Elizabeth Public Schools Harassment Intimidation and Bullying – The LAW and Our Responsibility to Report HIB. Elizabeth Public Schools
What is Harassment Intimidation & Bullying? Defined as any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic such as
Categories under which HIB is founded Race Color Religion Ancestry Sexual orientation Gender Identity and Expression Mental, Physical or Sensory Disability Or any other distinguishing characteristic
HIB In accordance with the law, any incident that substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or rights of other students A. Has the effect of physically or emotionally harming student , damaging property , placing student in fear of physical or emotional harm or damaging physical property
HIB B. Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students C. Creates a hostile educational environment by interfering with student’s education or by severely causing physical or emotional harm to student
Key Components of Bullying Imbalance of power and strength Involves an aggressive behavior Typically involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time, although it may be a single incident
Teasing V. Bullying Roles Intent Power Balance Purpose Empathy Teasing – (Normal Conflict) Bullying (Victimization) Roles Roles Vary: Negative Acts In Both Directions Non Variable Roles: Always the same target Intent No Intent to Harm : Primary Goal Not to Harm Intent to Harm: Primary purpose is to Harm Power Balance Equal Power: Playful or limited in extent bc participants equal in power Imbalance of Power: Harmful, directed @vulnerabilities, negative acts increase with Target’s Distress Purpose Maintain Relationship: Relationship valued for mutual benefit No Relationship: Seeking Power, Control or material gain as primary motive for relationship Empathy Empathy Present : Remorseful No Empathy: No remorse, Blame victim
Types of Bullying Direct Bullying Hitting, Kicking, Shoving, Spitting Taunting, Teasing, Slurs, Verbal Harassment Threatening, Obscene Gestures Indirect Bullying Getting another person to bully someone for you Spreading rumors Deliberately excluding someone from a group or activity Cyber Bullying
Direct Verbal Aggression Name Calling Demeaning Malicious Tormenting Teasing Blaming Belittling Undermining Intimidating Threatening Humiliating Criticizing Patronizing Insulting
Indirect Verbal Aggression Includes making cruel comments behind someone’s back that they are intended to overhear, making things up to get someone in trouble, spreading nasty rumors
Written Aggression Includes, letters, graffiti, and note passing
Physical Aggression Harm to another’s body, including pushing, shoving , biting, scratching, pinching, spitting at, choking, punching, kicking, tripping, picking fights, physical abuse or cruelty, physical contact or assault, assault with a weapon
Property Damage Taking, defacing, damaging or destroying personal property, stealing or extorting money, blackmailing (i.e. money, possessions)
Sexual Harassment Comments or actions of sexual nature that are unwelcome and make the recipient feel uncomfortable
Bias- Based Bullying Graffiti and gestures when based on actual or perceived factors such as Race Name Calling Ethnicity Slurs Religion Taunts/ Jokes Sex Sexual Orientation Gender Identity
Social Exclusion and Relational Aggression Manipulating and Undermining Friendships Harm to another person’s social well being (Gossip) Arranging public humiliation Deliberately Isolating or excluding from group of social activities Ostracizing/ Alienation
Cyber-Bullying Definition: Bullying with use of technology including cell phones, email, social networks ( Face Book), Sexting, Photos/ Videos Places where Cyber Bullying Occurs: You Tube, Face Book, Twitter, Instagram
The Law: Harassment Intimidation & Bullying Effective September 1, 2011 Increases accountability at the school level Provided requirements for district responses Expands definition to include a single incident Includes incidents of HIB that occur offsite “in cases in which a school employee is made aware of such actions” Provides Staff Immunity from prosecution only if steps are followed
Elizabeth Public Schools District HIB Policy Go to our district website: www.epsnj.org Click “No Bully Zone” in left column http://www.epsnj.org/pages/Elizabeth_Public_Schools/District_Programs_and_Initiati/No_Bully_Zone Click on Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying for our district policy.
Reporting Incidents All Faculty, Staff, Personnel If you witness or received reliable information that an incident of HIB has occurred you are required to notify the school building Principal on the same day the incident was witnessed or you received reliable information and explain what occurred. Within 2 school days a written report of the incident must be submitted via PowerSchool – Anti-Bullying reporting form.
PowerSchool Reporting
Power School Screen
Additional Info
Reporting Incidents Speak with School Counselor or Social Worker (Anti-Bully Specialists) so they can guide you in filling out the incident report via PowerSchool – Anti-Bullying Reporting form. Once you inform the building Principal on the same day you witnessed or received reliable information that a potential incident of HIB occurred and you then submit the written report within 2 school days you have done your due diligence in reporting a potential incident of HIB.
Investigating Reported HIB All reported incidents are then investigated by the appropriate school staff. Please ensure for student safety (alleged victim/s, alleged perpetrators) at all times.
Supervisor of Anti-Bullying/EEOC Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these reporting requirements please feel free to contact: Supervisor of Anti-Bullying/EEOC Mr. Peter Vosseler (908) 436-5317 Vosslepe@epsnj.org