TUTORIAL 2: Creating Query for Bill Processing Using By: ARLENE N. BARATANG, Ph.D.
1. Open the saved Billing.accdb database. 1. Click CREATE tab. 2. Select Query Design.
3. Select Billing Processing_tbl then click Add button then Close. After clicking Add button Billing table should appear on window. 3. Select Billing Processing_tbl then click Add button then Close.
4. Double-click the field name to add it to the Query Building Pane below. For this exercise select all fields.
TotalCharges:[ItemCodePrice01]+[ItemCodePrice02]+[ItemCodePrice03] 5. Type the following formula on this column: TotalCharges:[ItemCodePrice01]+[ItemCodePrice02]+[ItemCodePrice03] 6. From DESIGN tab, click Run.
7. TotalCharges should appear on the last column. Then SAVE your query table as Billing_Processing_qry .
PROBLEM On the last column, after TOTAL CHARGES, type the formula to compute for AMOUNT CHANGE where TOTAL CHARGES will be deducted from AMOUNT PAID by the customer. Click RUN button to show changes on the query table.