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Presentation transcript:


PRESENTATION OUTLINE Purpose Introduction Background 2017 NSC Examination Results Key Recommendations from Education Sector Lekgotla Key Improvement Plans of the department towards the MTSF AND NDP Key Priorities of the Department Action Plan to 2019: Towards the realisation of schooling 2030 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals of the Institution 2018/19 DBE APP Development process DBE response to 2018/19 APP findings on the draft APP by Auditor-General Strategic Objectives, Indicators and Targets Revisions in the Strategic Plan Response to specific concerns raised by the PBO and PC on APP indicators DPME analysis of the second draft 2018/19 APP Conclusion MTEF 2018 Budget Recommendations

PURPOSE To present to the Portfolio Committee the DBE 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan.

INTRODUCTION The presentation outlines some of the key recommendations from the Basic Education Lekgotla The 2017 National Senior Certificate Examination results Key activities in the sector to align with medium and long- term goals The 2018/19 APP programme performance indicators and medium term targets Key issues identified on the 2018/19 APP and actions towards mitigating the issues

BACKGROUND The sector demonstrated improvements in monitoring and evaluation to assist with addressing challenges related to performance. The introduction of the Learners with Severe to Profound Disability grant over MTEF will start to address and remedy challenges with regards to Inclusive Education. There are still challenges which relate to conducive school environment and infrastructure in some parts of the country. Learner performance continues to be on a steady increase with improved support from the department and relevant stakeholders.

2017 NSC EXAMINATION RESULTS Province 2017 Total Wrote Total Achieved % Achieved Eastern Cape 67 648 43 981 65.0 Free State 25 130 21 631 86.1 Gauteng 97 284 82 826 85.1 Kwazulu-Natal 124 317 90 589 72.9 Limpopo 83 228 54 625 65.6 Mpumalanga 48 483 36 273 74.8 North West 30 792 24 462 79.4 Northern Cape 8 735 6 608 75.6 Western Cape 48 867 40 440 82.8 National 534 484 401 435 75.1


KEY MESSAGES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE EDUCATION SECTOR LEKGOTLA Key messages from the presentations focused on: Improved efforts are needed to bring parity of esteem of African languages with English and Afrikaans; Social cohesion issues should be improved in the sector and also improve Life Orientation contact time; Promote the integration of technology in Assessment; Clear consequence management particularly on matters of curriculum completion; Focus on improving accountability and ethical leadership in schools; Clearer and strengthened monitoring and evaluation Continued focus on Inclusive Education to increase the attainment necessary skills and NSC qualification for learners with special needs; Continue to foster partnerships and collaborations in the sector to improve reading and literacy especially in the Foundation Phase; and There is a need to align the curriculum with industry and business to address the skills shortages in the country.

KEY IMPROVEMENT PLANS OF THE DEPARTMENT TOWARDS THE MTSF AND NDP In improving the education sector, the Department has taken the following steps: Developed Sector MTSF aligned Customised Programme Performance Measures (PPMs); Improved and strengthened engagements with Auditor-General (AG) and Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME); Regular engagements with Programmes through Quarterly Branch Reviews to track process, improve planning and resolve potential risks; Engagements through HEDCOM Sub-committees in collaborating and improving the sector’s performance; Conducted Gap analysis of the sector alignment and working on mitigating the gaps identified for medium and long- term plans; and Continued analysis of Provincial Education Department and Public entities’ plans and reports to strengthen the management of Performance Information in the sector.

KEY MTSF 2014-2019 PRIORITIES Improving quality of teaching and learning through development, supply and effective utilisation of teachers; Improving quality of teaching and learning through provision of adequate, quality infrastructure and Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM); Improving assessment for learning to ensure quality and efficiency in academic achievement; Expanded access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) and improvement of the quality of Grade R, with support for pre-Grade R provision; Strengthening accountability and improving management at the school, community and district level; and Partnerships for education reform and improved quality.

ACTION PLAN TO 2019: TOWARDS THE REALISATION OF SCHOOLING 2030 Linked to the National Development Plan and MTSF is the Sector Plan: Action Plan to 2019: Towards the Realisation of schooling 2030 with 27 goals summarised as follows: Goals 1-13: Learner outputs at grade R, 3, 6, 9 and 12 Goal 14-17: Educators Goal 18: Curriculum coverage Goal: 19 -20: Educational materials Goal 21: School management Goal 22: Community participation Goal 23: Minimum levels of funding schools Goal 24: Infrastructure Goal 25: Learner well-being Goal 26: Inclusive Education Goal 27: District support

