Module 6 Lab: A Hypothetical Disaster Student Name: Your Name Here Capstone City: Your Capstone City Here
Map of (Your City Here) Enter citation information here.
Geographic and Geological Setting Continent and body of water forming coastline Proximity to coast Tectonic setting (proximity to and type of plate boundary – convergent, divergent, transform) Type of coastline (emergent/submerged, erosional/depositional, collision/trailing edge/marginal sea) Coastline features (lagoons, barrier islands, protective island arc, etc.) Climate (tropical, arid, temperate, polar, etc.)
Social and Economic Factors Population and population density Developed or developing nation? GDP / other economic indicators Primary industry (agriculture, commerce, tourism, manufacturing, etc.) On World Bank list? List A, List B, or both?
Disaster Scenario Type of coastal disaster (tsunami, hurricane, winter storm, etc.) Flood control measures in place (any failures?) Evacuation plan (successful/partially successful/unsuccessful) Types of construction in low-lying areas (commercial/residential/other) Subsurface construction (subways/tunnels at risk?) Who is most affected by this disaster? Where is the most financial harm done?
Ten Years After What rebuilding has been done? What new ordinances have been passed? How has the population been affected? (growth/decline) Any new flood control measures in place? Changes to or creation of an evacuation plan? Something to consider: Why might some cities be likely to make improvements, while others might simply rebuild to previous standards? Under what conditions might rebuilding be impossible or unadvisable? Considering economic and environmental factors, what is most likely for your city?
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