That’s The American Way Arranged by: Greg Gilpin “So Much More To Sing About” – Pg. 37-38 CD3:13 All Rights Reserved – Used With Permission PPT: Ms. Lisa Rai Trewin
Let your heart beat so true To the red, the white and blue! You know that’s the American way!
Get your flag, raise it high Send the message far and wide. You know that’s the American way!
Count off 1 – 2 – 3, It’s so great that we stand free! Nothing will keep our song at bay!
Sing it loud, Sing it strong, Ev’ryone should sing along. You know that’s the American way!
Let your heart beat so true To the red, the white and blue! You know that’s the American way!
Get your flag, raise it high Send the message far and wide. You know that’s the American way!
Count off 1 – 2 – 3, It’s so great that we stand free! Nothing will keep our song at bay!
Sing it loud, Sing it strong, Ev’ryone should sing along. You know that’s the… A-mer-i-can way!