods Receipt (T-code MIGO), and the Invoice (T-code MIRO). This completes the 3-way match. After this, the payment run begins with an F110 transaction, through the GBX (what does GBX mean?) interface, to DDS.
Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS): GFEBS Tank (Analogy) SAP-Systems Applications & Products PR-(IE., Gravel) GFEBS Reports DA 3953 SF44 ADS ME51N F11O L1-Gen.Supv L2-IT L3- PB L4- Certification INVOICE MIRO MIGO MIGO AWARD ME23N MANUAL Slide #4 The following is an example of what we call the “GFEBS Car” analogy. This example will provide a snapshot of the GFEBS End To End process for a Standard Procurement System (SPS) Purchase Requisition (PR). We will first talk about SAP: SAP is the industry name for Systems Applications and Products which is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software product capable of integrating multiple business applications, with each application representing a specific business area. These applications update and process transactions in real time mode. It has the ability to be configured to meets the needs of the business. SAP are categorized into 3 core functional areas: Logistics, Financial, Human Resources SAP is the industry proven accounting platform, that has been purchased by the ARMY GFEBS is the name given for the ARMY version, which stands for “General Fund Enterprise Business System which will replace legacy accounting software currently used. GFEBS is a Commercial Off the Shelf Product (COTS) with SAP software By mean of blueprinting, it has been configured to meet the ARMY’s accounting needs for auditable records. Customization be provided but costs the ARMY additional funds for the reconfiguring. The ARMY is the customer! GFEBS uses T-Codes to enter transactions into the system, to CREATE, CHANGE , or DISPLAY information. This is similar to the FM codes to input pay called Format Id’s For our Purchase Requisition we will use gravel as the example: Starts at the Unit level with a requirement or need for an item This is most likely the unit S-4,BN S-4 the DA 3953 PR& C is filled out and approved at the unit, it then it is taken to the local budget office or RM office The PR Processor reviews request and inputs a T-code ME51N to create the PR in GFEBS The PR is routed for approval through workflow Receives L1-L4 Cert/Approval An interface is sent to the Standard Procurement System (SPS), Contract is awarded and simultaneously obligates the purchase order GFEBS creates a ME21N to reflect the Purchase Order (PO) The Goods Receipt (GR) is processed electronically via interface with Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) after receipt of goods is received. GFEBS will generate a GR via T-code MIGO to process the GR (DD250) goods receipt. WAWF is currently in use in Kuwait and Qatar, Afghanistan does not use WAWF, so a manual GR must be input via T-code MIGO GFEBS processes GR Now, vendor submits invoice for payment; Invoice input manually into GFEBS via T-code MIRO, at this point the three way match has taken place and GFEBS will automatically start the payment process The Payment Processor inputs the F110 T-code to initiate the payment proposal and the Payment Certifier certifies /run the payment. This interface is transmitted out of GFEBS into the Deployable Disbursing System (DDS) where the Payment is made. The system automatically updates in real time and provides report for assigned users ME21N PO/Obligation WAWF GR Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS): SAP Accounting Software Blueprinting: Adds customer add-ons and customization of the product “The ARMY is the customer” SPS T-Codes: ME51N-Create PR ME52N-Change PR ME53N-Display PR 4
Slide #5 Welcome to the ‘first branch’ of the Spending Chain, Procurement with Contracting. At this time we will go over some history of this system, how it works for you, the customer, and where it will take you; Blank out the screen. Go to the dry erase board or use PPT SAP- Systems Applications and Products (SAP), is a Commercial and Off the Shelf (COTS) system. It has been customized to fit the customer’s needs (Car Analogy). Note: Take a break after Car Analogy! Start’s at the unit level with a request for a good and/or service. There are various types of procurement documents: DA 3953, SF 33s, DD 1155s , SF 44s…..etc. Let’s talk through the Purchase Request & Commitment DA 3953 (PR&C) process in GFEBS. A DA 3953 being input as a commitment in GFEBS at the RM shop through T-code ME51N. Goes through the Levels of Certification (L1- Gen Supervisor, L2- IT, L3- PBO, L4- Fund Certifier) depending on item being procured. This notice will route to the specific office in question through the “Universal Worklist (UWL)” mail system Once approved, the commitment ‘hits’ the Standard Procurement System (SPS) interface, awarded by contract office, then records back in GFEBS as an Obligation, ME21N. To view the contract, ME23N. When in an area where the Bandwidth is sufficient, and the Vendor has an account within the Vendor Master Data program, both the Goods Receipt (GR) and the Invoice (IR) are automatically created and posted in the Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) interface. In the event that WAWF is non-existent, a manual input is required for the Goods Receipt (T-code MIGO), and the Invoice (T-code MIRO). This completes the 3-way match. After this, the payment run begins with an F110 transaction, through the GBX (what does GBX mean?) interface, to DDS. 5
