The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region Progress SCG meeting, 03-03-2011 WFD Team DG Environment, European Commission
Milestones 2008/2009 : request to prepare strategy 2009/2010 : consultations and preparation of the Strategy by the European Commission 8 December 2010: adoption of Action Plan and Communication for the EUSDR 3 February 2011: Prioritiy Area Coordinators announced 12/13 April 2011 (planned): Adoption of Council Conclusions by the EU Council for General Affairs 24 June 2011 (planned): Official endorsement of the EUSDR by the European Council and launching of implementation phase
Content Four Pillars: Connecting the Danube Region Protecting the environment Building prosperity Strengthening the Danube Region
Four Pillars and Priority Areas: Content Four Pillars and Priority Areas: Connecting the Danube Region Improve mobility: inland waterways and rail/road/air links Encourage more sustainable energy Promote culture and tourism Protecting the environment Restore and maintain the quality of waters Manage environmental risks Preserve biodiversity, landscapes, and air/soil quality Building prosperity Knowledge society/competitiveness Strengthening the Danube Region Building capacity/security/tackle crime
Targets / actions as examples Content Targets / actions as examples Achieve targets set out in Danube RBMP Secure viable populations of Danube sturgeon species by 2020 Implement Danube wide Flood RMP Remove existing navigability bottlenecks on the river Extend the use of biomass and hydropower Exchange experiences on modernising small hydropower plants Develop an action plan for the sustainable development of hydropower, including pre-planning mechanisms and modernising small hydropower plants
Priority Area Coordinators Priority Area Countries To restore and maintain the quality of waters Hungary Slovakia To manage environmental risks Hungary Romania To preserve biodiversity Germany (Bavaria) Croatia Inland waterways Austria Romania Sustainable energy Hungary Czech Republic In addition, a High Level Group will be established to support EC in policy coordination.
Implementation No new funding, legislation, structures Priority Coordinators will kick off soon Ensuring cross-sectoral and transnational implementation will not be an easy task
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