DBE STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOALS These strategic goals are linked to the five Budget Programmes of the Department: Programme 1: Effective and efficient governance and management. purpose: To manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services. Programme 2: Effective development, monitoring of curriculum implementation and support purpose: To develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation Programme 3: Improved teacher supply, development and utilisation purpose: To promote accountability, quality teaching and institutional performance through the effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources Programme 4: Effective systems for planning, co-ordination, information management, assessment and district support purpose: To promote quality and effective service delivery in the basic education system through planning, implementation and assessment Programme 5: Improved social cohesion in schools and wellbeing of learners purpose: To develop policies and programmes to improve the quality of learning in schools

2018/19 DBE APP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS August- September 2017: First Draft 2018/19 APP Submitted to National Treasury and DPME on 31 August 2017. First Draft 2018/19 APP updated in accordance with recommendations from DPME in preparation for the development of the Second Draft 18/19 APP. October- November 2017: Second Draft 2018/19 APP developed and strengthened with for example, Situational Analysis, Foreword, refinements and incorporation of new indicators e.g. LSPID Indicators/ Rural Education. Second Draft 2018/19 APP presented at the Departmental Branch Reviews focusing on areas such as role of DBE on policy development, oversight role and monitoring of Sector Customised Indicators. Second Draft 2018/19 APP discussed with strengthening alignment to MTSF. Estimates for National Expenditure developed in accordance and alignment to 2018/19 Second Draft APP. Second Draft 2018/19 APP submitted to NT and DPME 30 November 2017

2018/19 DBE APP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS January- March 2018 DBE Gap analysis conducted for alignment to NDP→MTSF→ Sector Plan →APP Consultations convened with AGSA and the 2018/19 Second Draft APP submitted to AGSA. Final ENE Chapter in alignment with selected indicators signed, approved and submitted to NT. Feedback on Second Draft 2018/19 APP received from DPME and APP updated. Feedback on Second Draft 2018/19 APP received from AGSA and APP updated in accordance with recommendations proposed and responses provided on areas of clarity. Second Draft 2018/19 APP presented to Branches and DBE Senior Management structures Second Draft 2018/19 APP finalised in preparation for approval, printing and tabling.

DBE RESPONSE TO 2018/19 APP FINDINGS ON DRAFT APP BY AUDITOR-GENERAL AGSA FINDING DBE RESPONSE Resolved/ Unresolved Number of educators trained to implement Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) programmes for learners The Grant is transferred to the PED and implementation is undertaken at a Provincial level. The DBE however reports the progress on the narrative part of report on a quarterly report basis. √ ( Grants transferred and included in the DBE APP Grant Section) Number of LTSM on Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) distributed to schools. The Grant is transferred to the PED and implementation is undertaken at a Provincial level. The DBE however reports the progress on the narrative part of report on a Quarterly report basis. (Grants transferred and included in the DBE APP Grant Section) Number of NA reports produced ANA is being remodelled. The availability of NA reports shifts from an annual target to a three year periodic cycle. The first cycle of the re-designed systemic evaluation is 2018 to 2020, with a pilot study in 2018/19, a main study in 2019/2020 and a system report in 2020/2021. (included but no targets set baseline to be set once determined) Percentage of schools with adequate infrastructure in line with agreed norms and standards The indicator is reported through ASIDI which is the number of new school completed and built through ASIDI. APP Indicator 4.3.1. There is also PPM 607: that focuses on new schools under construction ( including replacement schools). ( included targets till 2020/2021)

DBE RESPONSE TO 2018/19 APP FINDINGS ON DRAFT APP BY AUDITOR-GENERAL AGSA FINDING DBE RESPONSE Resolved/ Unresolved Policy, detailed plans & strategies developed by June 2018 & critical preparatory strategies launched Draft Policy is developed and discussions still being undertaken. The indicator on Human Capacity Plan and ECD Practitioner trained are currently reported on Outcome 1 and 13, as the Budget for ECD is based within DSD. X (Indicator to be included when discussions and agreement have been finalised). Unresolved by DSD, although jointly owned with DBE for different provision of ECD Function. Percentage of target schools supplied with improved resource packs The indicator was a once- off deliverable achieved in 2015/16. √ (Once off Target achieved) Proportion of principals who have signed performance agreements DBE provided PEDs with a template for recording principals who have signed job descriptions An agreement on the signing of Principals’ Performance Agreements has not been finalised by the Education Labour Relations Council. Job descriptions are currently used for reporting purposes. ( Indicator to be included after ELRC collective Agreement reached on Performance Agreements, Job Descriptions will be used as a Proxy). Percentage of schools with full set of financial management responsibilities on the basis of assessment PPM 222: Percentage of schools with more than one financial responsibility on the basis of assessment. (Indicator developed for the sector)