Procurement with Contracting Process Purchase Requisition Enter PR Approve PR Certify PR Transmit PR to Standard Procurement System (SPS) via Interface Display PR Make Necessary Changes Purchase Order Award or Modify Contract Transmit Contract Data to GFEBS via Interface* Record Contract as PO in GFEBS Goods Receipt Post Goods Receipt * If not posted automatically via WAWF Invoice Post Invoice * If not posted automatically via WAWF Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Operation Three Way Match Slide #6 As described in the ‘Car Analogy’, the Requisition to Check process. Notice the only area in this process OUTSIDE of the GFEBS process is the SPS PO, which is the Contracting Office. The ME53N (display) has the unique feature to change information (ME52N) within the PR. The scenario calls for the ME51N to be initially created as unfunded (U), and then a FRAGO received reads to “Change it from Unfunded (U) to funded (K), and then enter the LOA information. ME51N ME53N ME21N MIGO MIRO * If the SPS interface fails to produce an obligation, the PO Processor will manually create the PO 6
Procurement with Contracting Process Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Operation Purchase Requisition Enter PR Approve PR Certify PR Transmit PR to Standard Procurement System (SPS) via Interface Display PR Make Necessary Changes Purchase Order Award or Modify Contract Transmit Contract Data to GFEBS via Interface* Record Contract as PO in GFEBS Goods Receipt Post Goods Receipt * If not posted automatically via WAWF Invoice Post Invoice * If not posted automatically via WAWF Three Way Match Slide #7 The red arrow indicates the beginning of the Hand’s On / Simulation process, ME51N, in which we will now cover, step by step. ME51N ME53N ME21N MIGO MIRO * If the SPS interface fails to produce an obligation, the PO Processor will manually create the PO 7
ME51N – Create Purchase Requisition Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #8 Note: Using the DA 3953 PURCHASE REQUEST AND COMMITMENT (PR&C) PRC6250, walk through the PR process in GFEBS with the students. Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 8
Check on Learning What does the Plant field indicate? What are the minimum approval levels required for an SPS PR? What is the account assignment category for an unfunded SPS PR? Slide #9 Check on Learning! What does the Plant field indicate? Ordering installation What is the minimum approval levels are required for an SPS PR? L1 and L4 What is the account assignment category for an unfunded SPS PR? U 9
Procurement with Contracting Process Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Operation Purchase Requisition Enter PR Approve PR Certify PR Transmit PR to Standard Procurement System (SPS) via Interface Display PR Make Necessary Changes Purchase Order Award or Modify Contract Transmit Contract Data to GFEBS via Interface* Record Contract as PO in GFEBS Goods Receipt Post Goods Receipt * If not posted automatically via WAWF Invoice Post Invoice * If not posted automatically via WAWF Three Way Match Slide #10 Next, the situation has changed, requesting the status be changed from Unfunded (U) to Funded (K). The Account Assignment Information will need to be input at this time. ME51N ME53N ME21N MIGO MIRO * If the SPS interface fails to produce an obligation, the PO Processor will manually create the PO 10
ME53N – Display/Change Purchase Req. Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #11 Note: Using the DA 3953 PURCHASE REQUEST AND COMMITMENT (PR&C) PRC6250, walk through the PR process in GFEBS with the students. Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 11
Procurement with Contracting Process Purchase Requisition Enter PR Approve PR Certify PR Transmit PR to Standard Procurement System (SPS) via Interface Display PR Make Necessary Changes Purchase Order Award or Modify Contract Transmit Contract Data to GFEBS via Interface* Record Contract as PO in GFEBS Goods Receipt Post Goods Receipt * If not posted automatically via WAWF Invoice Post Invoice * If not posted automatically via WAWF Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Operation Three Way Match Slide #12 In Procurement with Contracting, the PO will be created in the SPS interface (SPS PO). In the event that the interface incurs an Internal Document (IDOC) error, certain steps will need to be followed; -Refer to the Transaction ZOS_IST – IDOC Status Report job aid located in the