Environment and Environmental Factors South America Environment and Environmental Factors
Continent Facts South America is one of the 7 continents It is the 4th largest continent in size There are a total of 13 countries within it Use this map and the next to fill in the countries, major cities and landmarks on your map sheet.
South America is a tropical, wet climate with hot temperatures & heavy rain fall The tropics temperatures reach over 100 degrees The mountain regions are cooler with temperatures of around 59 degrees Since it falls below the equator the seasons are the opposite of ours. Summer is December through February Winter is June through August Winters are milder than those in North America Climate
Water Everywhere!! Iquazu Falls is the largest & one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world The worlds 2nd longest river the Amazon River is over 4,000 miles long South America has the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans surrounding it Lake Titicaca is one of South America's largest lakes, is the world’s highest navigable body of water
Geographic Features Amazon Rainforest Andes Mountains largest rainforest in the world 5.5 million km2 Converts 20% world carbon dioxide into oxygen Andes Mountains Cover 5,500 unbroken miles Highest peaks in the Western Hemisphere Highest Peak is Mount Aconcagua 22,831 feet
Atacama Dessert Tierra del Fuego 1000-km of land West of the Andes mountains The driest nonpolar desert in the world Tierra del Fuego Dramatic landscape of snowy mountains, glaciers, tundra and wind-sculpted trees. Main island, Isla Grande, is home to the Argentine resort town of Ushuaia. Sometimes called “the End of the World,” Ushuaia is a gateway to the region and Antarctica to the south.
Wildlife South America is home to many unique species of plants & animals Many not found elsewhere on earth Amazon Rainforest home to largest diversity of plants & animals on earth Over 3,000 species of Birds Over 3,000 species of fish Over 2 million species of insects
Environmental Factors Illegal Mining Hydroelectric Dams Gold and copper mining are contentious & widespread across the region Environmental Issues such as: destruction of forests and riverbanks contamination of rivers, fish and people by mercury and cyanide 19% of the indigenous territories subject to legal or illegal mining, Illegal gold exports earn approximately $2.6 billion annually Economic incentives remain an enormous barrier for change. Hydroelectric dams meet energy & water needs of South America Some dams do more harm than good, such as poor planning & failure to communicate with indigenous groups Environmental Issues such as: endanger species of fish & animals flood forests & farmlands. Honduras the 4th most dangerous country for environmental activists 12 recorded deaths in 2014. Environmental Factors
Environmental Factors Continued Palm oil Production Cattle Ranching Cheap edible oil in high global demand Clearing land & forests for palm oil plantations Environmental Issues such as: deforestation, habitat degradation animal cruelty Water pollution resulted in a fish die-off in La Pasión river Brazil is the 2nd largest producer of meat Brazil has few health & environmental regulations Environmental Issues such as: Rapid deforestation of the Amazon Endangerment of Native Species Environmental Factors Continued
Unscathed Environment
Effects of human advancement:
Your Turn Small Groups Investigate 2 Environmental Issues of South America Examples include: Deforestation Habitat Degradation Water Pollution Climate Change Endangered Species Create a Poster Highlighting 2 environmental issues Include: Causes Effects Conservation Efforts How they connect to other ESPN factors
Works Cited Humanosphere; “4 Environmental Rights Issues to Follow in Latin America,” September 30, 2016, Lisa Nikolau; http://www.humanosphere.org/environment/2016/09/4-environmental-rights-issues-follow-latin-america/ Panoramos; “The Effects of Cattle Ranching in South America,” June 15, 2016, Sophia Winston; http://www.panoramas.pitt.edu/news-and-politics/effects-cattle-ranching-south-america