The EU Danube Region Strategy (EDRS) is a macro-regional development strategy and action plan for the regions and countries of the Danube river basin.


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Presentation transcript:

The EU Danube Region Strategy (EDRS) is a macro-regional development strategy and action plan for the regions and countries of the Danube river basin. EDRS is going to be the second macro-regional development strategy of the EU and includes 8 EU-Member and 6 Non-EU States: Germany (Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria), Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Moldova and Ukraine. 

Structure of the Strategy Connecting the Danube Region (1) improving mobility - 1a (inland navigation) – AT, RO; 1b (rail, road air) – SI, SRB (2) encouraging sustainable energy – CZ, HU (3) promoting culture and tourism – BG, RO Protecting the environment in the Danube Region (4) restoring water quality – HU, SK (5) managing environmental risks – HU, RO (6) preserving biodiversity – GE, CRO Building prosperity in the Danube Region (7) developing research capacity – SK, SRB (8) education and information technologies, supporting the competitiveness of enterprises - DE, CRO (9) investing in people’s skills – AT, MD Strengthening the Danube Region (10) stepping up institutional capacity, and cooperation of institutions – AT, SI (11) improving cooperation to tackle organised crime, security – DE, BG  

Danube Region Strategy – Adaptation at Council meeting 23 June 2011. Priority Area Coordination: - to restore and maintain the quality of waters (HU-SK) - to manage environmental risks (HU-RO)

Milestone dates of the future (indicative planning) 8-10 May 2011 1st Joint meeting of National Contact Points (NCP), Priority Area Coordinators (PAC), European Commission ( EC), Interact , (Gödöllő, Hungary) May-June 2011 Kick off meetings for each Priority Area (Danube region wide participation) June 2011 End of endorsement procedure Oct 2011 Financing working meeting with the participation of financing institutions Dec 2011 Joint Meeting of NCPs, PACs, EC (exchange of experience, discussion on work programs and results of kick of meetings, etc.) Marc 2012 1st Annual Forum (with all stakeholders) May 2012 Joint Meeting of NCPs, PACs, EC (exchange of experience, reporting, alignment of funding, etc.) June 2012 1st Annual Progress Report (PACs report to EC) Sept-Nov 2012 1st Annual Progress Report (EC preparation)

Nov 2012 Joint Meeting (NCPs, PACs, EC)  Dec 2012 1st Annual Progress Report presented by EC to the High Level Group (HLG) Jan-Febr 2013 Amendment of Action Plan and Communication by EC Marc 2013 2nd Annual Forum (all stakeholders) Marc 2013 EC Submits to Council the 1st Annual Progress Report and amended Communication and Action Plan June 2013 EC submits to Council Report on the evaluation of the added value of macro-regional strategies Nov 2013 Joint Meeting of NCPs, PACs, EC Dec 2013 2nd Annual Progress Report presented by EC to HLG