PSW. -Use transaction ZSSC_SPSPO_ERR_SUM to identify a failed SPS PO IDOC. The job aid for this transaction can be found in Milwiki . - An SPS PO IDOC may fail for various reasons. The specific reason for each IDOC is captured in a “Status‟ segment. It is important to understand why the IDOC failed to post so that the necessary resolution action is taken to successfully post the PO and obligate funds. Sometimes this requires involvement of the GFEBS Helpdesk or Resource Manager action to update the PR, and other times a contracting action to issue a modification, or both . It is critical to keep the lines of communication open between the RM shop and the Contracting Office to help in identifying the causes and a timely fix of an IDOC fail. When an IDOC fails prior to the PR becoming a PO, a manual input (ME21N) will need to occur by the PO Processor. (see Job Aid in the PSW) When an IDOC fails after the PO has been created, perhaps to a supplement, or a modification, then a PO change must occur (ME22N). Note: Using the SF 33 SOICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD Contract# C-4195, walk through the PO process in GFEBS with the students. ME51N ME53N ME21N MIGO MIRO * If the SPS interface fails to produce an obligation, the PO Processor will manually create the PO 12
Procurement with Contracting Process Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Operation Purchase Requisition Enter PR Approve PR Certify PR Transmit PR to Standard Procurement System (SPS) via Interface Display PR Make Necessary Changes Purchase Order Award or Modify Contract Transmit Contract Data to GFEBS via Interface* Record Contract as PO in GFEBS Goods Receipt Post Goods Receipt * If not posted automatically via WAWF Invoice Post Invoice * If not posted automatically via WAWF Three Way Match Slide #13 The 2nd process in the ‘3-way match’ is the MIGO transaction (goods receipt). This process is automatically done in the Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) when the environment allows. Otherwise, it will be a manual input by the goods receipt processor, typically at the unit level. - There are 3 common movement types within this process; MT 101 accept / receive same day MT 103 receive today, accept on different day. MT 105 Is a 103 with detailed information - This process is not just for the receipt of goods, but also for: Cancellation Display Goods issue Place in storage. Etc. ME51N ME53N ME21N MIGO MIRO * If the SPS interface fails to produce an obligation, the PO Processor will manually create the PO 13
MIGO – Create Goods Receipt Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #14 ***Note: Insure you have Data Sheets to complete the process*** Note: Using the DD 250 MATERIAL INSPECTION AND RECEIVING REPORT # C-4195, walk through the Good receipt process in GFEBS with the students. Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 14
Check on Learning What must exist within GFEBS in order to enter a GR? What are the three most common GR movement types? What DD form does the MIGO transaction replace? Slide #15 Check on Learning! What must exist within GFEBS in order to enter a GR? PR and PO What are the three most common GR movement types? 101, 103 and 105 What DD form does the MIGO transaction replace? DD 250 15
Procurement with Contracting Process Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Operation Purchase Requisition Enter PR Approve PR Certify PR Transmit PR to Standard Procurement System (SPS) via Interface Display PR Make Necessary Changes Purchase Order Award or Modify Contract Transmit Contract Data to GFEBS via Interface* Record Contract as PO in GFEBS Goods Receipt Post Goods Receipt * If not posted automatically via WAWF Invoice Post Invoice * If not posted automatically via WAWF Three Way Match Slide #16 The 3rd process in the ‘3-way match’ is the MIRO transaction (Invoice receipt). This process is automatically done in the Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) when the environment allows. Otherwise, it will be a manual input by the Invoice Receipt processor, typically at the unit level. ME51N ME53N ME21N MIGO MIRO * If the SPS interface fails to produce an obligation, the PO Processor will manually create the PO 16
MIRO – Enter Incoming Invoice Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #17 Note: Using the Invoice Order Number C-4195, walk through the Invoice receipt process in GFEBS with the students. Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 17
Check on Learning What is the T-code to enter an Invoice that is subject to PPA? True or False: The “Amount” field is mandatory? The MIRO is the T-code in the three way match. Slide #18 Check on Leaning What is the T-code to enter an Invoice that is subject to PPA? MIRO True or False: The “Amount” field is mandatory? True The MIRO is the T-code in the three way match. Third 18
