DIGITAL STORIES &PHOTO STORY AGENDA 1. What is digital storytelling? 2. Classroom Integration 3. Student Samples 4. Digital Cameras 5. Scavenger Hunt 6. Copyright & Creative Commons 7. Create YOUR Digital STORY 8. Movie Premieres Created by YOU!
Classroom Integration Types: Personal Narrative Examination of theme or event To Inform or Instruct Combining the art of telling stories with some mixture of digital graphics, text, recorded audio narration, video and music to present information on a specific topic. Revolve around a theme and often contain a particular viewpoint; stories are typically just a few minutes long.
Stories Created by Teachers Can Serve: As a Lesson Hook As a Way to Integrate Multimedia into the Curriculum As a Way to Make Difficult Content More Understandable To Facilitate Classroom Discussion
An Effective Learning Tool for Students Research Skills Writing Skills Organization Skills Technology Skills Presentation Skills Interview Skills Interpersonal Skills Problem-Solving Skills Assessment Skills
Student Literacy Digital Literacy Global Literacy Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Information Literacy
Scavenger Hunt Choices Geometric Shapes Explore the school Looking for spheres, cylinders, rectangular prisms, cubes, pyramids, and cones Day in the Life of a Student Explore the school Take photos that would describe a day in the life of a student