The Reformation Ch 14 Sections 3 & 4 Pages 44-53
Reformation: A time of great political, social, and religious change in Europe. Causes Ideas of the Renaissance Invention of the Printing Press Humanistic Theories Poorly educated clergy Abuses of the Church Church became worldly Immoral life of priests Maintained lavish lifestyles How? The church increased fees for marriage and baptism as well as began selling indulgences Two Phases Protestant Reformation English Reformation and the Catholic Counter Reformation
Early Leaders of the Reformation are: Early Leaders of the Reformation are: a. John Wycliffe– 1300s wanted the church to reform its formal and empty ceremony. b. Erasmus – wanted the Bible translated into the Vernacular & discusses the ignorant and immoral behavior of the clergy in his The Praise of Folly c. *Thomas More – desired a Utopian Society d. Martin Luther – will emerge as the main shaker and mover of the Catholic Church in Germany e. John Calvin – had an effect on the direction of the reformation in Geneva, Switzerland
Two Main Leaders of the Reformation Martin Luther (Lutheran) 95 Theses Wittenburg – Johann Tetzel’s sale of indulgences is final outrage of Church Drew up 95 Theses questioning sale of indulgences Church wants Luther to recant; he refuses, is excommunicated; considered an outlaw by Charles V but a hero to the people Teachings Salvation achieved through faith alone Bible is the sole source of religious truth All Christians have equal access to God Spread of Ideas Clergy see Luther’s reforms as an answer to church corruption German princes see it as an opportunity to overthrow Church and Holy Roman emperor Peace of Augsburg: (1555) due to wars; allowed princes to decide religion for their territory Nationalism of the German People who were tired of their money going to churches and clergy in Italy
Two Main Leaders of the Reformation John Calvin (Presbyterian) Teachings Salvation achieved through faith alone Bible is the only source of religious truth Believed people are born sinners Preached predestination Geneva, Switzerland Protestants ask Calvin to lead community Sets up theocracy Stressed hard work, discipline, thrift, honesty & morality – strict life Religious education for everyone Spread of Ideas Spread to Germany, France, Holland, England, and Scotland