Procurement with Contracting Process Summary Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Operation Purchase Requisition Enter PR Approve PR Certify PR Transmit PR to Standard Procurement System (SPS) via Interface Display PR Make Necessary Changes Purchase Order Award or Modify Contract Transmit Contract Data to GFEBS via Interface* Record Contract as PO in GFEBS Goods Receipt Post Goods Receipt * If not posted automatically via WAWF Invoice Post Invoice * If not posted automatically via WAWF Three Way Match Slide #19 This concludes the entire process for Procurement with Contracting. It is here, upon the conclusion of the 3 way match where Payment Processing begins with the F110 transaction. ME51N ME53N ME21N MIGO MIRO * If the SPS interface fails to produce an obligation, the PO Processor will manually create the PO 19
MISC Pay Non-PPA MISC Pay Non-PPA 20 Slide #20 Miscellaneous Pay, not subject to the Prompt Payment Act. Just a little information on the PPA; Title 31 USC CHAPTER 39 Public Law 97-177-MAY 21, 1982 The Government will Pay it’s Vendors in a timely manner, as set forth in the contract terms, or otherwise pay interest penalties. For additional information on the specific Guidelines as per what is/is not subject to the Prompt Payment Act, please visit the following; AKO Home – GFEBS home – Milwiki – Running GFEBS – CONOPS – Spend Chain – Misc Pay Ref Guide. 20
Slide #21 Welcome to the ‘first branch’ of the Spending Chain, Procurement with Contracting. At this time we will go over some history of this system, how it works for you, the customer, and where it will take you; Blank out the screen. Go to the dry erase board or use PPT SAP- Systems Applications and Products (SAP), is a Commercial and Off the Shelf (COTS) system. It has been customized to fit the customer’s needs (Car Analogy). Note: Take a break after Car Analogy! Start’s at the unit level with a request for a good and/or service. There are various types of procurement documents: DA 3953, SF 33s, DD 1155s , SF 44s…..etc. Let’s talk through the Purchase Request & Commitment DA 3953 (PR&C) process in GFEBS. A DA 3953 being input as a commitment in GFEBS at the RM shop through T-code ME51N. Goes through the Levels of Certification (L1- Gen Supervisor, L2- IT, L3- PBO, L4- Fund Certifier) depending on item being procured. This notice will route to the specific office in question through the “Universal Worklist (UWL)” mail system Once approved, the commitment ‘hits’ the Standard Procurement System (SPS) interface, awarded by contract office, then records back in GFEBS as an Obligation, ME21N. To view the contract, ME23N. When in an area where the Bandwidth is sufficient, and the Vendor has an account within the Vendor Master Data program, both the Goods Receipt (GR) and the Invoice (IR) are automatically created and posted in the Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) interface. In the event that WAWF is non-existent, a manual input is required for the Goods Receipt (T-code MIGO), and the Invoice (T-code MIRO). This completes the 3-way match. After this, the payment run begins with an F110 transaction, through the GBX (what does GBX mean?) interface, to DDS. 21
Create Funds Pre-commitment MISC Pay Non-PPA Create Funds Pre-commitment Post Invoice Create Commitment/ Obligation Slide #22 The process flow begins with the PO processor inputting the following T-codes; FMY1, titled ‘pre-commitment’, does nothing more than set up a Line of Accounting. This transaction is done at the RM Level. FMZ1, simultaneously creates a commitment / obligation in the system. FB60 is a manual creation and posting of an invoice. Using SF 44 DTD 7 APR **, Order No. 127-167, explain to students how the an SF 44 is/can be used as a contract, receiving report, and invoice. FMY1 FMZ1 FB60 22
Create Funds Pre-commitment MISC Pay Non-PPA Create Funds Pre-commitment Post Invoice Create Commitment/ Obligation Slide #23 The red arrow indicates the beginning of the Hand’s On / Simulation process, FMY1, in which we will now cover, step by step. The LOA Information must be available at this point. FMY1 FMZ1 FB60 23
FMY1 - Create Funds Pre-Commitment Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #24 Note: Using SF 44 DTD 7 APR **, Order No. 127-167, walk through the Create Funds Pre-Commitment process in GFEBS Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. This procedures is mandated to all ARCENT Soldiers in the in the GWOT theater of operation. 24
Create Funds Pre-commitment MISC Pay Non-PPA Create Funds Pre-commitment Post Invoice Create Commitment/ Obligation Slide #25 The FMZ1 simultaneously commits and obligates. This is done by the PO Processor. FMY1 FMZ1 FB60 25
FMZ1 - Create Commitment/Obligation Document Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #26 Note: Using SF 44 DTD 7 APR **, Order No. 127-167, walk through the Create Commitment/Obligation Document process in GFEBS Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 26
