Introduction Beyond Economic Growth: An Introduction to Sustainable Development By Tatyana P. Soubbotina
Overview of Introduction Is development just economic growth? Development is multi-dimensional and interdisciplinary Difficult questions, different answers Three questions Development data Back of book and other sources
Is development just economic growth? Sustainable development must balance economic goals with social and environmental goals Development includes freedom, equity, health, education, the environment, natural ecosystems, etc. Understanding sustainable development requires a diverse perspective The book is interdisciplinary Concepts: economic growth, population growth, improvements in education and health, industrialization, post-industrialization, environmental degradation, globalization
Difficult questions, different answers Three questions of the book: What is development? How can we compare development across countries? How can development be sustainable? Different people may have different priorities Higher income? Cleaner environment? More personal safety? More individual freedom?
Development data The book has extensive data tables Other data sources Gapminder Wikipedia (!!)