A PICTURE ID IS REQUIRED Your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have to show a PICTURE ID when checking you out of school. This is for your protection.
Enjoy School Computers and Materials Follow directions and work carefully. Keep your work space and computer labs neat and clean. Teachers monitor your work and computer activity and are eager to support your learning!
At Lettie Marshall Dent Elementary school, we are…?
Treat others the way you would like to be treated. -This includes treating others kindly and with respect even if they look differently, act differently, learn differently, or dress differently than you, just to name a few. We are all different in lots of ways and the same in lots of ways and we should celebrate our differences.
My Job as the school counselor I see students for: Individual Counseling Classroom Lessons- Academic, Career, Personal/Social Small Groups – based on needs of students
Individual counseling There are 3 ways a student is referred to me for individual counseling: 1. You can let me know that you would like to meet with me by: Leaving a note in my box outside my office OR Letting your teacher know 2. Your parent may ask me to meet with you. 3. Your teacher may ask me to meet with you.
Individual counseling Individual counseling is kept CONFIDENTIAL whenever possible. There are times when I cannot keep our meeting confidential: If a student tells me he/she is going to hurt themselves If a student threatens to hurt someone else If a student tells me they are being hurt or threatened by someone else
Counselor Lead Activities Character Counts Week, Red Ribbon Week, Bully Prevention, Random Acts of Kindness, Career Week, Mental Health Awareness Character Education Character Council – 4th and 5th grade students Meeter Greeters- 4th and 5th grade students Service Learning Projects