Case 1: Data reporting Receiver 1 Data 1 Sender Data 2 Receiver 2 Usually we’re involved to send data to more than one receiver . In some cases we have to send the same data in diffrent formats and diffrent way to serveral receivers . In addition , the receivers exchanges part of this data that’s replicated . So we lost many time to adopt structure with a poor metadata …. Receiver 2
Case 2: Data Collecting Receiver 1 Trade Data 1 Sender Data 2 Social Receiver 1 Trade Data 1 Sender Data 2 Short term In some cases , the entity who is in charge data reporting collects from several sources in many formats . So a harmonization of structure is stongly needed to be able to send data to “receivers” . Receiver 2 Census
Background issues Data being collected in multiple ways (surveys, files, web queries, metadata etc.); Data being transmitted in various formats (paper, excel, flat files etc.) Data being transmitted in various media (email, CD-ROMs, file uploads etc.); Data being stored in various places (USB, hard drive, servers, cloud etc.);
Background issues Multiple organisations collecting similar or same data; Similar concepts in wording can have a different content; Increasing burden on organisations (collection, maintenance and managing); The intensive and manual nature of data collection; Errors and inconsistencies;
Data exchange, How ? Dataset1 Sender Receiver Data Structure Let’s see what we mean by sending /reporting datasets ! So we send values , variables , codes , facts …. That’s mean we have to send data (values) and metadata . But how we can understand the structure of my data by a wide users . May I add texts to explain ? Whitch vocabulary I will adopt ?
Data exchange, How ? Standard Message Common Vocablory List of Tools Information Model Standard Message Content Oriented Guidelines Common Vocablory Based on List of Tools Through List of rule to harmonize message using Commun vocablory . To implement that we need list of tools . There’s SDMX repository of tools . Most of them are free and open source like SDMX RI IT Infrastructure for exchange and sharing
Data exchange, How ? SDMX is about changing from a multiple, diverse and complex exchange system, to a common, harmonised and standardised exchange system.
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