Modifications For EL Learners in the Regular Education Classroom


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Presentation transcript:

Modifications For EL Learners in the Regular Education Classroom Useful Teaching Strategies for Successful Integration of English Language Learners into ALL Pre-K – 12th Grade Classrooms

What is ESL A program designed to set minimum standards for Tennessee school districts in providing services to non-English language background students who are also English Learners (EL).

Why Does it Exist? Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)- 1965 Equal Education Opportunities Act- 1974 Lau vs Nichols- 1974 Plyer vs Doe- 1982

How Does It Affect Me? NCLB- Under NCLB, we are also held accountable for sub-groups on standardized tests Federal Money- If our Limited English students fail, we are held accountable and it affects jobs

I Know That They Understand Me! Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) 1-2 yrs- It takes 1-2 years for social language Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) 5-7 yrs- It takes 5-7 years for academic language you relearn When you learn a second language, it works the same as learning your first language. You learned to speak before you learned to read and write. The same is true for English Learners (EL).

Steps of Language Acquisition Silent Stage- Can last from 1 day to 6 months Pre-Production- They really don’t speak/ Will understand more than they can say Early Production- Will say a few words/ 1-2 word phrases/ Can answer yes and no questions Speech Emergence- Many errors in speaking and writing/ Starts to use simple sentences Intermediate Fluency- Less errors/ Can start stating opinions and adding details Advanced Proficiency- Have developed specialized content-area vocabulary/ Students can speak English using grammar and vocabulary comparable to that of same-age native speakers

What Do I Do When They Arrive at School? Home Language Survey Contact ESL Coordinator- Merideth Lawson If they are transferring from another school, request the EL records Immunizations- all students must have them to enroll Code correctly into Aspen

Aspen and Test Coding To properly enter EL students in the system, the ethnicity tab should be selected Under language- L should be chosen L- active ESL 1- first year of proficiency 2- second year of proficiency N- passed the entrance but is still non- English F- Proficient W- waives ESL Services T- transition

Entrance Exam Every person that fills out the language survey and says that English is not the primary language spoken at home must be assessed. The WIDA Screener or WIDA ACCESS Placement Test (WAP-T) is given by the ESL teacher Please ask your principal to contact the ESL Coordinator ASAP when you suspect English is not the home language

WIDA ACCESS 2.0 Assessment The WIDA ACCESS 2.0 (Assessing Comprehension and Comprehension in English State-to-State for English Learners) is the standardized test for K-12 given annually to EL students to determine their proficiency in English. The testing window is in February and March. The test is comprehensive and includes the four language domains: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It is untimed and may be time-consuming. It is administered by the ESL teacher. Language Proficiency Levels (1.0-6.0)

What about the State Tests? All EL students must participate in regular state testing for their grade level and content area EL students may receive testing accommodations for all assessments

Individual Learning Plan Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, all EL students are required to have individual learning plans (ILPs) and growth trajectories for English proficiency. An ILP is a document that describes the academic and language needs of, and goals for, and EL. It is created by ESL teachers in collaboration with other teachers, leaders, counselors, parents, and/or the student.

How Am I Supposed to Teach Them? Modifications- Shorter and differentiated reading assignments as needed. It still needs to challenge them. Pre-teaching- present and familiarize them with the material Familiarize them with vocabulary Meet with ESL teacher to assist with modifications Avoid using auditory-only methods of instruction Include as many visual aids as possible

Can You Repeat That Pre-School & Kindergarten: Phonics, Vocabulary, Computer programs for enrichment of vocabulary and phonics, audio books, labels throughout the room Grades 1-2: Phonics, read with them, audio books, labels throughout the room Grades 3-12: Pre-teaching, Vocabulary, Modifications and computer programs, audio books, labels throughout the room, consult ESL teacher Identified EL students will receive up to 1 hour of instruction per day with an ESL teacher

Contact Information Merideth Lawson- ESL Coordinator Please email with any questions and/or concerns that you may have.