Check on Learning True or false: A commitment / obligation are simultaneously created during the FMZ1 Transaction? When Selecting “Doc Type”, which F identifier relates to “Obligation for Miscellaneous Payments and MODS”? The company code in GFEBS is always what? Slide #27 Check on Learning! True or false: A commitment / obligation are simultaneously created during the FMZ1 Transaction? True When Selecting “Doc Type”, which F identifier relates to “Obligation for Miscellaneous Payments and MODS”? F9 The company code in GFEBS is always . Army 27
Create Funds Pre-commitment MISC Pay Non-PPA Create Funds Pre-commitment Post Invoice Create Commitment/ Obligation Slide #28 Again, during the FB60 process, we will create and post the invoice against the FMZ1. This process simultaneously does the goods receipt. Note: If the “Seller” doesn’t sign the invoice, an additional invoice is needed to make the payment. FMY1 FMZ1 FB60 Payment Proposal (F110) Deployable Disbursing System 28
FB60 - Enter Vendor Invoice Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #29 Note: Using SF 44 DTD 7 APR **, Order No. 127-167, walk through Enter Vendor Invoice process in GFEBS Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 29
Check on Learning What is the correct T-code to enter a Non-PPA Invoice? Where does the “Document Number” on the FB60 derive from? True or false: Clicking Simulate posts your document? Slide #30 Check on Learning! What is the correct T-code to enter a Non-PPA Invoice? FB60 Where does the “Document Number” on the FB60 derive from? FMZ1 document reference number True or false: Clicking Simulate posts your document? False 30
MISC Pay Non-PPA Summary Create Funds Pre-commitment Post Invoice Create Commitment/ Obligation Slide #31 This concludes the Miscellaneous Pay, not subject to the PPA. It is here, where Payment Processing begins with the F110 transaction. FMY1 FMZ1 FB60 31
MISC Pay Subject to the Prompt Payment Act (PPA) Slide #32 Miscellaneous Pay, Subject to the Prompt Payment Act. Just a little information on the PPA; Title 31 USC CHAPTER 39 Public Law 97-177-MAY 21, 1982 The Government will Pay it’s Vendors in a timely manner, as set forth in the contract terms, or otherwise pay interest penalties. For additional information on the specific Guidelines as per what is/is not subject to the Prompt Payment Act, please visit the following; AKO Home – GFEBS home – Milwiki – Running GFEBS – CONOPS – Spend Chain – Misc Pay Ref Guide.
Slide #33 Welcome to the ‘first branch’ of the Spending Chain, Procurement with Contracting. At this time we will go over some history of this system, how it works for you, the customer, and where it will take you; Blank out the screen. Go to the dry erase board or use PPT SAP- Systems Applications and Products (SAP), is a Commercial and Off the Shelf (COTS) system. It has been customized to fit the customer’s needs (Car Analogy). Note: Take a break after Car Analogy! Start’s at the unit level with a request for a good and/or service. There are various types of procurement documents: DA 3953, SF 33s, DD 1155s , SF 44s…..etc. Let’s talk through the Purchase Request & Commitment DA 3953 (PR&C) process in GFEBS. A DA 3953 being input as a commitment in GFEBS at the RM shop through T-code ME51N. Goes through the Levels of Certification (L1- Gen Supervisor, L2- IT, L3- PBO, L4- Fund Certifier) depending on item being procured. This notice will route to the specific office in question through the “Universal Worklist (UWL)” mail system Once approved, the commitment ‘hits’ the Standard Procurement System (SPS) interface, awarded by contract office, then records back in GFEBS as an Obligation, ME21N. To view the contract, ME23N. When in an area where the Bandwidth is sufficient, and the Vendor has an account within the Vendor Master Data program, both the Goods Receipt (GR) and the Invoice (IR) are automatically created and posted in the Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) interface. In the event that WAWF is non-existent, a manual input is required for the Goods Receipt (T-code MIGO), and the Invoice (T-code MIRO). This completes the 3-way match. After this, the payment run begins with an F110 transaction, through the GBX (what does GBX mean?) interface, to DDS. 33
MISC Pay PPA Create Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Order Create Service Entry Sheet Create / Post Invoice Slide #34 The process begins by the Purchase Requisition Processor entering the line item information and other pertinent details into GFEBS (ME51N). The PR will route to the appropriate approver via workflow. After the PR has been approved by the funds certifier, the Purchase Order Processor will manually enter the ME21N, thus creating the Purchase Order. The goods receipt processor will then create a ‘service entry sheet’ via T-code ML81N. This is nothing more than a monthly ledger detailing the services rendered on a monthly basis, along with any other additional information deemed necessary for input. ME51N ME21N ML81N MIRO 34
