Centralization and Standardization Listening Session February 28, 2018
Agenda Introduction TEAM Resources Group Exercise 11_89 Introduction TEAM Resources Group Exercise Feedback from Group Exercise and Questions Closing Comments
Our shared vision for the School of Medicine 17_88 6_84 4_84 3_84 Our shared vision for the School of Medicine Set the standard for quality patient- centric care and academic excellence Become the desired destination for faculty, staff, and students by ensuring they are developed and empowered Grow to achieve leading financial results and a leadership position in the market, benefiting our mission, faculty, and staff
14_85 15_85 16_85 18_85 22_85 23_85 TEAM initiatives will enable us to deliver quality and growth in everything we do Culture: Excellence and accountability Clinical Quality Patient Access Research and Education Improve clinical quality across the continuum of care Develop infrastructure for high performance in value-based payment contracts Develop a patient experience program Optimize clinical capacity - develop standards on working hours, productivity, scheduling, and CARTS Reduce and mitigate the impact of cancellations, no shows, & bumps Sustainably develop programmatic research to grow external funding resources (NIH, clinical trials, and others) Improve Graduate Medical and Graduate Research Education Reinstate full LCME accreditation Improve and integrate interprofessional health professions training Integrated Organization Supporting Capabilities Strategic Plan Shift to an institute model to enhance performance while maintaining identity Clarify decision rights and accountabilities Redesign budget and funds flow process Improve recruiting, hiring, and development processes & standardize job titles Centralize & standardize support functions Rollout new faculty compensation model Implement standardized processes to ensure billing & coding compliance Consolidate Epic EHR Transition to the Epic revenue cycle management system Develop a 5-year roadmap to achieve ‘full- potential’ growth and patient outcomes Implement the Integrated Delivery Network Plan with SSM Build the new hospital and ACC and move clinical infrastructure Redesign the academic campus How we came up with these; progress on some already; LCME is critical; refer to vicious cycle in access; goal to grow external research funding as examples that appeal to multiple constituents. DELIVER QUALITY AND GROWTH IN EVERYTHING WE DO
TEAM Resources Website: www.slu.edu/team FAQ: www.slu.edu/team/faq 11_89 Website: www.slu.edu/team FAQ: www.slu.edu/team/faq Feedback: TEAM Website or team@slu.edu TEAM Project Managers: Katie Troll, Kayla Hurley, Jackie Jones, Karley Berard
Group Exercise How might the centralization of the following functions make the SOM and/or SLUCare better? Nurse Triage Supply Chain What successes have we experienced with the centralization of billing and coding? What lessons have we learned in the centralization of billing and coding that we need to be aware of as we consider the centralization of other functions? What would you like to see in the centralization of professional development and career ladders? Any questions or concerns about the centralization of these functions, i.e., nurse triage, supply chain, billing and coding and/or professional development and career ladders? 11_89
Feedback from Group Exercise and Questions 11_89 Feedback from Group Exercise and Questions
Questions Submitted with Registration What are the plans on centralization in regards to surgical schedulers that are now working in the clinic setting? What is the time line for completion of centralization? When is the centralized scheduling going to start? How is it determined who goes? Where will employees be placed? Will there be opportunities to work from home? Will there be more chances for advancement within the departments? Will employees be offered specific positions or simply placed? 11_89
Questions Submitted with Registration Will phone triage RNs remain SLU employees or become RelateCare employees? What is timeline for Nurse Triage for specialties to be started? How will centralization affect Nurse Practitioners? Centralization of triage RNs, work from home possible? I work in an office w/ 40 different providers. Would this office be centralized? The triage nurses also draw blood, work procedures, and do chemo teaching. Will this also affect SLU Research Departments? On the topic of career ladders, newer employees are often not able to advance, as many supervisors & managers may remain in their positions for many years, until retirement. How would you address this issue? 11_89
Questions Submitted with Registration How can we provide better real-time data back to providers on how their visits and procedures were coded and billed? Will PMO be moving, and if so, where and when? Will the St. Mary's billing staff be joining PMO in any capacity or will we remain separate entities? 11_89
11_89 Closing Comments