Mariet Verhoef-Cohen SI President 2017-2019 @MarietCohen
Streamlined structure VISION Women and girls will achieve their individual and collective potential, realise aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities worldwide. BOARD RESTRUCTURE MISSION Soroptimists transform the lives and status of women and girls through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities. Streamlined structure PRINCIPLES The principles of Soroptimism are to strive for: The advancement of the status of women High ethical standards • Human rights for all • Equality, development and peace and • The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace. 11 Voting Directors
SI International President’s Appeal 2017-2019 “Women must be seen as agents of change and their knowledge and expertise are part of the solution for this water decade”. Mariet Verhoef-Cohen
WOMEN, WATER AND LEADERSHIP Mwihoko women - KenyA A water tank installed to improve the availability and access to clean water to the women and community. Upgrade the current training centre, giving the community the opportunity to expand current activities. Upgrade to demonstration plot and equipped with new technologies and tools to provide for relevant training programmes. Seeds and fertilisers for women farmers. 2-3 day programme to equip women with training to prepare their own land and begin planting. A comprehensive farm clinic course at the Egerton University, Nakuru, to learn business farming skills and topics such as livestock, insurance, production techniques, processing and marketing skills.
WOMEN, WATER AND LEADERSHIP WeWasH -bulgaria WOMEN, WATER AND LEADERSHIP Leadership training for 20 women and girls, empowered to act as community leaders in water and sanitation, and natural agriculture. Vocational programmes for 100 rural women and girls on alternative sanitation, construction, management and monitoring, legislation, and the safe reuse of treated water and waste for natural agriculture. 100 women and girls will gain knowledge, and develop skills to work in alternative sanitation projects, and get jobs in the water and sanitation sector. 30 women and girls will be able to plan, implement and monitor small alternative sanitation projects, and run small-scale water and sanitation businesses. This project additionally addresses targets in SDG 1, 2, 3, 10 and 13.I
WOMEN, WATER AND LEADERSHIP Clean Water for Rural Communities - Malaysia WOMEN, WATER AND LEADERSHIP Rural communities in Sarawak and Sabah need clean water. Much of the forest has been logged by timber companies, resulting in polluted muddy rivers, robbing communities of land and livelihood. Many villagers live without a clean and steady supply of water for drinking and cooking purposes. Long Tanyit in Belaga District, Sarawak - population 300, has no clean water, no electricity, no sanitation and no medical clinic. The project, to be implemented in stages will include: a rain-water harvesting system and storage; construction of a small dam and irrigation to commence organic farming; a H2GO R1 water filtration tank. 5 Penan young women will be trained and up-skilled to diploma level in welding, and trained in organic farming and will be responsible for maintaining the water filtration system and the organic farming irrigation system. The pilot project will be replicated in another rural village in Sabah.
Miwhoko women - KenyA PROJECT VIDEO
HOW to get involved Make a donation to WWL via your Federation and help women and girls! Hold a fundraiser or event Share the WWL messages project stories on social media and your website. Use the SI branded marketing materials in the members area of the SI website. Buy pins and necklaces as gifts for yourself, your family and friends. Propose projects that links SDGs 4,5&6. Chair of the International President’s Appeal Hafdís Karlsdóttir
Mariet Verhoef-Cohen SI President 2017-2019 @MarietCohen