MISC Pay PPA Create Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Order Create Service Entry Sheet Create / Post Invoice Slide #35 The red arrow indicates the beginning of the Hand’s On / Simulation process, ME51N, in which we will now cover, step by step. ME51N ME21N ML81N MIRO 35
ME51N – Create Purchase Requisition Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #36 Note: Using the DD 1155 Copy 1, ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SOICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD CONTRACT/PURCH ORDER NO. M-1589, walk through the Create Purchase Requisition process in GFEBS with the students. Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 36
Check on Learning What transaction code is used to create a PR that is subject PPA? What quantity should be used when procuring a service? What must be entered in the free text block? Slide #37 Check on Learning What transaction code is used to create a PR that is subject PPA? ME51N What quantity should be used when procuring a service? 1 What must be entered in the free text block? Colon (:), and a brief description of service being procured 37
MISC Pay PPA Create Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Order Create Service Entry Sheet Create / Post Invoice Slide #38 The red arrow indicates the beginning of the Hand’s On / Simulation process, ME21N, in which we will now cover, step by step. ME51N ME21N ML81N MIRO 38
ME21N – Create Purchase Order Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #39 Note: Using the DD 1155 Copy 1, ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICESSOICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD CONTRACY/PURCH ORDER NO. M-1589, walk through the Create Purchase Order process in GFEBS with the students. Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 39
Check on Learning Clicking “Create by Copying” will the PR information to the PO? Position 1-6 of the PIIN reflects the purchaser’s What button should be used to check for errors on the transaction input? Slide #40 Check on Learning! Clicking “Create by Copying” will the PR information to the PO? Adopt/Pull Position 1-6 of the PIIN reflects the purchaser’s ? DoDAAC What button should be used to check for errors on the transaction input? The Check button 40
MISC Pay PPA Create Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Order Create Service Entry Sheet Create / Post Invoice Slide #41 The red arrow indicates the beginning of the Hand’s On / Simulation process, ML81N, in which we will now cover, step by step. ME51N ME21N ML81N MIRO 41
ML81N – Service Entry Sheet Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #42 Note: Using the DD 1155 Copy 8, ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICESSOICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD CONTRACY/PURCH ORDER NO. M-1589, walk through Service Entry Sheet the process in GFEBS with the students. Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 42
Check on Learning What T-code is used to input a Service Entry Sheet? What does the posting date represent? What unit of measure should be used for a service? Slide #43 Check on Learning! 1. What T-code is used to input a Service Entry Sheet? ML81N 2. What does the posting date represent? The date on which the service entry was entered 3. What unit of measure should be used for a service? AU - Activity Unit 43
MISC Pay PPA Create Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Order Create Service Entry Sheet Create / Post Invoice Slide #44 The red arrow indicates the beginning of the Hand’s On / Simulation process, MIRO, in which we will now cover, step by step. ME51N ME21N ML81N MIRO 44
MIRO – Enter Incoming Invoice Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #45 Note: Using the vendors invoice, ORDER NUMBER. M-1589, walk through Enter Incoming Invoice process in GFEBS with the students Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 45
Check on Learning What T-code is used to enter an invoice that is subject to PPA? True or false: The “Amount” field is a mandatory block? The MIRO is the T-code in the three-way match. Slide #46 Check on Learning! What T-code is used to enter an invoice that is subject to PPA? MIRO True or false: The “Amount” field is a mandatory block? True The MIRO is the T-code in the three-way match. Third 46
MISC Pay PPA Summary Create Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Order Create Service Entry Sheet Create / Post Invoice Slide #47 This concludes the Miscellaneous Pay, subject to the PPA. It is here, where Payment Processing begins with the F110 transaction. ME51N ME21N ML81N MIRO 47
Outbound MIPR Slide #48 Welcome to the Outbound MIPR Class
1 2 3 5 6 4 Show Slide 49: End to end Outbound MIPR process (schematic version) Begins with the creation of the PR with Doc-Type Outbound PR RM shop initiates L1 Approval via ME54N – Generates / Prints DD 448 Emails DD 448 to Performer- Performer initiates L5 Acceptance via DD 448-2 Performer receives the accepted MIPR and initiates L4 certification, adds LOA. Determine type of work- Direct-Cite RM shop creates manual Purchase Order via ME21N 499
