2016 DTSDE Surveys: Warring Elementary School School Year 2015-2016
Participation Responding Group Total Responses Parents 21 Instructional Staff 22 Elementary Students 83
Overall Level of Agreement on DTSDE Tenets Parents Overall Level of Agreement on DTSDE Tenets Answer Options: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree, Don't Know Note: This graphs shows the combined strongly agree and agree responses for all items within each tenet.
Curriculum Development and Support Parents Curriculum Development and Support
Curriculum Development and Support (Continued) Parents Curriculum Development and Support (Continued)
District Leadership and Capacity Parents District Leadership and Capacity
District Leadership and Capacity (Continued) Parents District Leadership and Capacity (Continued)
Family and Community Engagement Parents Family and Community Engagement
Family and Community Engagement (Continued) Parents Family and Community Engagement (Continued)
School Leader Practices and Decisions Parents School Leader Practices and Decisions
School Leader Practices and Decisions (Continued) Parents School Leader Practices and Decisions (Continued)
Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health Parents Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health
Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health (Continued) Parents Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health (Continued)
Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health (Continued) Parents Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health (Continued)
Teacher Practices and Decisions Parents Teacher Practices and Decisions
Teacher Practices and Decisions (Continued) Parents Teacher Practices and Decisions (Continued)
Highest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Parents Highest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Survey Item Percentage Strongly Agree or Agree (%) DTSDE Tenet My child uses technology, such as computers, projectors and tablets, at school. 95% District Leadership and Capacity Teachers are knowledgeable about the subjects they teach. 90% Teacher Practices and Decisions Students have access to computers and the Internet at school for learning. 86% School leaders encourage technology use in learning. School Leader Practices and Decisions Teachers respect students at this school. Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health
Lowest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Parents Lowest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Survey Item Percentage Strongly Disagree or Disagree (%) DTSDE Tenet The district openly communicates with families about important school changes. 43% District Leadership and Capacity I am satisfied with how well the school communicates with me. Family and Community Engagement Students do not threaten and/or bully each other. Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health My child's school is well-maintained with working air conditioning and heat, adequate lighting, and well-kept grounds. 33% There are many ways to become involved with the school.
Overall Level of Agreement on DTSDE Tenets Instructional Staff Overall Level of Agreement on DTSDE Tenets Answer Options: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree, Don't Know Note: This graphs shows the combined strongly agree and agree responses for all items within each tenet.
Curriculum Development and Support Instructional Staff Curriculum Development and Support
Curriculum Development and Support (Continued) Instructional Staff Curriculum Development and Support (Continued)
District Leadership and Capacity Instructional Staff District Leadership and Capacity
District Leadership and Capacity (Continued) Instructional Staff District Leadership and Capacity (Continued)
Family and Community Engagement Instructional Staff Family and Community Engagement
School Leader Practices and Decisions Instructional Staff School Leader Practices and Decisions
School Leader Practices and Decisions (Continued) Instructional Staff School Leader Practices and Decisions (Continued)
School Leader Practices and Decisions (Continued) Instructional Staff School Leader Practices and Decisions (Continued)
Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health Instructional Staff Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health
Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health (Continued) Instructional Staff Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health (Continued)
Teacher Practices and Decisions Instructional Staff Teacher Practices and Decisions
Teacher Practices and Decisions (Continued) Instructional Staff Teacher Practices and Decisions (Continued)
Highest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Instructional Staff Highest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Survey Item Percentage Strongly Agree or Agree (%) DTSDE Tenet Student achievement data informs school planning and decision making. 100% School Leader Practices and Decisions School leaders effectively manage teachers and staff. This school’s goals and priorities are communicated clearly and frequently. Our principal/administrator openly communicates about decisions that impact us. Teachers create and implement plans to achieve our school's goals.
Lowest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Instructional Staff Lowest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Survey Item Percentage Strongly Disagree or Disagree (%) DTSDE Tenet Routine duties and paperwork do not interfere with my teaching. 82% District Leadership and Capacity Students are on time and rarely absent from school. 77% Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health This school is well-maintained with working air conditioning and heat, adequate lighting, and well-kept grounds. 73% Materials such as textbooks, supplies and copy machines are available when I need them. 68% Students have access to computers and the Internet at school for learning. 64%
Overall Level of Agreement on DTSDE Tenets Elementary Students Overall Level of Agreement on DTSDE Tenets Answer Options: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree, Don't Know Note: This graphs shows the combined strongly agree and agree responses for all items within each tenet.
Curriculum Development and Support Elementary Students Curriculum Development and Support
Curriculum Development and Support (Continued) Elementary Students Curriculum Development and Support (Continued)
District Leadership and Capacity Elementary Students District Leadership and Capacity
Family and Community Engagement Elementary Students Family and Community Engagement
Family and Community Engagement (Continued) Elementary Students Family and Community Engagement (Continued)
School Leader Practices and Decisions Elementary Students School Leader Practices and Decisions
School Leader Practices and Decisions (Continued) Elementary Students School Leader Practices and Decisions (Continued)
Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health Elementary Students Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health
Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health (Continued) Elementary Students Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health (Continued)
Teacher Practices and Decisions Elementary Students Teacher Practices and Decisions
Teacher Practices and Decisions (Continued) Elementary Students Teacher Practices and Decisions (Continued)
Highest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Elementary Students Highest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Survey Item Percentage Strongly Agree or Agree (%) DTSDE Tenet My teacher says things in a different way if I don't understand. 87% Teacher Practices and Decisions I am safe coming to and going from school. 86% Family and Community Engagement My teacher encourages me to ask questions when I don’t understand. My teacher gives me extra help when I need it. My teacher checks that everyone understands before moving on.
Lowest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Elementary Students Lowest Ranking Indicators: Successes and Challenges Survey Item Percentage Strongly Disagree or Disagree (%) DTSDE Tenet Students do not bully each other in this school. 58% Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health At this school, students are respectful of each other. 56% In this school, students are treated fairly no matter what they look like, believe, or can do. 49% My school is clean inside and outside. 37% District Leadership and Capacity I have access to computers and the Internet to do my schoolwork. 33%