CH3 Cells and Tissues … Power Point Part B
Assignment: Prior to class, fill in the information for the items that have a * in your own words. Be prepared to turn your answers in if requested.
VI. Body Tissues– 4 types A. Epithelial *Tissues = 1. Locations Coverings/Linings Boundaries Skin & Glands 2. *Characteristics *Cell Density: *Surfaces: Apical & Basal Basement Membrane *Avascular: *Regeneration:
a) Simple Squamous Epithelium Forms membranes Function *Examples: 3. Classification a. *Cell Layers *Simple: *Stratified: b. Cell Shapes *Squamous *Cuboidal *Columnar 4. Simple Epithelia a) Simple Squamous Epithelium Forms membranes Function *Examples: Figure 3.17a
b) Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Functions: *Examples: Simple Epithelia … b) Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Functions: *Examples: c) Simple Columnar Epithelium Goblet Cells *Examples
d) Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium *Layers: ______________ why? Simple Epithelia … d) Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium *Layers: ______________ why? *w/ Cilia: name? Goblet Cells make mucus Function: cilia & mucus do what *Examples
5. Stratified Epithelia a) Stratified squamous Cell Shapes: *Function: *Examples 6. Glandular Epithelium a) *Gland = b) Types Exocrine Endocrine
VI. Body Tissues … B. Connective Tissue 1. Characteristics a. Cell Density b. *Blood Supply c. *Locations & Abundance: d. *Functions e. Extracellular Matrix i) *define: ii) Ground Substance iii) Protein Fibers Collagen (white) fibers Elastic (yellow) fibers
2. TYPES a. Bone (osseous tissue) i) Composed of Bone cells - lacunae Hard matrix Minerals: Fibers: ii) *Function:
b. Cartilage i) *compared to Bone, matrix is? ii) Cells in lacuna iii) *Locations/Examples iv) *Types: list c. Dense Connective Tissue (Fibrous) i) *Matrix: primarily what? ii) Fibroblasts:
d. Loose Connective Tissue - * compared to Dense C.T. i) Areolar Description: Functions Location Fibers Edema ii) Adipose *Mostly what? *Functions *Locations/Examples
e. Blood (vascular tissue) *Matrix: liquid, called what? Fibers: *Functions:
C. Muscle Tissue Cells shape: Functions: Types 1. Skeletal muscle *Organs: in what organ? *control: controlled consciously? *Function: Striated
2. Cardiac muscle *Conscious control: ? *Location: *Function: Intercalated Discs: *Striated: is it? 3. Smooth muscle *Striations: is it? *Cell Shape: *Locations: Function: Conscious control:
D. Nervous Tissue 1. Neurons a. *Function: b. Functional Characteristics Irritability Conductivity c. Cell Structure Cell Body: *Processes: 2. *Supporting Cells functions 3. *Make up what organs
VII. Events in Tissue Repair Two Methods: Regeneration and Fibrosis Regeneration = STEPS 1. Inflammation Capillaries permeable Blood clot forms Scab forms 2. Granulation Tissue Forms = New capillaries grow in Phagocytes Connective Tissue Cells: Clot dissolves via phagocytes
B. Fibrosis 3. Surface Epithelium Regenerates Regeneration of surface epithelium Scab detaches 5. There May Be Some Scar Tissue Beneath 4. Tissues: epithelial, connective except cartilage B. Fibrosis = 1. Depends on: 2. Scar Tissue Repair by dense connective tissue 3. Tissues With No or Poor Regeneration Cardiac muscle: none Nervous: some mitosis Skeletal muscle: some mitosis
VIII. Health Concerns– Cancer (crab) - How Common: approx VIII. Health Concerns– Cancer (crab) - How Common: approx. ½ population develops; 1/5 die A. Carcinogens & Mutations Oncogenes & Tumor Suppressor Genes B. Increased Cell Division C. Tumor (Neoplasm) Develops Benign OR Malignant D. Malignancy Develops 1. Last mutation 2. Non-encapsulated 3. Agressively Grow 4. Angiogenesis 5. Metasticize
E. Common Cancers: Skin, Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate Gland (Stomach, Lymphoid) F. Treatments Traditional: Surgery, Anticancer Drugs, Radiation Newer Methods Precise Delivery of Radiation & Drugs Activate Immune System Stop Angiogenesis Use of Viruses to deliver a treatment Cancer Vaccines in research END OF PPT