Outbound MIPR A MIPR is a Military Inter-Departmental Purchase Request. The method and document by which money is moved from one DoD component to another in exchange for goods or services. Slide #50 The Outbound MIPR Purchase Requisition is also known as an Outbound MIPR. The As-Is- Process starts by an activity requiring funding for a specified purpose. The funding is requested on a DD form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request form. The requesting activity will use this form to request funding from the local Resource Management/Budget Office)/G-8 / Division/Garrison Budget Office. Upon receipt of request, the Budget office will verify documentation and determine preponderance of funding availability. If funding is available, request will be accepted by receiving activity (budget office) on DD form 448-2, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Acceptance form. The Budget office annotates DD form 448 and ensures proper certification is received prior to funding request. GFEBS expedites and streamlines this process by using its Systems Applications & Products (SAP) accounting software. Audibility is recorded and maintained with each transaction input by users of the system. GFEBS also meets mandatory compliance for the Army Budget Office to use the same line of accounting information DOD wide. 50
Outbound MIPR DD 448 Purchase Requisition 51 Create PR Change PR Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Operation Purchase Requisition Create PR Change PR Approve PR via workflow L1-L4 DD 448 Generate and send DD 448 to performer Receive signed DD 448-2 from performer L5 Certification/ Funds Release - ME54N Slide #51 Note: For this outbound MIPR process we will be using Direct Cite, the requestor’s LOA will be used. The red arrow indicates the beginning of the Hand’s On / Simulation process, ME51N / ME52N, in which we will now cover, step by step. - The PR Processor will create a MIPR PR (Purchase Requisition) ME51N - Run PR Workflow - Level 1 through Level 4 - Generate the MIPR form Release L5 (Level 5) ME54N (approval/certification transaction in universal work-list) - Create Direct Cite MIPR PO (Purchase Order) ME21N Amend Reimbursable/Direct Cite MIPR ME52N (increases and decreases) Reforming activities business process, PPA or Non-PPA ME51N/ME52N ZSSC_DD448 51
Outbound MIPR DD 448 Purchase Requisition 52 Create PR Change PR Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Operation Purchase Requisition Create PR Change PR Approve and certify PR via workflow L1-L4 DD 448 Generate and send DD 448 to performer Receive signed DD 448-2 from performer L5 Certification/ Funds Release - ME54N Slide #52 As talked bout on a previous slide, we will now go into the first step in the Outbound MIPR process - The PR Processor will create a MIPR PR (Purchase Requisition) ME51N Run PR Workflow - Level 1 through Level 4 ME51N/ME52N ZSSC_DD448 52
ME51N – Create Purchase Requisition Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #53 Note: Using the DD 448, **-003, walk through Create Purchase Requisition process in GFEBS with the students Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 53
ME52N – Change Purchase Req. Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #54 Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 54
Check on Learning What T-code is used to create an Outbound MIPR? What Account Assignment Code is used for a Cost Center? What code must be entered in the Purchasing Group Field for the MIPR to be accepted as a Direct Cite MIPR? Slide #55 Check on Learning! What T-code is used to create an Outbound MIPR? ME51N What Account Assignment Code is used for a Cost Center? K - Cost Center What code must be entered in the Purchasing Group Field for the MIPR to be accepted as a Direct Cite MIPR? D - Direct Cite 55
Outbound MIPR DD 448 Purchase Requisition 56 Create PR Change PR Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Operation Purchase Requisition Create PR Change PR Approve PR via workflow L1-L4 DD 448 Generate and send DD 448 to performer Receive signed DD 448-2 from performer L5 Certification/ Funds Release - ME54N Slide #56 - Generate the MIPR form - Release L5 (Level 5) ME54N The red arrow indicates the beginning of the Hand’s On / Simulation process, ZSSC_DD448, in which we will now cover, step by step. ME51N/ME52N ZSSC_DD448 56
ZSSC_DD448: DD448 Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requisition Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #57 Note: Using the DD 448, **-003, walk through Generating the MIPR form (both 448 and 448-2) process in GFEBS with the students Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 57
Generate the DD 448 Form Slide #58 DD448 MIPR 58
Generate the DD 448-2 Form (cont.) Slide #59 DD448 MIPR 59
