An example practical Aims: See what’s involved Understand how correlation studies work Get you thinking about evaluation
What do we look at to assess the quality of a research study?
G.R.O.V.E. Generalisability Reliability Objectivity Validity Ethics During the demo, I will be asking you to stop, discuss and record your thoughts about GROVE in this study.
Practical demo
Before we start... This study will require about 10 minutes of your time. It will involve you filling in a questionnaire and your fingers being measured by the researcher. You can refuse to take part. You can withdraw from the study at any time. You can withdraw your data after the study. All the data you supply will be collected anonymously.
Please read the instructions and complete the questionnaire.
When called, bring your completed questionnaire and sit in the place indicated. Place your right hand, face up, on the white paper. Stretch out the fingers of your right hand, but keep them together.
Thank you for participating.
Background of the study Testosterone is a hormone believed by some to be linked with aggression. Testosterone levels during prenatal development affects the growth of the fingers. High testosterone results in a D4 (ring finger) that is longer relative to D2 (index finger). Higher D2:D4 digit ratio → higher prenatal testosterone. You also completed a questionnaire to measure aggression.
Background of the study If prenatal testosterone is related to aggression levels, we should find a correlation between digit ratio and aggression scores. H1 - There will be a positive correlation between D2:D4 digit ratio and aggression questionnaire scores. H0 - There will be no correlation between D2:D4 digit ratios and aggression questionnaire scores.
Next steps Collate the data. Analyse the data. Decide whether the result was caused by chance. Draw a conclusion. Evaluate the study.
Evaluation Generalisability Reliability Objectivity Validity Ethics