DBE RESPONSE TO 2018/19 APP FINDINGS ON DRAFT APP BY AUDITOR-GENERAL AGSA FINDING DBE RESPONSE Resolved/ Unresolved Implementation evaluation with clear recommendations on quality outputs and improvement in relation to tracking learner movement, progress, performance and completion The DBE has been monitoring the learner movement information and other learner and school data through the Learner (Indicator 4.4.2 Percentage of learners from public schools that are successfully uploaded onto LURITS). The DBE 2018/19 APP has indicator 4.4.2 Number of provinces monitored by DBE officials for implementation of LURITS annually √ ( Indicator planned within APP and over MTEF period) Percentage of district managers whose competency has been assessed against criteria (developed below) DBE There is a 2018/19 DBE APP Indicator 4.5.3. Percentage of district managers assessed against developed criteria. PED No PED indicators but it is now mandatory for all new District Director appointees to undergo competency assessments. Current incumbents who have not done competency assessments will be encouraged to do so as part of their personal development plan. PEDs need to report on this. (Indicator planned with APP, measures put in place at PED level).

DBE RESPONSE TO 2018/19 APP FINDINGS ON DRAFT APP BY AUDITOR-GENERAL AGSA FINDING DBE RESPONSE Resolved/ Unresolved Complete and consistent post-provisioning policy and regulations in place & proceed with implementation and monitoring. DBE 2018/19 APP Indicator 3.5.1. Number of PEDs that had their post provisioning process assessed for compliance with the post provisioning Norms and Standards In order to accomplish the MTSF target, the focus will be on monitoring the existing policy through the APP indicator. Reporting is done on a Quarterly and Annual basis. The current policy is being reviewed through a participatory process managed from the ELRC. The timelines for the finalisation of the review and the actual implementation are likely to be beyond the current MTEF period. √ (Indicator Included within APP) Proportion of NECT activities implemented (8 districts interventions on track, innovative interventions; education dialogues) The work of the NECT is reported through the Departmental Programmes as it is Public Entity collaborating with DBE on key projects and activities. ( Reporting undertaken through Programme reporting.

2018/19 APP: PROGRAMME 1 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 1.1 To improve the administrative and governance systems through compliance to the key legislations governing administration in order to support the delivery of education and to strengthen accountability. 1.1.1 Percentage of Service provider invoices within the procurement unit paid within 30 days. 100% 1.1.2 Percentage of received misconduct cases resolved within 90 days 85% 90% 1.1.3 Percentage of received grievances cases resolved within 30 days

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 2 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium- term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2.1 Develop and distribute digital content annually to promote e-learning in schools 2.1.1. Number of off-line digital content packaged and distributed to provinces 15 18 20 2.1.2. Number of schools per province monitored for utilisation ICT resources 27 (3 per province) 27 (3 per province) 2.1.3. Number of off-line digital content resources developed annually 8 10 12 2.2 Develop, print and distribute workbooks to schools annually for Grades R-9 in order to support teaching and learning 2.2.1. Percentage of public schools with Home Language workbooks for learners in Grades 1-6 100% 2.2.2. Percentage of public schools with Mathematics workbooks for learners in Grades 1-9 2.2.3. Percentage of public schools with workbooks for Grade R

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 2 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2.3 Monitor and support the implementation of the National Curriculum Statements (NCS) on Reading in Grades R-9 each year in order to improve teaching and learning 2.3.1. Number of schools monitored on the implementation of the reading norms 20 30 2.3.2. Number of schools monitored on the implementation of the Incremental Introduction to African Languages nationally 2.3.3. Number of underperforming schools monitored on the implementation of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) 75 100 125

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 2 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2.4 Develop and review the Framework to support provinces in improving performance in Mathematics, Science and Technology subjects. 2.4.1. Number of Mathematics Science and Technology lesson plans monitored for the Intermediate, Senior and FET Phases Technical Mathematics and Science Grades 10-12 lesson plans monitored. Life Science Grades 10- 12 monitored Mathematics Grades 10-12 video lesson plans developed 2.4.2. Number of Mathematics Science and Technology teacher guides developed for the Intermediate, Senior and FET Phases Technical Mathematics and Science Grades 10-12 teacher Guides developed Life Science Grades 10 - 12 teacher guides developed Mathematics and Science teacher guides reviewed for the FET Phase 2.4.3. Number of Mathematics training sessions/Workshops monitored 9

