Essential Question: What are the characteristics of a leader? 5.1 King Menes/Narmer p. 107 Essential Question: What are the characteristics of a leader? Standard 6.20
Success Criteria Was Narmer/Menes a good leader? What did he do? What are the characteristics of a good leader? Vocabulary To Unite, unify Dynasty
Historians learn by analyzing artifacts found from ancient times Historians learn by analyzing artifacts found from ancient times. What story might this Ancient Egyptian palette tell you about this king?
Narmer Palette The Narmer Palette dates back to about 3000 B.C. and is one of the oldest examples of hieroglyphics. A palette is a thin board or slab that was used to grind up pigments used to create make-up. The palette was discovered in 1898 by archaeologists. This palette was likely used for symbolic reasons to show victory battles, not for daily use. According to one Egyptologist, or Egypt scholar, this palette is “the first historical document in the world” because it tells the story of actual events through symbols. The front shows Narmer striking one of his enemies to show his power. The reeds represent Lower Egypt. The six papyrus flowers may represent the number 6000. This may be the number of enemies defeated in battle. The crown on Narmer’s head symbolizes Upper Egypt. Narmer’s name appears between the two cow heads. Source: Bob Brier, Archaeology: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases.
The cartouche of Egyptian king Menes, c The cartouche of Egyptian king Menes, c. 3150 BCE, the legendary first ruler of Egypt considered to have united Upper and Lower Egypt and founded the First Dynasty.
To Unite – to bring together into one unit (Unify)
Crowns and headdresses of the pharaohs have not survived, but we do know what they looked like because of pictures that remain on temple walls and ancient writings.
King Menes / Narmer started the first dynasty of rulers in Egypt.
Essential Question: Was Narmer/Menes a good leader? What did he do? What are the characteristics of a good leader?