Check on Learning Once the DD Form 448-2 is accepted by the Performing Activity, what is done by the GFEBS requesting activity? After what level of approval can the DD Form 448 be generated? Slide #60 Check on Learning! Once the DD Form 448-2 is accepted by the Performing Activity, what is done by the GFEBS requesting activity? The PR Certifier inputs L5 Certification for funds release What T-code is used by the Level 5 PR Funds Certifier to release funds? ME54N After what level of approval can the DD Form 448 be generated? Level 4 60
Approval Levels L1 Approval: General Approval L2 Approval: IT Purchase L3 Approval: PB Approval L4 Certification Required (Commitment) L5 Certification Required (Obligation) Slide #61 Different Levels of approval within the GFEBS System. A more detailed description is on the following slide notes. 61
Workflow Assignment and Level Approval Release Strategy Number Release Strategy Description Required Approval Levels for Release 1 1 Non-PB, Non-IT, General Level 1 and 4 2 Non-PB, IT Level 1, 2, and 4 3 PB, Non-IT Level 1, 3, and 4 4 PB, IT Level 1, 2, 3, and 4 5 MIPR Non-PB, Non-IT, General Level 1, 4, and 5 6 MIPR Non-PB, IT Level 1, 2, 4, and 5 7 MIPR PB, Non-IT Level 1, 3, 4, and 5 8 MIPR PB, IT Level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Slide #62 Note: Each DoDAAC requires a workflow assignment for each combination of document type and level approver (Release Strategy). The purchase requisition approval PR workflow is built on release strategies that predetermine the routing path. Those release strategies are based on certain characteristics of the purchase requisition. When manually entering the purchase requisition, the Purchase Requisition Processor must determine the type of release strategy for the item being procured. As part of that process, he/she asks the following questions: Is the item being procured as a property book (PB) item only? A property book is the formerly designated set of property records to account for organizational and installation property in a using unit. Is it being procured as an information-technology (IT) item only? Is it being procured as both? Is it being procured as neither? The release strategy specifies approval levels as well as the sequence for approvals. There is a maximum of four levels of approval within the PR approval process. A fifth level is used only for Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requisitions (MIPRs). The first and fourth approval levels are pre-selected, which means the PR is always routed to these approval levels regardless of the type of release strategy that applies. Level 1 – Technical Review of the purchase requisition Level 2 - Property Book Office ensures the item being ordered is valid and the unit needs the item Level 3 – G6/Chief Information Office(CIO) approval for information-technology items Level 4 – Certification of the funds by the Purchase Requisition Funds Certifier Level 5 - Acceptance of MIPR by performing organization, for outbound MIPRs only 62
Direct Cite MIPR Certification Role: PR Funds Certifier Approve PR Level 5 - T-Code ME54N Role: PO Processor Create PO - T-Code ME21N Reimbursable MIPR process Note: PO is automatically created after L5 approval / certification occurs (Must wait 5-10 minutes after L5 approval to check for the PO to be created or updated) Slide #63 Level 5 Approval: After the Non-GFEBS Performing activity has signed the MIPR DD 448-2 Acceptance form and returns it to the GFEBS Requesting activity, the GFEBS user performs Level 5 approval for the MIPR PR. Designated approvers can go to transaction code ME54N and perform the L5 approval of the MIPR. Role: Purchase Requisition Funds Certifier Level 5 approval signifies that the MIPR has been accepted by the performer. For the Direct Cite MIPR process, once the obligating document (i.e., contract) is received from the Non-GFEBS Performing activity, the Purchase Order Processer will create the Purchase Order manually using transaction code ME21N. For the Reimbursable MIPR process, the Purchase Order is automatically created after L5 approval / certification of the MIPR occurs. For the Reimbursable MIPR process, please wait 5-10 minutes after L5 approval to check for the purchase order to be created or updated. 63
ME54N – Release Purchase Req. Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Slide #64 Note: Walk through the Approve PR Level 5 process in GFEBS with the students Depending on the Bandwidth, Environment, Time, etc. 64
Check on Learning What user role is used to process an Outbound MIPR? What T-code is used to certify an Outbound MIPR submitted for workflow? Slide #65 Check on Learning! What user role is used to process an Outbound MIPR? PR Processor What T-code is used to certify an Outbound MIPR submitted for workflow? ME54N 65
TLO Summary 66 Show slide # 66: Summary Facilitator’s Note: ( 15 minutes) Facilitator at this time, have one student from each group to explain the most important take away to them from this lesson. Facilitate a discussion on each answer. 66