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 2 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2.4 Develop and review the Framework to support provinces in improving performance in Mathematics, Science and Technology subjects. 2.4.4. Number of training sessions of CAPS for Technical subjects monitored 14 20 Review of all 1 647 Technical Subjects specialisations teachers training 2.4.5. Number of schools visited for monitoring CAPS implementation in technical schools 54 2.5 Develop, monitor and support the implementation of policies and programmes for improving the quality of education in rural schools 2.5.1. Number of schools with multi-grade classes implementing the Multi-Grade Toolkit monitored 140 - 2.5.2. Number of advocacy campaigns conducted on the Rural Education Policy in the provinces 9

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 2 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2.6 Provide support to learners who have not achieved all the requirements of the NSC through the Second Chance Matric 2.6.1. Number of learners obtaining subject passes towards a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or extended Senior Certificate, including upgraded NSC per year 25 000 30 000 35 000 2.7 To ensure that Learners with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disabilities access quality publicly funded education and support 2.7.1. Number of Children/ Learners with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability (C/LSPID) who utilise the Learning Programme for C/LSPID 3 327 3 527 2.7.2. Number of Children/ Learners with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability (C/LSPID) with access to therapeutic and psycho-social support services that will enable them to improve their participation in learning

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 3 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 3.1 Monitor the basic functionality of schools and School Governing Bodies (SGBs) on an annual basis to improve school effectiveness and accountability 3.1.1. Percentage of SGBs that meet minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness 80% of 2000 Sampled SGBs 90% of 2000 sampled SGBs 50 % of 2000 sampled SGBs 3.1.2. Percentage of schools producing the minimum set of management documents at a required standard 80% of the 2000 sampled schools 90% of the 2000 sampled schools 100% of the 2000 sampled SGBs 3.2.Identify and recruit the youth from all provinces for the Funza Lushaka Bursary annually in order to increase the supply of young teachers in the education system 3.2.1. Number of Funza Lushaka bursaries awarded to students enrolled for initial teacher education. 13 500 13 000 12 500 SGB elections are conducted every 3 years. After every election, new members get elected to be trained and prepared for the unfamiliar role. Their effectiveness is lower at this stage and increases as the years go by. The decline in the number of students supported is as a result of increased university fees over the medium-term. 1 2

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 3 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 3.3 To identify and determine content knowledge of teachers in Mathematics, English First Additional Language, Physical Sciences and Accounting through Diagnostic Self- Assessments 3.3.1. Number of teachers participating in the EFAL diagnostic tests 2 000 2 500 3 000 3.3.2. Number of teachers participating in the Physical Science diagnostic tests 3.3.3. Number of teachers participating in the Accounting diagnostic tests 3.3.4. Number of teachers participating in the Mathematics diagnostic tests

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 3 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 3.4 To monitor the implementation of performance management systems in PEDs annually in order to strengthen accountability of schools and office-based educators. 3.4.1. Number of PEDs monitored on the implementation of IQMS 6 PEDs monitored annually 3.4.2. Number of PEDs monitored on the implementation of PMDS 3.5 Monitor the implementation of the post provisioning annually per province to ensure that there is an equitable distribution of teachers 3.5.1. Number of PEDs that had their post provisioning process assessed for compliance with the post provisioning norms and standards All nine (9) PEDs

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 4 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 4.1 Provide data on learner performance through the setting of question papers, administering the examinations and data analysis of the National Examinations and assessments conducted periodically 4.1.1. Number of National Assessment reports produced. - 4.1.2. A bank of Language and Mathematics test items for grades 3,6 & 9 developed 200 test items developed in grades 3,6,9 Mathematics and Languages 250 test items developed in grades 3,6,9 Mathematics and Languages 300 test items developed in grades 3,6,9 Mathematics and Languages 3. The availability of NA reports shifts from an annual target to a three year periodic cycle. The first cycle of the re-designed systemic evaluation is 2018 to 2020, with a pilot study in 2018/19, a main study in 2019/2020 and a system report in 2020/2021. 3

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 4 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 4.2 Provide data on learner performance through the setting of question papers, administering the examinations and data analysis of the national Examinations and assessments conducted periodically 4.2.1. Number of NSC reports produced 4 Reports •NSC Examinations Report •NSC Schools statistics Report; •NSC Diagnostic Report in selected subjects; •NSC Schools Subject Report 4 Reports •NSC Schools statistics Report; •NSC Diagnostic Report in selected subjects; •NSC Schools Subject Report •NSC Examinations Report 4.2.2. Number of question papers set annually for NSC and SC 260 question papers set annually for NSC and SC 260 question papers set annually for NSC and SC 260 question papers set annually for NSC and SC

