Quiz! 10 minutes to review 20 questions, 25 minutes Volume Zero


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Presentation transcript:

Quiz! 10 minutes to review 20 questions, 25 minutes Volume Zero When finished, turn quiz face down. On separate paper, complete “Terms & Names” on p. 233

Do now 1. Western farmers in the late 1800s would be most associated with what political party? 2. What was the “gold standard?” Why did farmers dislike this? 3. Summarize the problems that farmers faced with the railroads. 4. Throughout the late 1800s, what happened to the price of crops (corn, wheat, etc)? How did this impact farmers?

Industrialization & urbanization Causes & Effects

Definitions Industrialization – process of changing to a society based on the manufacture of goods. Urbanization – the process of changing to a society where most people live in cities.

Causes – new inventions Bessemer Process – cheaper and stronger steel. Electric light bulb – Thomas Edison; allowed people to work throughout the night.

Causes – natural resources Oil – power source for factory machines, later cars. Coal – power source; provided heat. Iron ore – used to make steel. Lots of land to produce food.

Causes – immigration Growing population in Europe – lack of opportunities. Famine in Ireland Religious persecution Immigrants provide a source of cheap labor for the new factories. Between 1870-1920: 20 million immigrants

Effects – populations shift New factories provided jobs in cities. People moved from the country farms to the urban factories. In 1870, 10 million people lived in cities; by 1920, 54 million people lived in cities.

Effects – labor conflicts Immigrants and factories workers faced long hours and poor pay. Dangerous conditions – average of 675 workers killed each week in 1882. No benefits – no breaks, vacations, insurance, etc.

Effects – poor living conditions Cities were crowded. Tenements – dirty, dangerous, crowded apartments. Poor conditions – Dirty water No trash service Fires DISEASES

Primary source conversations Three sticky notes. One minute per document, rotate one doc to the right. Round 1 – post observation – what do you see? Round 2 – post question – what do you not understand? Round 3 – answer a posted question.

Exit ticket 1. Define “urbanization.” 2. List and describe one cause of industrialization/urbanization in America. 3. True or false: the number of people living in cities increased throughout the 1800s. 4. List and describe one problem with living in a city during the Age of Industrialization. 5. In the late 1800s/early 1900s, people face terrible work conditions and poor living conditions in cities. And yet they came to cities by the millions. Why?