1. Overview of the Grade 11 and 12 programmes. 2. Assessment 3. I.B. Exams and registration 4. T.O.K. 5. Extended Essay 6. C.A.S. 7. Questions and answers.
* Requires six subjects: 1. English 2. French or another second language (Japanese, Mandarin or Spanish) 3. History or Geography or Business and Management 4. Biology, Chemistry or Physics 5. Mathematics (Math HL, SL or Studies SL) 6. Visual Art or Film (or additional choice from group 2- 4) * Theory of Knowledge course * 4000 word research essay (Extended Essay) * Successful completion of C.A.S * Candidates must have at least 3 HL subjects-max. of 4.
* IB English 11Group 1 * IB Language 11 andGroup 2 IB Language 12 * One of: IB Geog 11/ IB Hist 11/ IB Bus 11Group 3 * One of: IB Bio 11/ IB Chem 11/ IB Phy 11Group 4 * IB Math 11/ Principles Math 11 Group 5 * IB Art 11/ IB Film 11 or alternative*Group 6 * IB Theory of Knowledge 11 * IB C.A.S. 11 * IB Extended Essay 11 * Students may take an additional course in groups 2-4 in lieu of group 6.
* I B English 12 (HL) Group 1 * IB Geog 12 (HL) or IB Hist 12 (HL) or IB Business Management 12 IB (SL) Group 3 * IB Biology 12 (HL), Chemistry 12 (SL) or Physics 12 (HL/SL)Group 4 * IB Math 12 (HL) or IB Math 12 (SL) or Group 5 IB Math Studies (SL) * IB Art 12 or IB Film 12 or alternative*Group 6 * IB C.A.S. 12 * IB T.O.K 12 * IB Extended Essay 12 * Students may substitute an additional course in groups 2-4 in lieu of group 6. ** To meet hours of instruction requirements, grade 12 courses continue in semester 2.
* Classroom assessment of and for learning to produce letter grade for MoE. * IB assessment consists of internal and external assessments.
* May Exams in Grade 11 (max of 2, both SL) and Grade 12. * Externally evaluated by IB examiners world-wide. * Combined with other External Assessment and Internal Assessment to produce final IB scores.
* Final grades 1-7 (no partial points) awarded by I.B., converted from numerical scales * Diploma Score: 6 subjects x 7 = extra points (TOK and EE) = 45 perfect score. * Minimum Diploma score is 24.
* The process * The costs * $180 Registration Fee (one time only for Diploma students) * $125 Subject Fee per exam Grade 11 Student One IB Exam in May $180+ $125= $305 $305- $275 = $30 to pay Grade 11 Student Two IB Exams in May $180+ $250 = $430 $430- $275 = $155 to pay Grade 12 Student Five IB Exams in May 5 x $125 = $625 $ = $350 to pay
* The Theory of Knowledge course encourages critical thinking about knowledge itself, to try to help young people make sense of what they encounter in their studies and in the world around them.
* 4000 word research paper * Can be written in any of the curricular areas of IB but should be chosen as a function of personal interest and teacher expertise. * Students must complete the paper in stages and are required to have a member of the school staff as supervisor. Grade 11 Year January, 2012 The Complete Guide to Extended Essays is made available to all Diploma Candidates. March, 2012 All candidates must submit to IB Coordinator (Mr. Lenihan) the EE Planning Form signed by an extended essay supervisor indicating their topic/subject area. June, 2012 All candidates must submit a Working Draft including Research Question and Working Bibliography on Manage BAC. Grade 12 Year September 17, 2012 Updated Working Draft is DUE to EE supervising teacher and on ManageBAC. October 29, 2012 First Full Draft is due to EE supervising teacher. December 20, 2012 Three copies of FINAL ESSAY, with completed Extended Essay Cover Sheet signed by both student and EE supervising teacher must be submitted to office by 3:00 p.m.
* Creativity: arts, and other experiences that involve creative thinking * Action: physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle * Service: an unpaid and voluntary exchange that has a learning benefit for the student.
* Engage in 3 hours of activities each week until the end of April in grade 12 year. * Record evidence on ManageBAC weekly keep a record over time. * Go beyond descriptionexplain what has been learned and experiencedwhat are the goals, the successes, the failures. * Include emotional responses, make connections to learning, track changing opinions or beliefs, make it worthwhile. * CAS is a pass or fail.
* School is required to complete every 5 years * Analyze and evaluate implementation and seek enhancement/improvement * Involve all stakeholders: staff, administrators, students, graduates and parents * October/November online survey for parents * Final results will be available in June
Thank you