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 4 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 4.3 Provide basic infrastructure services (water, sanitation, electricity) and replace schools built using inappropriate materials on an annual basis in order to improve the conditions under which learners are taught 4.3.1. Number of new schools built and completed through ASIDI 50 17 15 4.3.2. Number of schools provided with sanitation facilities through ASIDI. 286 - 4.3.3. Number of schools provided with water through ASIDI. 325 4.3.4. Number of schools provided with electricity through ASIDI. 4. ASIDI is planned to wrap up in 2018/19 in respect to Sanitation and water provision. 4 4

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 4 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 4.4 To promote the functionality of schools through the institutionalising of a standardised school administration system, designed to assist with school management and reporting to a national information system on an ongoing basis. 4.4.1 Percentage of public schools using the standardised school administration system, SA-SAMS for reporting 98% 99% 4.4.2 Number of provinces monitored by DBE officials for implementation of LURITS annually 1 report covering 9 provinces monitored 4.5 Mentor and assess the performance of districts on an annual basis in order to strengthen the capacity of districts to support schools. 4.5.1. Number of officials from districts that achieved below the national benchmark in the NSC participating in a mentoring programme 30 35

2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 4 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 4.5 Mentor and assess the performance of districts on an annual basis in order to strengthen the capacity of districts to support schools. 4.5.2. Percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory. 71% 75% 79% 4.5.3. Percentage of district managers assessed against developed criteria. 90% 95%

2018/19 APP : Programme 5 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term Targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 5.1 To monitor the provision of nutritious meals served in identified public schools annually to enhance learning capacity and well- being of learners 5.1.1. Number of schools monitored for the provision of nutritious meals 110 115 5.2 Promote the participation of learners in enrichment and co-curricular activities in order to make a positive impact on learning 5.2.1. Number of professionals trained in SASCE programmes 900 5.2.2. Number of learners, teachers, officials, SGBs and community organisation members participating in social cohesion and gender equity programmes. 7 000 7 500 8 000 5. The target of 900 per year is informed by the capacity of each province to host these workshops, supported by the DBE. The pool of professional (adjudicators, conductors and data capturers) that are trained at professional level will then conduct similar trainings at a district level to increase the reach. 5

2018/19 APP : Programme 5 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term Targets 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 5.3 Monitor the implementation of the NSSF in 185 Hot Spot Schools by 2019/20 in order to attain safe, caring and violence-free school environments 5.3.1. Number of Hot Spot Schools monitored towards Implementation of the NSSF 47 65 81

UPDATES TO THE DBE STRATEGIC PLAN… The Department has made minor updates to the 2015/16 – 2019/20 Strategic Plan: The department has increased its priorities to focus on Rural Education for the 2018/19 financial year and the remainder of the current medium-term through improving literacy, numeracy and reading skills as well as striking a balance in curriculum, books and curricular activities to improve learner performance. The Department will be providing support to learners with intellectual disabilities through the Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities (LSPID) Grant which is planned for roll-out in the 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years. The Department has completed the process of developing of lesson plans as per the strategic plan and in the 2018/19 financial the department will focus on the monitoring of the implementation of lesson plans by teachers.

UPDATES TO THE DBE STRATEGIC PLAN The Department has made minor updates to the 2015/16 – 2019/20 Strategic Plan: The implementation of the Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative (ASIDI) has been re-continued for 2018/19 after it was set for completion in 2017/18. The strategic Objective 3.3 has been rephrased from “Administer Diagnostic Self-assessments tests to Mathematics, English First Additional Language, Physical Sciences and Accounting teachers in order to determine their content knowledge” to “To identify and determine content knowledge of teachers in Mathematics, English First Additional Language, Physical Sciences and Accounting through Diagnostic Self-Assessments”.

WORKING ON ALIGNMENT NDP Vision 2030 MTSF 5 year Sector Plan 5 year towards 2030 APPs 1 year towards MTSF Operational Plans within year detailed All with related activities, targets and indicators All working towards Quality Basic Education for All All concurrently – requires capacity, infrastructure, analysis and sufficient attention at programme level Requires alignment of policy, budgets, planning and management of activities, as well as reports with evidence Complex, negotiated settlements – tension between audit requirements and sector reporting obligations

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) findings on MTSF alignment of the APPs of PEDs and DBE

