What is a Bully? A bully is someone who purposely tries to hurt others by: Making them feel uncomfortable Hurting them by kicking, hitting, pushing, etc… Name calling or teasing Spreading bad rumors about rumors Usually, bulling happens over and over.
Bullies can be: Boys or Girls
Why do bullies do what they do? Sometimes they think they will get what they want. Sometimes they want to impress or entertain others Sometimes they enjoy power over someone because they are being bullied by someone else. Sometimes they don’t realize they are hurting the other person.
What to do if someone is bullying you? Tell someone you trust.(Parents, Teachers, Older Friend, Principal) If the person you told cannot help you or does not do anything, find someone else! Never keep being bullied a secret. Avoid areas where the bully feels comfortable picking on you Try to surround yourself with friends and people who will stand up for you.
What to do if someone is being bullied? Get friends together to TALK to the bully. Let bullies know that bullying is not accepted in your school. Don’t cheer bully on by standing around and watching. Find someone to help stop the bullying. Be nice to, include and get to know the person being bullied. Try to make friends with the bully and help them find other ways to interact with others.
You had someone else hurt someone you don't like. Signs that you bully. Okay, time for the truth. Or at least time to consider if you have a confession to make! There's a boy or a girl (or maybe more than one) whom you've repeatedly shoved, or punched or physically pushed around in a mean way just because you felt like it. You had someone else hurt someone you don't like. You've spread a nasty rumor about someone, in conversation, in a note, or through email or instant messaging.
You and your friends have regularly kept one or more kids from hanging out or playing with you. Examples: at your lunch table at school, during sports or other activities, or activities that are a part of a club or other kind of group activity. You've teased people in a mean way, calling them names, making fun of their appearance, or the way they talk or dress or act. You've been part of a group that did any of these things - even if you only wanted to be part of the crowd.
What is Cyber Bullying? Cyberbullying is when children or teens bully each other using internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology. Text, Social Networks, Email or Instant Messaging Posting inappropriate materials about others on blogs or websites Using someone else username to spread rumors or lies about someone
Koch Cougars Take a Stand!! Lend a Hand!!! BULLYING Now!!!