Do Now 5 – 10 question review quiz on the previous lesson (which would most likely be) Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells.
Cell Anatomy & Physiology
Cell Anatomy & Physiology - Video
Cell Anatomy & Physiology
Animal Cell Anatomy Nucleus Ribosome Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria Cytosol / Cytoplasm Cell Membrane Cytoskeleton Centrioles Lysosomes & Peroxisomes Flagella & Cilia
Nucleus A large, membrane-bound, spherical structure within a living cell. It contains the cell's hereditary material (chromosomes) and controls its metabolism, growth, and reproduction.
Ribosomes A small particle composed of protein and ribonucleic acid (RNA) that serves as the site of protein synthesis.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum performs the synthesis of proteins and transport of many biochemical compounds in a cell. It is made up of a system of tubules, vesicles, and cisternae. On the surface it has ribosomes which make it appear “rough”. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum A part of endoplasmic reticulum that is tubular in form (rather than sheet-like) and lacks ribosomes. Its functions include lipid synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, drug detoxification, and attachment of receptors on cell membrane proteins.
Golgi Apparatus
Golgi Apparatus composed of membrane-bound sacs known as cisternae. It is involved in adding carbohydrates to proteins (glycosylation), packaging of molecules like proteins into vesicles for secretion, transport of lipids around the cell, and the creation of lysosomes.
Mitochondria organelles found within the cytoplasm of the cell. Often referred to as the “powerhouse” of the cell since they act as the site for the production of high-energy compounds.
Cytoplasm /Cytosol & The Cell Membrane
Cell Membrane The structure surrounding a cell. It encloses the cytoplasm and forms a selectively permeable barrier. It consists of lipid bilayer, proteins and some carbohydrates. Cytosol The liquid component of the cytoplasm surrounding the organelles. It consists of water, organic molecules and dissolved ions.
Cytoskeleton Microtubules Microfilaments Intermediate Filaments
Cytoskeleton The lattice or internal framework of a cell. It is composed of protein filaments and microtubules in the cytoplasm, and has a role in controlling cell shape, maintaining intracellular organization, and in cell movement.
Centrioles Small, fibrous, cylindrical-shaped organelles, typically located in the cytoplasm near the nucleus in cells of most animals. It is involved in the process of nuclear division.
Peroxisomes & Lysosomes
Peroxisomes Lysosomes A membrane vesicle that contains digestive enzymes for breaking down toxic materials in the cell. They hold on to enzymes that require oxygen (oxidative enzymes). Lysosomes Lysosomes hold enzymes that were created by the cell. The purpose of the lysosome is to digest things. They might be used to digest food or break down the cell when it dies. Lysosomes have enzymes that work in oxygen-poor areas that have a lower pH.
Flagella & Cilia
Flagella A long, slender, whip-like extension of certain cells or unicellular organisms used mainly for movement. Cilia hair-like projections on the surface of some cells which aid in motion or sensory function.
Plant Cell Anatomy Nucleus Ribosome Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria Peroxisomes Cytoskeleton Cytosol / Cytoplasm Cell Membrane Cell Wall Chloroplasts Vacuole
Cell Wall
Cell Wall a tough, rigid structure that consists of a thick layer rich in lignin that strengthens and waterproofs the cell.
Vacuole is a membrane bound structure that surrounds a mass of fluid. In that fluid are nutrients or waste products. Plant cells use vacuoles to store water and help keep the cells structure.
Chloroplasts Within this organelle are disk-shaped structures called thylakoids that function as the site of photosynthesis. The thylakoid membrane is a complex consisting of proteins and light-absorbing pigments including chlorophyll.
Our Classroom = The Cell Mr. Feinsinger = Nucleus Classroom Walls = Cell Membrane Air in the room = Cytoplasm Students = Either; Ribosome, Smooth ER, Rough ER, Golgi Apparatus, Lysosome or Mitochondira.
Feinsingers’ Fun Fascinating Facts! How many cells (approximately) are there in the (170lb) human body? What is the largest cell? Can it be seen with the human eye?
Homework – Venn Diagram On a separate piece of paper (to hand in) please create a Venn Diagram that lists organelles that are found in plant cells only, animal cells only and common to both types of cells. Plant Cell Organelles Animal Cell Organelles Common Organelles