Summer Welfare Presentation May 10th 2018 Prep4Summer Looking out for each other this summer Summer Welfare Presentation May 10th 2018 James Russell - TechNiche Europe
Prep4Summer Looking out for each other this summer
Prep4Summer Looking out for each other this summer
Heat Stress Prep4Summer What is Heat Stress? Looking out for each other this summer Heat Stress What is Heat Stress? Heat stress occurs when the body’s means of controlling its internal temperature starts to fail. As well as air temperature, factors such as work rate, humidity and clothing worn while working may lead to heat stress. How does the body react to heat? The body reacts to heat by increasing the blood flow to the skin’s surface, and by sweating. This results in cooling as sweat evaporates from the body’s surface and heat is carried to the surface of the body from within by the increased blood flow. Heat can also be lost by radiation and convection from the body’s surface.
TIPS TO AVOID HEAT STRESS Prep4Summer Looking out for each other this summer TIPS TO AVOID HEAT STRESS Hydration: Remember to take on plenty of water (1.5/2Ltrs each day) Skin care: Use sun screen on exposed skin (watch UVA Level) Heat can lead to increased fatigue, be careful not to overdo it Workload: Are we sharing the load on site or in the office? Wear cooling workwear PPE: Remove Hi-vis layers as required remaining visible and cool Shaded rest Sleep patterns may be affected by heat and return from holidays
Prep4Summer HYDRATION Why? Looking out for each other this summer HYDRATION Why? Your body is nearly two-thirds water and so it is really important that you consume enough fluid to stay hydrated and healthy. If you don’t get enough fluid you may feel tired, get headaches and not perform at your best. How Much? This can depend on factors such a weather, physical exercise and age; however European recommendations suggest 1.6L of fluid per day for women and 2L of fluid per day for men. Choosing your drink... Be aware that although all drinks provide water and some also contain essential vitamins and minerals, they may also provide energy (calories) which will contribute to your daily intake.
Prep4Summer Looking out for each other this summer
Prep4Summer Looking out for each other this summer SKIN CARE - Wear sunscreen with a high SPF and re-apply regularly Remember the strongest sun is in the middle of the day Wear appropriate clothing, where possible cover your skin - Everyone should take care in the sun but you should take extra care if you; have light skin, fair hair, tend to burn, have lots of moles or have a family history of skin cancer.
SHADED REST & TECHNICAL CLOTHING Prep4Summer Looking out for each other this summer SHADED REST & TECHNICAL CLOTHING “Hottest day in the UK was recorded in 2003 at 38.5˚C” Shaded rest is essential in during peak summer. It is a responsibility of both employer and employee Shaded rest allows for a workforce to rest, hydrate and cool down Technical cooling clothing can change your thermal skin temperature by 3-12˚C Clothing to help with summer heat can be as simple as a cooling towel or cooling vest
Prep4Summer Heat Stress & Welfare Looking out for each other this summer TSA and partners are launching a new awareness campaign Key aims of the campaign Project worker welfare safety message surrounding heat stress Ensure that key knowledge is digested, understood and put into practice Not to overcomplicate the problem and ensure best practice solutions JOINT INNICITAITVE
Prep4Summer Heat Stress & Welfare Looking out for each other this summer Traditional and Social media awareness marketing Heat Stress info cards and information products Thermographic camera demonstrations at industry tradeshows UK wide webinar around Heat Stress and Worker Welfare
Prep4Summer Heat Stress & Welfare Looking out for each other this summer Info Cards
Hottest temperature recorded on this construction worker was 51˚C
Coolest temperature recorded on this construction worker was 20˚C
Prep4Summer Heat Stress & Welfare Looking out for each other this summer Recap Prep4Summer Stay Hydrated with the right drink and amount of fluid Take shaded breaks Wear the correct sun cream - protect against UV rays Don’t over exert yourself on hotter days Look at the type of clothing you are wearing - Cooling workwear Can you share physical workload better? All this and more will be available between May & September 2018 Prep4Summer Heat Stress & Welfare Campaign
THANK YOU ANY QUESTIONS? Prep4Summer Heat Stress & Welfare Looking out for each other this summer