How many states in Latin America can you name? Task on Entry How many states in Latin America can you name? What is the population of the largest state in Latin America? What percentage of people in Latin America live in cities? What are the main languages spoken in Latin America? Why is this? Approximately how much of the world’s surface does Latin America cover?
The indigenous population in Latin America Communication Inquirer Learning Objective: KEY TERMS: Mestizos Indigenismo Quechua Aymara Yanomamis Miskitos Caciques Zapotec To consider the extent to which the indigenous population of Latin America achieved equality after 1945. To explore two case studies from Mexica and Guatemala. Learning Outcomes: Grade 4 You can describe examples of how improvements had been made in achieving equality for the indigenous people. Grade 5 You can consider how far the indigenous people had achieved equality after 1945. Grade 6/7 You can explain the extent to which indigenous people had achieved equality after 1945, supporting your points with specific examples.
Connect Activity Latin America Pre 1945 Between 1900-45 Latin America had a strong hierarchy. The large indigenous populations of Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia were impoverished and discriminated against. Resistance movements often proved useless. During the 1920’s the indigenismo movement revered indigenous culture as a source of what was best in national values. What does this information tell you about the situation of the indigenous population of Latin America pre 1945. What problems might this hierarchy cause within Latin America?
Activate Activity Research the extent to which life changed for Latin Americans post 1945. Work in pairs to research the following 4 factors; Political Religious Economic Methods used to obtain equality. Use the worksheet and page 12-17 of the textbook, to complete your research.
Activate Activity: Part 2 There are also a number of reasons why there was insufficient improvements in equality after 1945. Complete your notes on the four key areas. Racism: During the 20th century indigenous peoples remained the principal victims of racist exploitation and violence. In Brazil this led to a decrease in the indigenous population from 1 million to 180,000. Around 1000 of the 9000 Yanomamis living in Brazil and 12,000 in Venezuela had been murdered since 1975, mostly by gold miners. Culture clashes and divisions: Different tribes found it hard to co-operate in campaigning for equality. Some indigenous customs (arranged marriages, public beatings etc) were considered inacceptable by others including other indigenous tribes. Many indigenous people lived outside the cities in their own communities. Implementing their laws would clash with other legal systems. Unsympathetic government: Some Latin American governments most opposed to social reform were supported by the USA, which valued their anti-Communism during the Cold War. An example are the right wing Guatemalan government after 1954.
Activate Activity: Part 2 continued… There are also a number of reasons why there was insufficient improvements in equality after 1945; Divergent interest groups: Balancing national prosperity and the interests of indigenous populations was difficult for governments. In Peru (2001) privatization of oil and gas after a discovery in the Amazon region angered many of the indigenous population. In 2009 30 people died in violent demonstrations over a free trade pact with the USA giving private companies rights to the Peruvian rainforest. President Garcia said the natural resources were vital to Peru’s development.
Demonstrate Activity In groups create a short presentation on one of the case studies in either Mexico or Guatemala. For your presentation consider; ‘How and to what extent did the indigenous population of Latin America achieve equality after 1945?’ Tips: You may wish to use some of the headings from your research to help divide the information up in your presentation. Consider how these case studies highlight the problems faced by the indigenous populations after 1945.
Can use the information to…. Consolidate As a result of the lesson today I: Know… Understand… Can use the information to….