Riparian Vegetation Analysis for Reclaimed Mines on the North Fork of the American Fork River By Randon Chesnut
North Fork History Mining Mining district organized June 1870 Over 100 mines Mining ceased in 1953
Chemical Impacts Water entrains toxic chemicals/heavy metals Arsenic Mercury Cadmium Copper Lead Iron Acid Mine Drainage alters pH
Biological Impacts Loss of Fish Loss of Invertebrate diversity High levels of metals found in fish tissue Loss of Invertebrate diversity Loss of all vegetation
Mines on the North Fork
Vegetation Classification Created using Isodata method in Imagine using 2004 NAIP and photos Accuracy checked against 2006 NAIP
Type of Buffer needed based on Classification
Mine to Buffer Relationship
Mine to Buffer Relationship
Mine to Buffer Relationship
Fractional Vegetation of Buffer Encroaching Mines in 1998
Fractional Vegetation of Buffer Encroaching Mines in 2005
Vegetation Change 1998 - 2005
Biological Changes
Biological Changes
Resources Utah AGRC Uinta National Forest Trout Unlimited USU IRDIAC Utah Historical Society New York Times USU Buglab EPA USU WCMAFE Utah Health Department Valdosta State University Neil Burk – 2004 Thesis