humanism is… A- A cultural “rebirth” which took place from about 1300- 1700 AD B- A philosophy that all people should strive to educate themselves in the cultural arts of ancient Greece and Rome. C- A document written in 1215 AD which protected the liberty of the nobles. D- A code of conduct among knights.
Humanism- the study of humanity Italian scholars studied classical Greek and Roman literature to educate themselves.
*Very few people were able to educate themselves. One dilemma… *Very few people were able to educate themselves. *Manuscripts and books were not widely available until the invention of…
The printing press
The printing press Invented in 1450 by Johannes Gutenberg
By 1475 printing presses existed all over Europe By 1475 printing presses existed all over Europe. ideas and information began to spread.
Many people helped spread ideas and knowledge…
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) Politician, Historian, Writer Father of modern political science.
“It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” Machiavelli “It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.”
Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536) Dutch philosopher & scholar Translated & published the New Testament in Greek.
erasmus In his book ridiculed ignorance, superstition and vice among Christians.
Executed by Henry VIII because of his beliefs. Thomas more (1478-1535) Writer, philosopher Executed by Henry VIII because of his beliefs.
Thomas more In his book wrote about Utopia, an imaginary society where everything is ideal and just.
William shakespeare A leading literary figure during the Renaissance. Had great insight into human nature and use of the English language.
In class assignment Imagine that you are a reporter living in the present day. You have just invented a time machine and you decide to travel back in time to interview one of the men we have discussed today. In at least one paragraph write about: Where they were born and their earlier life Why they were important in their time How they are still relevant in our world today.