Guardian Care Manager
Guardian Decision making authority becomes effective upon appointment by the Court only after determination of incapacity effective when Clerk of Court issues Letters of Guardianship In New Mexico do not handle finances Certification (not required in NM)
Guardians & Care Managers serve: Adults having: Intellectual Impairment Mental Health Issues Physical Illness or Disability Chronic use of drugs/chronic intoxication Cognitively Impaired Dementia Parkinson’s disease Traumatic Brain Injury
Types of Guardians Family (Kinship) State (Office of Guardianship) Corporate (Private) Treatment Temporary Plenary
Guardian Medical/psychiatric treatment decision maker Liaison with medical professionals Health care advocacy Selecting home care and living arrangements Honor the wishes of individuals served
Guardians & Care Managers assist In navigating the health care system In making the home safe so you can maintain independence By providing access to community services Coordinating post-hospitalization care In-home assessments
Care Managers & Guardians assist Referrals to appropriate services Help avoid unnecessary nursing home placement Pet arrangements if the person is hospitalized or in an assisted living Increase and maintain quality of life
Types of Care Managers Hospital Case/Care Managers Home Care Agency Care Managers Private/corporate Care Managers
Care Manager Consultation/recommendations to the decision maker (Person being assisted/POA/Guardian) Certification (not required in NM)
Differences between a Guardian and Care Manager Guardian – final decision making authority and has been court appointed Care Manager – makes recommendations but does not have legal authority to make medical/psychiatric/residential decisions (can be but is not usually court ordered)
Certifications Available National Certification for Guardians Center for Guardianship Certification National Certification for Care Managers National Academy of Certified Care Managers National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers (others for nursing case managers)
Recommendations Create a Living Will containing Advanced Directives appointing Health Care and Financial Powers of Attorney
Resources NM Office of Guardianship Aging and Long Term Services Resource Center Alzheimer’s Association NMGA NGA NACCM NAPGCM