READ AND UNDERSTAND Scan the chapter for bold printed words and familiarize yourself with them Understand all section titles Read all titles printed in red, blue or green Take a look at all pictures and see how they relate to the text
ROMAN NUMERALS Roman Numerals should be the titles of each section Subsections (1,2,etc.) should identify the main ideas of the section title and list important places and terms
ALPHABETICAL LISTINGS Alphabet letters should designate the subsections of the main section topic. (In your book these are printed in red or blue lettering.)
NUMERICAL LISTINGS These identify the topics that the subsections explain (These are in green in your book)
CONTENT All content should be read and the main points should be listed under the green heading. Use short sentences and paraphrase the main ideas of each paragraph.
EXAMPLE CHAPTER 11 sec. 1 I. Today’s issues- Latin America 1. Special interest groups make competing demands on the resources of the rain forest 2. As the rain forests are destroyed, the quality of life on earth is threatened 3. biodiversity, deforestation, global warming, debt-for-nature swap
EXAMPLE CHAPTER 11 sec. 1 Human perspective- scientists confirm richness of plant and animal life in Amazon rainforest Rain Forest Land Uses- rainforest is important but is being destroyed 1. Clearing the rainforest-timber demand is great; natives cut down trees for land but it is not fertile; trees cut for cattle grazing land
EXAMPLE CHAPTER 11 sec. 1 Population pressures- Brazilian pop. Contributing to forest decline; developers want to cut forest to build homes for growing population C. Price of Destruction- short term benefits offset by damage to environment
EXAMPLE CHAPTER 11 sec. 1 Environmental concerns- forests regulate climate; when forest shrink more CO2 appears; slash-and-burn produces CO2 Plants and animals in danger- forests cover 6% of world but home to 50% of plant and animal species; these will disappear when forest dies
EXAMPLE CHAPTER 11 sec. 1 Moving toward solutions- creative solutions needed to solve problems 1. Juggling act- countries trying to decide how to balance economic growth and preservation activities Fighting eco. with eco.- debt-for-nature swap seen as solution to preserve forest
EXAMPLE CHAPTER 11 Giving Citizens a Voice Continue the remainder of the chapter just as we did in section 1.