Cell Types
Essential Question: 1.) What are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
Cells Smallest living unit Most are microscopic Building blocks of life
Organelles – “ Mini Organs” Organelles are parts of the cell that help it function A cell has organelles like we have organs
Cell Types Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Prokaryotic Cells The “simple” type of cell First cell type on earth! Bacteria and Archaea (ancient bacteria)
Prokaryotic Cells No nucleus Nucleoid = region of DNA concentration
Prokaryotic Cells Only have a few organelles: Cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, DNA, and ribosomes
Eukaryotic Cells Include fungi, plant, animal cells, and protists
Eukaryotic Cells Nucleus is bound by membrane Possess many organelles (all that prokaryotes have plus many more)
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Cell Notes Part 2: Organelles
Organelles (review from yesterday) Organelles are parts of the cell that help it function A cell has organelles like we have organs
What do all cells (Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic) have?
Cell Membrane Surrounds cell contents Allows materials to go in and out of cell It is like a fence with gates
Cytoplasm Jelly-like fluid that supports organelles Fills up all of the “in between” space Its like a thick broth when you make soup
DNA Material inherited from your parents Controls the activities of the cell It’s like a “blueprint”
Ribosomes Make proteins Proteins do things like move stuff in and out of the cell They are like the lunch staff at school
What do only eukaryotic cells have?
Nucleus Control center of cell because it has DNA Big circle towards the middle (like the onion cells we saw) Its like the brain of the cell
Nucleolus At the center of the nucleus Materials for ribosomes found here
Endoplasmic Reticulum Helps move substances within cells Its like the cell delivery system (Two types Rough ER—ribosomes attached Smooth ER—no ribosomes present)
Mitochondria Break down fuel molecules to make energy Like the power plant of the cell
Golgi Apparatus Sends proteins and other materials out of cell Its like the packaging & shipping station of cell
Golgi Apparatus Function Molecules come in vesicles 2. Vesicles join Golgi membrane 3. Molecules may be modified or changed by Golgi
Golgi Apparatus Function (Continued) 4. Molecules pinched-off in separate vesicle 5. Vesicle leaves Golgi apparatus 6. Vesicles may combine with cell membrane to distribute contents
Vacuoles Membrane bound storage sacs More common in plants than animals Like the lunchbox of the cell Contents Water Food Wastes
Lysosomes Functions Aid in cell renewal Break down old cell parts Digests invaders *Like the cleaner of the cell
Things found only in plant cells
Cell Walls Found ONLY in plant cells (and some prokaryotic cells) . Rigid layer that surrounds cell membrane
Chloroplasts Solar energy capturing organelle Photosynthesis occurs here Only in plants