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) findings on MTSF alignment of the APP Response * Most of findings and indicators highlighted have been addressed through the developed 2018/19 Programme Performance Measures (PPMs)- pending approval by some PEDs, though others have included these in their provincial APPs Percentage of learners in schools with at least one educator with specialist training on inclusion. An MTSF aligned PPM already developed PPM 213: Percentage of learners in schools with at least one educator with specialist training on inclusion Percentage of teachers absent from a school on an average day An MTSF aligned PPM 206: teacher absenteeism rate, has already been developed. Percentage of target schools supplied with improved resource packs DBE APP indicator 2.1.1. “Number of off-line digital content packaged and distributed to provinces” - The DBE distributes the digital content packs to provinces, districts, schools and other stakeholders Proportion of NECT activities implemented (8 districts interventions on track, innovative interventions; education dialogues). NECT reporting has been strengthened to reflect the collaborative work of NECT per programme. Plans and reports of the NECT will need to be tailored per programme to enable compliance with reporting requirements per programme and quarter with evidence.

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) findings on MTSF alignment of the APP Response Impact evaluation to assess the performance of the system against developed goals The DBE monitors the use of the Standardised school administration system, SA-SAMS (Indicator 4.4.1 Percentage of public schools using the standardised school administration system, SA-SAMS for reporting) to assess its implementation Implementation evaluation with clear recommendations on quality outputs and improvements in relation to tracking learner movement, progress, performance and completion. The DBE has been monitoring the learner movement information and other learner and school data through the Learner (Indicator 4.4.2 Percentage of learners from public schools that are successfully uploaded onto LURITS. ). The DBE 2018/19 APP has indicator 4.4.2 Number of provinces monitored by DBE officials for implementation of LURITS annually

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) findings on MTSF alignment of the APP Finding (Not included in the APP) Response Proportion of principals who had signed performance agreements DBE provided PEDs with a template for recording principals who have signed job descriptions An agreement on the signing of Principals’ Performance Agreements has not been finalised by the Education Labour Relations Council. Job descriptions are currently used for reporting purposes. Proportion of principals appointed based on competency assessment processes A target on this indicator is pending discussions on its implementation have deadlocked at the Education Labour Relations Council.

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) findings on MTSF alignment of the APP Finding (Not included in the APP) Response Percentage of district managers whose competency has been assessed against criteria (developed below) There is a 2018/19 DBE APP Indicator 4.5.3. Percentage of district managers assessed against developed criteria Complete and consistent post-provisioning policy and regulations in place and proceed with implementation and monitoring 2017/18 APP Indicator 3.5.1. Number of PEDs that had their post provisioning process assessed for compliance with the post provisioning Norms and Standards Clear roles and functions for district offices and minimum competencies for district officials No DBE and PED indicator until late 2017. Collective Agreement No. 4 of 2017 has now been signed in the ELRC clarifying the job descriptions of office based educators. The a) Roles and Responsibilities and b) Recruitment and Selection Criteria for District Officials will now be used as a guide by provinces.

RESPONSE TO SPECIFIC CONCERNS RAISED BY THE PC ON 2017/18 APP INDICATORS… DBE RESPONSES Number and percentage of Funza Lushaka bursary holders placed by June of the year after qualifying There is a DBE APP Indicator 3.2.1 Number of Funza Lushaka bursaries awarded to students enrolled for initial teacher education. DBE’s function is to allocate the bursaries – PEDs place them. A PPM has been developed for PEDs to adopt. PPM 214: Number and percentage of Funza Lushaka bursary holders placed in schools within six months upon completion of studies or upon confirmation that the bursar has completed studies. Not yet approved by all PEDs. Percentage of learners who completed the whole curriculum A new MTSF aligned PPM has been developed in anticipation for inclusion in PEDs’ APPs for 2018/19 as PPM 219: Number and percentage of learners who complete the whole curriculum each year. National DBE is currently collaborating with UNICEF to develop a standardised Curriculum Coverage Solution to address this Indicator.

RESPONSE TO SPECIFIC CONCERNS RAISED BY THE PC ON 2017/18 APP INDICATORS… DBE RESPONSES Percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory In 2017/18 DBE APP, the indicator was changed from the initial indicator to: An improvement plan for district offices to improve on areas that were rated unsatisfactory by school principals during the school survey (Indicator 4.5.2). In the 2018/19 DBE APP indicator 4.5.2, the indicator has been recrafted to align to the MTSF. DBE is already working with provinces and districts to help strengthen the quality of support given to schools by districts, e.g. through the capacity building programmes, establishment of the Fundamentals of Performance (FOPs) for districts and the provision of the guideline on the district standard routines and operations. A PPM has been developed with anticipation for inclusion in the 2018/19 PED APP as PPM 107: Percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory. Not all PEDs have not yet adopted this PPM.

