The Elizabethan Era A story
Once upon a time…
There was a king named Henry
Henry the VIII was married to his first wife. Catherine of Aragon Henry the VIII was married to his first wife. Catherine of Aragon. Together they produced one daughter, Mary. However, Catherine could not produce a son. Henry decided he no longer wanted to be married to Catherine and demanded a divorce. However, the Catholic Church refused him a divorce and…..
In rage…. Henry decided to start his own church…the Church of England In rage….Henry decided to start his own church…the Church of England. His new church deemed him the Supreme Head of the Church and Henry granted himself an annulment….
Now, there was a new Queen…. Anne Boleyn
The new queen (Henry’s mistress) Anne Boleyn bore Henry a child, but another daughter Elizabeth.
And they all lived happily ever after….
Until one day the King was upset…
Henry was angry that his second wife could not produce a male heir.
After a calculating plan, Henry….
Beheaded his second wife
And he lived happily ever after…
Only after….
6 wives….
One died One survived Two divorced and two…. beheaded.
Than one day Henry…
Who took Henry’s throne?
A strange turn of events occurred… Henry had one son with wife number 3, Edward who was crowned at nine and died at 15. Next in line for the throne was Mary, his first daughter from his first wife. Mary took the throne when Edward died. Mary would only be Queen for five years before she died and….
Queen Elizabeth was crowned Elizabeth was Henry’s second daughter from his second wife. The first wife to be beheaded.
And they all lived happily ever after….
Except for Elizabeth… Elizabeth reigned England and Ireland for 45 years….alone. Known as the Virgin Queen. Elizabeth never married, but was rumored to have loved many men.
Poems by Queen Elizabeth I grieve and dare not show my discontent, I love and yet am forced to seem to hate, I do, yet dare not say I ever meant, I seem stark mute but inwardly to prate. I am and not, I freeze and yet am burned. Since from myself another self I turned. My care is like my shadow in the sun, Follows me flying, flies when I pursue it, Stands and lies by me, doth what I have done. His too familiar care doth make me rue it. No means I find to rid him from my breast, Till by the end of things it be supprest. Some gentler passion slide into my mind, For I am soft and made of melting snow; Or be more cruel, love, and so be kind. Let me or float or sink, be high or low. Or let me live with some more sweet content, Or die and so forget what love ere meant.
And so this began the time period in which Shakespeare lived and why it is called the Elizabethan era
When I was fair and young.. When I was fair and young then favour graced me; Of many was I sought their mistress for to be. But I did scorn them all, and answered them therefore, Go, go, go, seek some otherwhere, Importune me no more. How many weeping eyes I made to pine in woe; How many sighing hearts I have no skill to show; Yet I the prouder grew, and answered them therefore, Then spake fair Venus' son, that proud victorious boy, And said, you dainty dame, since that you be so coy, I will so pluck your plumes that you shall say no more When he had spake these words such change grew in my breast, That neither night nor day I could take any rest. Then, lo! I did repent, that I had said before
What major events happened during the Elizabethan era?
Sickness and Death There were many sicknesses that came during this time period due to sanitation and disinfection Cures were not available because churches did not allow dissection of the human body until the mid 16th century.
Bubonic Plague The Black Death spread across Europe. The Bubonic plague was a viral disease that was spread by fleas from animals and rodents, especially rats. The disease claimed 20,000 lives in 1563 in London alone.