Agricultural Inventions Jethro Tull invented the seed drill. Allowed farmers to plant seeds in rows rather than simply scattering them over the land.
Agricultural Inventions Charles Townsend invented the rotations of crops and the use of turnips. Using turnips restored nutrients to the soil. Rotating crops would be less stress on the soil and make the soil more reusable.
Agricultural Inventions Thomas Newcomen invented the steam engine This machine used coal as fuel to pump water out of mines.
Agricultural Inventions James Watt improved Newcomen’s steam engine His steam engine was the driving force of the Industrial Revolution
Agricultural Inventions Abraham Darby invented a new method of producing iron This method allowed for better iron that was cheaper to make.
Britain as Industrial Leaders In early 1600s, the putting out system is created which allows peasant families to received cotton and pin it into thread and cloth in their own homes. This was great, but to slow. To speed up the process, the British textile industry invented new things to such as the flying shuttle, spinning jenny and water frame. Eil Whitney also invents the cotton gin which increases the production of cotton in America.
Britain as Industrial Leaders The first factories are built to house all the new machines for weaving. Capitalist build turnpikes, private roads, that allow workers to travel faster to the factories (get there faster = more $$$$)
Britain as Industrial Leaders Canals gain popularity as a cheap way to receive resources for factories and to ship out finished goods to the market The steam locomotive is invented and allows factory owners and merchants to ship goods all over the land cheaply and quickly.
Real Life in the Industrial Revolution Miners: They were paid more to work in horrible conditions. They worked in darkness and had to inhale dust that destroyed their lungs. Children: Kids were as young as five and were used to fix machines that were stuck because their hands were small enough to get into crevices. Some lost their limbs and were not compensated. Factory Workers: they had to work extremely long hours (12-16 hours per day). They didn’t have breaks. If you got hurt you were out of luck.
Real Life in the Industrial Revolution Women: Women who got jobs were paid half of what men were paid, so many factory owners hired more women than men Labor Unions: Unions were created to collective bargain for the rights of workers to get rid of these harsh conditions. It is thanks to union that we have the 40 hour work week and weekends.
Ideologies of the Industrial Revolution Utilitarianism: Invented by Jeremy Bentham. The goal of society should be the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Laissez-Faire: Invented by Adam Smith. He wanted government to keep their hands off private businesses and let markets control themselves. Socialism: Invented by John Stuart Mill. He believed that power should be held by the workers rather than the business owners.
Idealogies of the Industrial Revolution Communism: Invented by Karl Marx. He believed that people as a whole should own all property and business instead of own private individual. Marxism: Invented by Karl Marx. Grew out of communism in which the workers would eventually get rid of the class system. Utopia: Invented by Robert Owen. He believed that a society should share work and ownership. This was an idealistic or perfect society.
Industrial Revolution Breakdown Where does it begin? Britain Where does it spread to first? France, Germany and the US What lessons did these countries take from Britain? They were able to take British technology and improve on it. What was negative about industrialization? Certain groups were left behind. Poor working conditions for people. Why was the industrial revolution significant to the history of the world? You tell me.