DPME ANALYSIS OF THE SECOND DRAFT 2018/19 APP – essentially around Grade R ISSUES IDENTIFIED DBE ACTION/ RESPONSE Percentage of Grade 1 entrants who attended Grade R that are school ready Provisionally, the indicator is not included in the 2018-19 APP. The Department has conceptualised an implementation plan on the indicator. The plan includes a small-scale field trialling of instruments in 2018 and a pilot study of the process in 2019. The first full implementation will be in 2020. During this period, the Department will provide progress reports against the MTSF indicator. The percentage of youths who obtained any FET qualification The indicator is included in both PEDs’ and DBE APPs as follows: PED Programme Performance Measure PPM 701: Percentage of learners who passed National Senior Certificate (NSC) DBE APP: 2.6.1 Number of learners obtaining subject passes towards a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or extended Senior Certificate, including upgraded NSC per year

CONCLUSION The DBE has worked in the concurrent function to ensure Outcome 1 goals are met for all, especially in terms of alignment, much work has been done on developing gap analyses and analysing APPs, MTSF and NDP as well as Action Plan. The DBE will improve efforts to achieve both short and long term goals of the education sector in collaboration with PEDs and partners. DG DBE engaging with PEDs on sector priorities, goals and targets. PC engagement with PEDs useful in enabling unitary sector approach to delivery Audit implications for standardisation of the Programme Performance Measures requires attention to comply with spirit and letter of alignment and reporting.


DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATION The Department has been allocated R22.7 billion in 2018/19, R23.6 billion in 2019/20 and R25.2 billion in 2020/21. Included in these allocation is Compensation of Employees amounting to R505 million, R543 million and R584 million over the MTEF. 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Departmental Appropriation 22 722 437 23 615 319 25 203 843 Less: Compensation of employees (504 590) (543 051) (583 779) Departmental Appropriation excluding compensation of employees 22 217 847 23 072 268 24 620 064

COMPARISON BETWEEN PROGRAMMES ALLOCATIONS FROM 2017 TO 2018 MTEF Departmental Appropriation PROGRAMME 2017/18 R’000 2018/19 Percentage Increase/ Decrease Administration 416 283 450 476 8.2% Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring 1 801 953 1 905 011 5.7% Teachers, Education Human Resource and Institutional Development 1 215 104 1 290 480 6.2% Planning, Quality Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation 13 248 303 11 971 342 (9.6%) Educational Enrichment Services 6 726 977 7 105 128 5.6% Total 23 408 620 22 722 437 (2.9%)

PROGRAMMES ALLOCATIONS OVER THE 2018 MTEF BUDGETS PROGRAMME 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Administration 450 476 483 746 514 132 Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring 1 905 011 2 010 053 2 137 917 Teachers, Education Human Resource and Institutional Development 1 290 480 1 366 210 1 442 860 Planning, Quality Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation 11 971 342 12 246 594 13 071 801 Educational Enrichment Services 7 105 128 7 508 716 8 037 133 Total 22 722 437 23 615 319 25 203 843

ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION ALLOCATIONS OVER THE 2018 MTEF BUDGETS PROGRAMME 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Employees 504 590 543 051 583 779 Goods and Services 1 875 117 1 941 997 2 022 351 Interest and Rent on Land 51 458 54 340 57 329 Transfers and Subsidies 18 953 411 19 886 743 21 690 512 Payments for Capital Assets 1 337 861 1 189 188 849 872 Total 22 722 437 23 615 319 25 203 843

COMPARISON BETWEEN ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION ALLOCATIONS FROM 2017 TO 2018 MTEF BUDGETS PROGRAMME 2017/18 R’000 2019/20 Percentage Increase/ Decrease Compensation of Employees 476 694 504 590 5.9% Goods and Services 1 921 288 1 875 117 (2.4%) Interest and Rent on Land 48 637 51 458 5.8% Transfers and Subsidies 18 502 826 18 953 411 2.45 Payments for Capital Assets 2 459 175 1 337 861 (45.65) Total 23 408 620 22 722 437 (2.9%)

DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS (R’000) OVER THE 2018 MTEF Earmarked Funds 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Workbooks 1 109 075 1 171 183 1 235 598 Examiners and Moderators 30 327 32 086 33 253 National School Nutrition Programme 5 621 5 801 6 600 Oversight-Maths, Science and Technology 1 871 1 946 1 965 Matric Second Chance Programme 65 705 95 261 100 150 Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities Conditional Grant 3 418 1 313 1 351 TOTAL: EARMARKED FUNDS 1 216 017 1 307 590 1 378 917

