Collaborating with Your Campus Bookstore Cheryl Cuillier, OER Coordinator @ UA Libraries Cindy Hawk, Assistant Director @ UA BookStores OpenEd17 Title slide design © University of Arizona
Collaboration suggestions Start with a pilot project to build relationship & trust Focus on shared goals (student success & retention) Share data Advocate for each other At meetings with faculty To department heads & administrators At Faculty Senate With student government With textbook coordinators Jointly report savings for students Form campus committee to support efforts (we call ours OER Action Committee) Involve bookstore in OER print sales or print on demand to generate revenue
Example of cross-promotion Source:
OER + ebooks + Inclusive Access We present faculty with multiple options for saving students money on course materials (emphasis is on faculty choice and academic freedom): OER (offer perpetual access, often in multiple formats for greater accessibility, free online, unlimited printing, customizable by faculty) Library-licensed ebooks & journal articles (access lasts until student leaves UA or library’s subscription ends, free online, printing limits vary by vendor) Inclusive Access (length of access varies by limits negotiated with publisher, printing limits vary by title, cost for digital textbook is below market price)
OER displayed in student’s booklist Source: UA BookStores’ textbook portal for students
Student’s booklist on BookStores site Check for ebook in library Check for print book in library Source: UA BookStores’ textbook portal for students
If ebook is available from library If ebook isn’t available from library Source: UA BookStores’ textbook portal for students
Integration of library ebooks in D2L Source: Niamh Wallace, UA Libraries
Inclusive Access title in booklist Source: UA BookStores’ textbook portal for students
Additional resources Contact us Bell, S. J. (2017). What about the bookstore? Textbook affordability programs and the academic library-bookstore relationship. College & Research Libraries News, 78(7). Retrieved from index.php/crlnews/article/view/16700/18183 Martin, J., & Wallace, N. (2017). Curriculum-driven acquisitions: The University of Arizona Libraries’ evolving role in campus materials support. In Chris Diaz (Ed.), Affordable course materials: Electronic textbooks and open educational resources (Chapter 2). Chicago: ALA Editions. Contact us Cheryl Cuillier, OER Coordinator, UA Libraries Email: Phone: (520) 310-9874 Cindy Hawk, Assistant Director, UA BookStores Email: Phone: (520) 621-2428