COMPARISON OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS (R’000) FROM 2017 TO 2018 MTEF Earmarked Funds 2017/18 R’000 2018/19 Percentage Increase/ Decrease Workbooks 1 031 229 1 109 075 7.5% Examiners and Moderators 28 637 30 327 5.9% National School Nutrition Programme 5 633 5 621 (0.2%) Oversight-Maths, Science and Technology 1 846 1 871 1.4% Matric Second Chance Programme 45 000 65 705 46.0% Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities Conditional Grant 4 600 3 418 (25.7%) TOTAL: EARMARKED FUNDS 1 116 945 1 216 017 8.9%

DETAILS OF CONDITIONAL GRANTS ALLOCATIONS/TRANSFERS (R’000) OVER THE 2018 MTEF 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant 9 917 734 10 314 159 11 466 632 HIV and Aids Conditional Grant 243 235 256 951 270 644 Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities Conditional Grant 185 471 220 785 242 864 National School Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant 6 802 079 7 185 715 7 695 901 Maths, Science and Technology Conditional Grant 370 483 391 302 413 259 TOTAL CONDITIONAL GRANTS 17 519 002 18 368 912 20 089 300

COMPARISON OF CONDITIONAL GRANTS ALLOCATIONS BETWEEN 2017 (R’000) TO 2018 MTEF 2017/18 R’000 2018/19 Percentage Increase / Decrease Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant 10 045 562 9 917 734 (1.3%) HIV and Aids Conditional Grant 245 308 243 235 (0.8%) Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities Conditional Grant 72 000 185 471 157.6% National School Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant 6 426 313 6 802 079 5.8% Maths, Science and Technology Conditional Grant 365 145 370 483 1.5% TOTAL CONDITIONAL GRANTS 17 154 328 17 519 002 2.10%

DETAILS OF TRANSFERS (R’000) OVER THE 2018 MTEF Other Transfers 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Unesco Membership Fees 15 431 16 295 17 191 ADEA 148 150 158 Guidance Counselling and Youth Development Centre: Malawi 178 186 196 Childine South Africa 65 69 73 National Education Collaboration Trust 110 984 117 210 123 657 Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality 3 295 3 480 3 671 NSFAS: Funza Lushaka Bursaries 1 159 348 1 224 271 1 291 606 Transfers to Public Entities Umalusi 128 543 135 741 143 207 ETDP SETA 417 429 453 South African Council for Educators 16 000 20 000 21 100 TOTAL TRANSFERS 1 434 409 1 517 831 1 601 312

DETAILED BREAKDOWN OF THE BUDGET OVER 2018 MTEF 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Employees 485 569 522 785 562 756 Operational budget 128 679 141 000 153 985 School Infrastructure Backlog 1 471 826 1 327 048 969 036 Office Accommodation 197 482 209 187 220 713 Departmental Projects 280 759 232 786 240 054 Earmarked funds (including CoE) 1 204 711 1 295 770 1 366 687 Transfers 1 434 409  1 517 831  1 601 312  Conditional grants  17 519 002 18 368 912  20 089 300  Total 22 722 437 23 615 319 25 203 843

REPRIORITISATION AND BUDGET APPROVED CUTS 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Total Reduction Reprioritisation from Conditional Grants: Less: Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG) (2 771 826) (2 927 048) (3 088 036) (8 786 910) Add: EIG Maintenance of Schools Infrastructure 300 000 350 000 800 000 1 450 000 Add: School Backlog Grant 2 471 826 2 577 048 2 288 036 7 336 910 Cabinet Approved Budget Cuts: Education Infrastructure Grant (1 000 000) ( 1 250 000) (1 334 000) (3 584 000) HIV and Aids Conditional Grant (16 301) (17 119) (18 500) (51 920) School Backlog Grant (1 250 000) (1 319 000) (3 569 000) Maths, Science and Technology Conditional Grant (16 000) (17 000) (17 500) (50 500) Matric Second Chance (36 295) (42 039) (44 592) (122 926) Operational Budget (1 000) (3 000) Umalusi (3 296) (3 481) (3 672) (10 449) Total Budget cuts (2 072 892) (2 580 639) (2 738 264) (7 391 795)

GENERAL BUDGET SUPPORT TO THE DEPARTMENT 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Rural Education Assistants Project 29 162 29 163 The Rural Education Assistants Project will pilot the use of education assistants in the Foundation, Intermediate and Senior phases to improve the quality of education in rural schools. The project will also research and evaluate the impact of the project. The project components are as follows: mobilising the youth in rural communities to participate in education initiatives; improving the quality of teaching and learning; supporting school-based agricultural projects; and conducting research and evaluation of the project.

RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Portfolio Committee discusses the presentation of the DBE 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan.